Nokia E71
- O
- Original_Jamaican
- kiQ
- 22 Mar 2009
e71 or e63, 22 Mar 2009i read comments of e63, it says that it can even read the m... moreYes the E71 can read messages aloud. So can the E51 and the E61i and more E series I'm sure.
- O
- Original_Jamaican
- kiQ
- 22 Mar 2009
Anonymous, 21 Mar 2009the main problem of this fone is that it doesnt have any pr... moreGood one...the only problem is that there's no problem (smile).
- O
- Original_Jamaican
- kiQ
- 22 Mar 2009
Skv, 21 Mar 2009You realize that going by the IMEI, even "Finnish" Nokias a... moreIn checking the IMEIs for my Nokia phones which states they were manufactured in European countries...the 7th and 8th digits all said 01 respectively.
Regardless, I have used Nokias made in other countries, Brazil being one of them and I am yet to see quality issues. Nokia offcial centres conform to a certain standard and it is inspected and tested vigorously before going on the market. So apart from the noticeable screen brightness and picture quality / picture colour differences (where colour screen Nokias are concerned) there's no serious quality issues otherwise...for example reception and reliability operation.
- v
- virus23
- P@c
- 22 Mar 2009
Anonymous, 21 Mar 2009Its rubbish top company certifies its origin Made in Finlan... moreyour so true you some thing for a you to enjoy yet you are not
- G
- Gihan
- w9K
- 22 Mar 2009
How is the mp3 sound quality when u listen from quality headphones like sennheiser cx300. how does it compare to w960 of sony ericsson
- A
- Anand
- 2TH
- 22 Mar 2009
how to store contact and sms onto the memory card? Can it be done directly without first getting it to the phone memory?
- P
- Piltox
- Uqb
- 22 Mar 2009
i replaced the fone which had prblems....this new one is working perfect...nuthing come up as of yet...
i love this fone :)
true this fone has problems...u need to be lucky to get the right one wthout problems :P
- k
- kriviras
- n3s
- 22 Mar 2009
This is the best phone :)
- j
- jaideep
- TRb
- 22 Mar 2009
i bought this phone before pne month. i can confidently tell u,anytime u prefer this phone.First its regarding battery life, its just amazing.Im very much happy with this phone.Very good Nokia keep it up.Nice Nice Nice phone guys.
- ?
- Anonymous
- N7U
- 22 Mar 2009
does it charge when connectes to a computer via a usb cable ??
thx in advance
- e
- e71 or e63
- 0BT
- 22 Mar 2009
i read comments of e63, it says that it can even read the messages. can this phone do the same??
- e
- e71 or e63
- 0BT
- 22 Mar 2009
man i just loved this phone and was planning to buy this. but little afraid now after seeing the comments abt the bugs... what to do,confused!!
- c
- cituandu007
- 0Uc
- 22 Mar 2009
i wanna buy this phone , i have a 2g iphone and i think that this nokia is better in every way .. can anybody tell me why not to buy it? please i need an answer (my yahoo messenger id is cituandu007)
- D
- Dor Dor
- Ui$
- 22 Mar 2009
This is a very good phone I ever have before, when you play with all function, you will love to use it, can on wifi anytime when you have a net work, easy to check email and even can chat on line, GOOD.....
- ?
- Anonymous
- vpd
- 22 Mar 2009
which is louder in terms of the built-in speaker? e71 or e63?
- P
- Pilotx
- Uqb
- 22 Mar 2009
18 hours after i bought the fone :
on opening nokia maps, fone hangs
multi task doesnt work..
vibrate doesnt work!!
fone hung on one call...
im going to return it today for another piece , very dissapointed
mumbai, india
- ?
- Anonymous
- ji{
- 22 Mar 2009
Battery life in this cellphone is just amazing!
- ?
- Anonymous
- NL9
- 22 Mar 2009
viz, 22 Mar 2009yes, you can. Select from
- v
- viz
- 2S$
- 22 Mar 2009
ntodeni, 21 Mar 2009its a very nice phone, but i wont advice anyone to spend hi... morewhich soft / mail r u using?
- v
- viz
- 2S$
- 22 Mar 2009
teck, 22 Mar 2009hi Viz, can tell me how to turn on dictonary during messaging?yes, you can. Select from options.