Nokia Lumia 920
- D
- AnonD-53316
- vGT
- 21 Feb 2013
AnonD-102477, 21 Feb 2013Well, at the first day i bought lumia 920. I had this probl... moreProximity Sensor issue, there are many causes and solutions stated on net:Hell lot of solutions by Lumia Users
1. Remove/Screen Guard, clean the the sensor area.
2. Blow Air from your mouth near the earpiece.
3. Using compressed Air Can
4. On/off and restart the front camera
5. Uninstalling Skype and restarting the phone.
7. Soft Reset
8. Hard Reset
And if any of the solution does not remove your black screen while calling, take it to NOKIA SERVICE CENTER.
- G
- Gloomia
- 21 Feb 2013
From the day since phone was launched and some people bought it, I've been reading the comments like "its fabulous, its fantastic, its the best phone on the planet, it the greatest innovation ever made, everybody is in love" etc. etc. So as a phone enthusiast, I decided to give it a try. I bought the phone and after around 2 month of usage, I had an interesting conversation with the phone. Here it goes:
Me: Dear Lumia 920, you have great executive looks, build quality, solid body and design.
L920: Thank you dear user.
Me: By the way, I was surfing the web and accidentally press the BACK button. Is there any FORWARD button so that I can go back to my page?
L920: Sorry dear user, there is no forward button
Me: OK, I am on a page and there is a link. I want to open it in background so I can read it later.
L920: Sorry dear, there is no option to open links in background.
Me: Oh, my friend just sent me a link of a website with good songs and videos. I am so excited to download them.
L920: Sorry dear, browser will not allow you to download multimedia from sites. It will only attempt to play them directly.
Me: So is there any other browser in store?
L920: Wait dear wait. It is just 5 months since my launch. Apps are being added. Hold your breath until any other browser comes in store.
Me: I have some contacts with multiple number and I want to edit them. But it shows every number within a contact as hotmail.
L920: Right, that's destiny. You will have to choose between HOTMAIL and HOTMAIL.
Me: Ok, then please allow me to sync my contacts with Outlook or any other software.
L920: Sorry, to sync your contacts, first sync them with online hotmail / live account, then you can download from there.
Me: Dear phone, in every app and settings, your title text is too much big wasting significant part of screen. I want to reduce it to allow more contents.
L920: No dear, this is my charm. My way or highway. You have to sacrifice the contents and see my huge title fonts.
Me: Dear, I am heavy user on the go. I cannot have a charger all the time so I want to know the battery status all the time. Also, I move around the building and I want to know network strength all the time. Where are your indicators.
L920: Sorry dear, indicators are hidden. every time you want to know these things, you have to touch the top of screen.
Me: Dear I couldn't see tweets in official twitter tile. It is just a dead tile. Oh wait, I understand this is third party, but what about Skype? You have MS windows and Skype is also from MS. But I can't see msgs or when someone comes online or offline in Skype "live" tile.
L920: Shhhh.. Those are live tiles. But I am not bound to make everything live.
Me: Oh, my baby is so cute. She is making adorable sounds. I want to record them. Is there any native sound recorder in you?
L920: Sorry my friend. Please look into store for some sound recorders.
Me: You know, I was playing my fav. game and my brother asked me to lower the volume. I did so. But I couldn't hear the ring of next call. And oh, I increased the ringer volume and the next video I played was with full sound. What does it mean?
L920: Dear, the volume control is unified. If you lower the volume in game with volume keys, it will automatically lower your ringtone also. And if your ringtone is set to high, next time you open the game and you will annoy your brother again with full volume. Same is the case with audio video playback.
Me: I can't see equalizer in music player.
Lumia 920: So you need equalizer? Every time you need it, go to settings. I don't like it inside music player.
Me: And where is that file?
L920: Which file? I dont have any file manager.
Me: Sighhhh.... dear you are so innovative.
L920: Yes, there are many more things. But I am afraid the space is not much to describe them.
Me: Ok friend. See you.
L920: Ok bye bye.
- D
- AnonD-102477
- 6{a
- 21 Feb 2013
Well, at the first day i bought lumia 920. I had this problem too.. But later i found out it is because the screen protector is blocking the sensor and after i removed the screen protector. Everything back to normal. I hope this can solved ur problem too
- a
- apple guy
- 0Cj
- 21 Feb 2013
I used Nokia Lumia for 25 days--simple its awesome,i used before all mobile .my last one is iphone 4s 16gb i replace it because its dont have enough space and i bought ipod touch 5g, over all gaming experiance is awesome in my ipod ,but for mobile these lumia killing all others..this is totaly different..i compare the S3 camera and lumia 920..fact is both are gud but lumia giving me natural colour.little frustration is lack of apps..i guess soon we can get all apps in a days im not suffer with apps,because i have all necessary apps in my ipod 5g-final words for mobile use its simply awesome and innovation--headup 2 nokia
- ?
- Anonymous
- 21 Feb 2013
Riaz, 19 Feb 2013lumia 920 is really costly, especially in the gulf countrie... moreGet a life man. Lumia was launched in Gulf with same price at which SGS3 was launched. And iPhone was much much higher. I am travelling around gulf and I bought all three from there.
- D
- AnonD-100588
- uvj
- 21 Feb 2013
Dietician, 03 Sep 2012...but for diabetic patients
Doctors always advised to av... moreNice joke.
Samsung has got highest success in android,and lowest in wp,that is,ativ.
Nice joke btw.
- D
- AnonD-100588
- uvm
- 21 Feb 2013
AnonD-84946, 16 Feb 2013Message to all Samsung and android lovers..please quit this... more'android is a crap os' just tell the people not to talk bs.And stop it urself.
- D
- AnonD-100588
- uvm
- 21 Feb 2013
AnonD-32581, 17 Feb 2013I find there are more and more new apps in the store,,,, an... moreIos, android & wp all have shitty apps,but currently ios has the best,android has many of the best.So s#!t apps dont really matters.
- D
- AnonD-100588
- uvm
- 21 Feb 2013
AnonD-32581, 17 Feb 2013I find there are more and more new apps in the store,,,, an... moreYeah..many shitty apps And some of the BEST apps.
- A
- vwH
- 21 Feb 2013
AnonD-1748, 20 Feb 2013Hi anybody suffers the same problem as i do? Everytime i ma... moreWhat is the exact problem. do you see "End Call" key or is the screen blank.
- D
- AnonD-53316
- vGT
- 21 Feb 2013
So on the 12th day of my replaced Lumia 920, it is again deposited at Service Centre, for the proximity sensor issue. Everything is superb awesome in this phone but a small issue is making it difficult to use it. Strange why Nokia is not trying to rectify it. Another one week waiting :-((
- M
- Mani
- rJ$
- 21 Feb 2013
Hi everyone . I got This Phone 2 days back , overall. Experience Is good.
i have a problem. To connect to store even after containing Windows Account . Its showing an error to set up my family. In Windows But there's
no option. There plz help to download apps
- D
- AnonD-53316
- vGS
- 21 Feb 2013
AnonD-1748, 20 Feb 2013Hi anybody suffers the same problem as i do? Everytime i ma... moreIt's the proximity sensor issue with Lumia 920, the screen goes black as soon as you dial the number and even if you press the power button twice it will blink for a fraction of a second. You can search the net, it is full of this issue. My first set was replaced due to this issue and the second one is also showing the same issue now. Didn't expected to this from Nokia school flagship device.
- D
- AnonD-115477
- PB7
- 21 Feb 2013
Hi All,
I purchased a new Nokia Lumia 920 recently(Red).
My First Windows Phone
Love the Phone. Its looks and feel.
However facing a problem here...
Wanted to know how could i get the downloaded files.
Which were sent by others via Bluetooth.
The files seems to be saved but not able to retrieve them/locate them :(
And also guys please suggest some Apps that support Lumia 920 that search and saves the mp3/mp4 files.
- z
- zam
- tu2
- 21 Feb 2013
- J
- Jack
- t7T
- 21 Feb 2013
AnonD-1748, 20 Feb 2013Hi anybody suffers the same problem as i do? Everytime i ma... moreOh Thank you now i know that i am not alone. I have the same problem buddy.
- S
- Shubham Tiwari
- 9xf
- 21 Feb 2013
This is very smart look .............handset.
All nokia users wanna use it........
Thanks.............congratulations for this success......
- S
- Shubham Tiwari
- 9xf
- 21 Feb 2013
This is very smart look .............handset.
All nokia users wanna use it........
Thanks.............congratulations for this success......
- D
- AnonD-70078
- m5f
- 20 Feb 2013
Rohit, 20 Feb 2013Hey guys, my office colleague brought lumia 920 2 weeks bef... moreAll i can tell you is Nokia devices have 2 year warranty. Check out your network first but. Make sure network coverage is not the reason.
- D
- AnonD-1748
- 3Eb
- 20 Feb 2013
Hi anybody suffers the same problem as i do? Everytime i make call I cannot end the call i have to wait for the called person to end to function again.