Nokia E71
- A
- Akhilis
- U2c
- 11 Mar 2009
Hi guys,
I have bought this phone yesterday....but i am loving it...its pretty user friendly...i have some queries abt the phone as stil i havent used it much..
1. I have added abt 200 songs, one video and some images in memory card. I have placed the songs in a folder sound->digital sounds. But when i go to gallery to check them, i could not find them..I am able to see video n images in gallery..Can anyone tell me whats the issue in this??
2. I tried to surf through Wi-Fi, but all the time i get an error message saying "No gateway found"...Pls guide me what should i do in this case if anyone has already faced this problem...
3. It is taking too much time in refreshing the Song Play it normal??
Thanks in advance....!!!!
- k
- krsbay
- qJC
- 11 Mar 2009
When ever I open the map application my phone freeze, does anyone know what could be the problem?
- y
- ylli
- kAC
- 11 Mar 2009
im using this phone now. i dont see any problem with my phone. it's really great and looks so professional.
i love nokia E71
- f
- farhad
- SuA
- 11 Mar 2009
i have an important question
i bought this sexy smart phone 4 about a mount, when i check the last update 4 it , nokia says that software version 200 released but when i inter my phone code it says that sorry no new version , i think its because of my operator(vivo) is this so ?
what can i do ?
and a question about battery , its very very very very weak i have only 7 hours a day
but in gsmarena review they told great battery life?????
- a
- audemar
- 3Ia
- 11 Mar 2009
one question, is there a setting so that i can't get calls from a certain number...something like an ignor list
thank you in advance
- O
- Original_Jamaican
- ka8
- 10 Mar 2009
RDX, 08 Mar 2009Answer 1:- make folders in your computer first as you want ... moreRDX in your reply to KIMI RAIKKONEN you are wrong about at least 2 of the 3 questions.
1. You CAN get an emoticon software but it's a premium software from Nokia so you have to pay for it.
It can be found in the DOWNLOAD tool in the phone's menu.
2. Secondly you can get larger photos for the PHOTOCALL feature. BEST-FULL-SCREEN caller is one of the most popular applications for this purpose.
- O
- Original_Jamaican
- ka8
- 10 Mar 2009
Giraffe, 07 Mar 2009Hi, i just bought E71. i would like to know how to turn off... moreGIRAFFE,
If your phone has a European product code then changing it to a Latin American product code should fix the problem.
I won't debate on that any further as it's considered to be illegal and you are modifying your phone which will void your warranty.
- M
- LxF
- 10 Mar 2009
oh!!!!!!!!1my god i really admire this phone the spec are great i am surely getting one
- r
- rajinder singh
- vG1
- 10 Mar 2009
hey friends can some one help me I am not able to change messaging memory from phone memory to memory card on my e71 and it also freezes 3 to 4 times in a day ,do some one has same problem or a solution for same.
- d
- dick H
- vx6
- 10 Mar 2009
Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970This phone cost around P 22T and is not touch screen.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Sns
- 10 Mar 2009
michael, 10 Mar 2009anyone having issues with dust getting behind the screen ? ... moreyeah, and its getting worse, right above the centre select key mainly
- G
- GalLovesGadgets
- uT%
- 10 Mar 2009
Anonymous, 06 Mar 2009nice phone but too bad, call list too limited compare with ... morewhy would you want more than 20 call list?
If its beyond that no. limit, would it be people you havent dialled or called in a couple of days?
- a
- ajeet jain
- utm
- 10 Mar 2009
i wanna can we copy mpeg videos file in memory
- S
- Shweta
- 10 Mar 2009
richard, 10 Mar 2009i'm satisfied with this superb phone but i have question ho... moreEven I wanted to know how to selectively copy content from email & store locally on device.
I dont think so that quiet possible..
If yes, please guide...
- A
- Ali Amin
- 0vT
- 10 Mar 2009
Anonymous, 09 Mar 2009hey when i update the software with pc suite i lose data or... morehi.....if you wanna update your cellphone, you lose all the things you have on your phone memory... remember.just update it with PC SUIT. you can take a backup from all the data you have on your cellphone with the latest version of nokia pc suit app
- O
- Ovidiu Patrut
- 33I
- 10 Mar 2009
michael, 10 Mar 2009anyone having issues with dust getting behind the screen ? ... moreyep. I do. but I think its rather complicated to open it :)
- O
- Ovidiu Patrut
- 33I
- 10 Mar 2009
Did any of you experienced problems with the date function? I own 2 phones like this and, basically every monday morning when I switched them on the date is not monday, but friday, sunday... why?! I updated them, tehy work fine 99% of the time (they tend to crash once in a while after I hang up, but I got used to that). please reply...
- D
- Dolly
- 2@f
- 10 Mar 2009
Does any one know how to turn off the camera sound?
Please help.
- m
- michael
- PPh
- 10 Mar 2009
richard, 10 Mar 2009i'm satisfied with this superb phone but i have question ho... morehold the function ket and the copy button should appear on the left soft top key.
- r
- richard
- PS6
- 10 Mar 2009
i'm satisfied with this superb phone but i have question hope somebody outside can help me. to copy an article from then net browsed and pasted it into new document.
i've tried many time but still can't compared to my last nokia 9300i,that gadjet can do the task easily