Nokia E71

Nokia E71

User opinions and reviews

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  • d
  • dzole
  • 04M
  • 20 May 2009

CAn nokia E71 work with Windows mobile softwere

    • W
    • WaLdZ
    • wr2
    • 20 May 2009

    Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970N82 : entertainment needs(music, games, camera, etc) candy-bar style
    E71 : business needs great, QWERTY keyboard, stainless steel finish,
    push email like heaven..

      • B
      • Bobby
      • PxK
      • 20 May 2009

      Anonymous, 19 May 2009can this phone watch youtube? someone told me that this pho... moreu can watch Yoy tube as im also watching the same fron last 6 months.

        • H
        • Haris
        • PxK
        • 20 May 2009

        Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970E71 best allrouder

          • A
          • Angelic Dude
          • RbH
          • 20 May 2009

          Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970E71 is much better then N79..
          Dont waste ur money on N79, E71 would be a dud choice...

            • s
            • syed
            • 2SP
            • 19 May 2009

            This mobile is good to use and totally user friendly.
            i have one problem i am unable to use the question mark and exclamatory mark key on the key pad.
            pls giv ur suggestions and pls mail me AT

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • TLF
              • 19 May 2009

              can this phone watch youtube? someone told me that this phone can't stream videos?

                • s
                • savant011
                • jIq
                • 19 May 2009

                Princenbo, 15 May 2009I have had this phone for over one year. Everything works g... moreI had similar problem. They said my phone had condensation on the inside and was corroded. Any others with this problem?

                  • j
                  • joe argentina
                  • PHc
                  • 19 May 2009

                  Hello, is possible to use with these telephone. Thanks (

                    • K
                    • Ketan Kinikar
                    • RKi
                    • 19 May 2009

                    Hi, Can anyone tell me which would be the best E-Mail client for Nokia e71... I've tried Emoze, Nokia Messaging... Emoze works fine bur Nokia E-Mail still being in Beta is giving me a lot of problems...

                    Your suggestions will be well appreciated.

                      • m
                      • muru
                      • PA8
                      • 19 May 2009

                      I had discovered the Auto-Focus function for camera which located on num 2 keypad on this phone and its really works. :)

                        • V
                        • VHD
                        • TH%
                        • 19 May 2009

                        As a preface to my review, I am a fan of smartphones of the Windows Mobile variety, and have owned some extremely different phones before this own. For example, my last phone was an HTC Touch Pro.

                        But by some stroke of luck, I came to own this phone, and to my own shock, I am amazingly happy with it.

                        To begin, the first thing I want to compliment this phone on is screen readability/clarity. Doing anything which required a good screen and clarity on this phone was amazingly pleasant. Coming from a phone which had a larger screen and a much better resolution, one would think that this would be an enormous issue for me, but it wasn't.

                        Web browsing on the E71 was a joy and was often very user friendly. The text was clear and very readability; very websites presented a visual problem for me. Reading documents was also very, very nice. In fact, I think the only think the E71 didn't do well was in reading PDFs, but it is possible that the issue is due more to the software (Adobe Reader) than the actual phone.

                        The second thing I want to speak about is the multimedia capability of this phone: It blows all the previous phones I have out of the water. It seems almost silly to say considering the E71 is a multimedia phone whereas I had owned business-class phones before. Nonetheless, I still felt the need to say it.

                        The E71's speaker placement (on the top of the phone) is perfect, but what makes the phone's multimedia truly special is the sheer quality. Playing music on the phone was fantastic; I played multiple songs I'm familiar with and the clarity they had were excellent. On my previous phones, I either couldn't or had a very difficult time listening to the details in songs, but I had no issue with it on the E71. It was able to play songs at a very high quality.

                        Additionally, I have tested various videos on the E71, and I'm also happy to report that it also seems very, very good. Lag is either non-existent or very minimal. The most major thing about this? Full, large videos play without lag too; something that I'm generally very unfamiliar with. Quality could be a bit better, but nonetheless, I'm in love.

                        Now, I compliment the E71 a lot, but it is not without its faults. For one thing, as a Windows Mobile fan, I'm someone who likes to have the ability to customize his phone from the top all the way to the bottom. I suppose for most, it wouldn't be an issue, but to me personally, I think that it is a bit of a downfall.

                        WM has such an enormous selection of software, support, and such customizability that losing all of it was definitely a big disadvantage when going to the E71, which, of course, uses Symbian OS. Symbian OS does, at least from my perspective, appear to be more efficient, and more stable, but overall, it does not outweigh the loss. I'm just glad Symbian enjoys just good support from mainstream developers.

                        Additionally, aside from what I said above, there is something else I dislike about the Nokia E71. See, I am the kind of guy who likes to have phones with a QWERTY keyboard. The E71 has that, but it's the kind of keyboard designed to be used with the thumb on the hand you hold the phone with. Unfortunately, I happen to like the QWERTY keybords which allow you to type with both thumbs. It's not a big complaint, but a noticeable one.

                        Regardless, what is my recommendation for the phone? I would say it is an extremely good phone.

                        The web browsing/reading experience is great, multimedia capability is awesome, the camera is pretty decent, and aside from a few small faults (which is dependent upon person), there is really nothing wrong with the phone as far as I can see. If one is one the market, one can do a lot worse than the E71.

                        From my perspective, this phone is absolutely a blast to use.

                          • J
                          • Jeff
                          • PSv
                          • 19 May 2009

                          Anonymous, 13 May 2009Hi..thanks for your advice. after reading the article, i ju...

                            • J
                            • Jeff
                            • PSv
                            • 19 May 2009

                            akiko, 16 May 2009hi.. pls. help me i cant download themes its certification ... moreExpired certificate error!
                            This is one of the most common problems that you might encounter when trying to install a theme on your Nokia S60 3rd edition powered mobile phone. Usually this problem is solved very easily. When your phone gives the "Expired certificate" error just click ok and change the system time of your phone to one year in the past for example 2007. Then try installing the theme again and if this time you get the "Expired certificate error" again well try changing the year to 2006 (very unlikely), but if this doesn't help... well you are just not meant to install this theme.

                            Certificate error. Contact the application supplier!
                            If you have tried to install an application or a theme but instead been greeted by the above “Certificate error. Contact the application supplier” message, this is how you solve the problem. Find the application manager on your phone "App. Mgr." usually located in "Settings" or "Tools". Open it, select “Option” then “Configuration” or "Settings" depending on what version you have. Then under "Software installation" change the "Signed only" to "All" and you are done.

                              • a
                              • adduboy
                              • ib6
                              • 19 May 2009

                              Anonymous, 18 May 2009True the quality of the camera is not ideal. The backlight ... moreHey, thanks for highlighting it to me..wasn't aware of it. I think E55 would be great since I never actually wanted a full qwerty keypad, I was only picking it over the E66 because of its battery life and I don't like a slide phone. But with this I think it covers everything I want...I believe its not out yet but now I think I'm willing to wait just a little more ;)

                                • s
                                • senoq
                                • PS6
                                • 18 May 2009

                                i been using e71 since july 2008..its been great than any other phone that i ever had..internet are just a breeze..eventhough the button are small, i do have big fingers but i dont find it trouble me at all bcause after a while u will get use to it.. its far more better than blacberry storm and bold... faster internet connection.. i been using it as my modem to my no need to carry xtra portable modem..i can access internet anywhere i want...

                                  • f
                                  • fais
                                  • nTT
                                  • 18 May 2009

                                  Mo, 18 May 2009Is there another color other than the grey one?it comes in white and black as well as gray.

                                  I think the buttons are hard to read in gray and black.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • u{E
                                    • 18 May 2009

                                    Binu Prasad, 17 May 2009I just bought E71 two days back. Nice phone. But today whil... moreI think your set may be faulty. If its within the exchange period, just bring back to the shop u bought & change a new set. In my opinion, Eseries phones are definitely better than Nseries, in terms of function for business use & system stability.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • u{E
                                      • 18 May 2009

                                      adduboy, 18 May 2009I've read several reviews on the net and I think it would b... moreTrue the quality of the camera is not ideal. The backlight is comfortable to the eyes in dark places. But this model has been in the market for so long. Why don't u consider E55 instead? It has a higher speed processor.

                                        • G
                                        • GREDY
                                        • t7E
                                        • 18 May 2009

                                        Hi Guys! If It's ok to download a Blue J n java,
                                        With regards to n71,could this be compatible.