Nokia Lumia 920
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0C4
- 07 Sep 2012
Love this phone but seems too heavy and no external memory card. I have the lumia 900 and it is great. I will be switching to the lumia 820 not the lumia 920 for those reasons. Regardless I salute Nokia for making beautiful looking phones and windows for providing a more superior software to ios and android.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0}$
- 07 Sep 2012
AnonD-54342, 07 Sep 2012wtf is this design thats the same as lumia 800 , 900 and n9 yes, almost!
- ?
- Anonymous
- mD6
- 07 Sep 2012
If it was with built in it symbian or Meego...imaging how hundreds of milions would be sold in few forthis winmo phone is like having robot on your pocket while someone else is keepin you throw that phone on research just like with ios!
- D
- AnonD-54342
- fkM
- 07 Sep 2012
wtf is this design thats the same as lumia 800 , 900 and n9
- D
- AnonD-50083
- a0k
- 06 Sep 2012
nicholas, 06 Sep 2012you are right they are doing just as apple did. no memory c... moreAnd how do you know there won't be file sharing?
- R
- RodriTihuana
- Kky
- 06 Sep 2012
AnonD-18125, 06 Sep 2012No FM Radio. No microSD slot. Only 8MP Camera. Only 32GB ma... moreDual Core Krait has proven to be equal or faster than quad core old A9 (galaxy s3). Windowsphone is snappier than android, this should make for a very very smooth experience. 32gb max is perfectly fine, android devices like the nexus 7 pack less while being a tablet lol. 8mp is more than enought, it's the optics quality what matters any photographer will tell you that. Awesome phone!
- k
- kriegsherr
- 0j8
- 06 Sep 2012
i am so frustrated to see that many people are talking about the camera only. come on guys, a smartphone is not invented to help you in taking good pictures.a good OS is the most important thing. i think that most of us smartphone users will be happy to get a better than average camera in their phone but the best OS. though some says that android is designed like ios but it's giving the best smartphone experience for now. i am using android for many days. started with eclair, then froyo and GB and now ICS. i like the customization options. its the best part there. IOS has there own better side. i would be glad to see if WP8 can give me something more. obviously i will switch then.
for fanboys, please dont be blind. though Nokia has innovated some new stuffs, still there is a long way to go. good luck until then.
- n
- neyze
- Kht
- 06 Sep 2012
i honestly believe this phone's a breakthrough.. this is what samsung did with its galaxy s2. made a phone with features not found elsewhere. and to me, windows phone OS looks more lively and fun to interact with compared to android and iOS. and to those who have already decided this phone's a flop, please get a life.. there are much better things to do outside in the world..
- e
- epolaris
- LxG
- 06 Sep 2012
I would have been the first to admit the complete and utter folly of choosing Windows Phone 7 over Meego (hated Nokia for that). But I have to admit, Windows Phone 8 is looking quite promsing. Its clearly much more mature and they are working at adding the technical depth that it so sorely lacked previously. In its current state it certainly beats the crap out of any version of iOS in existence and it certainly has the emerging potential to actually rival Android (in the not too distant future).
Its still a little weak technically but its definitely getting there. I would say that Windows Phone is worth investing your time in now. And I hope it does better in the future (and it probably will).
The phone looks and performs excellently by the way..
- D
- AnonD-49304
- 06 Sep 2012
nicholas, 06 Sep 2012you are right they are doing just as apple did. no memory c... moreFor memmory card slot nokia havw to change the full design of phone....
- g
- goran,srb
- 3@4
- 06 Sep 2012
- 6
- 603090569
- 32{
- 06 Sep 2012
Amazing looking phone. As a Lumia 800 owner I cant wait to early upgrade to this new handset. Amazing camera, colours, storage and charging...
- T
- TDMaster
- muG
- 06 Sep 2012
Nice Specs and Nice design
- s
- sono
- nxM
- 06 Sep 2012
AnonD-18125, 06 Sep 2012No FM Radio. No microSD slot. Only 8MP Camera. Only 32GB ma... morewrong all windows phone 8 will have NFC and bluetooth transfer
- n
- nicholas
- Rd6
- 06 Sep 2012
AnonD-18125, 06 Sep 2012No FM Radio. No microSD slot. Only 8MP Camera. Only 32GB ma... moreyou are right they are doing just as apple did. no memory card slot no music/file sharing and after you buy the phone you have to buy everything esle to actually use it
- d
- dharmendrakaji
- t@J
- 06 Sep 2012
cant nokia put n8 camera and flashhhhhhhh } for flashygame hehe:)
- ?
- Anonymous
- vMe
- 06 Sep 2012
AnonD-70228, 06 Sep 2012Nice mobile better than galaxy s3 see this
video http:/... morelol the video comparing the lumia 920 low light photos against the s3 right??? the lumia photos were set up with extra set lighting hence all the negative press nokia's getting at the moment..
that the video your talking about??? lol!!
- D
- AnonD-70236
- KxB
- 06 Sep 2012
i heard some misleading here about this phone.
so i'll make it clear;
not like windows in pc, windows phone has fewer market share, so it's useless for hacker to make a malware or virus in this phone, hacker only targeting os that many people using it, like android, ios or windows for pc.
this phone support flash and as the time being, flash will be leaving behind with html5 technology in which will support full flash content(this phone support html5).
and the very important thing is, nokia is always the best in term of quality of it's product, not like any other companies (except htc).
- D
- AnonD-478
- utS
- 06 Sep 2012
I dont know why there is so much antagonism agianst nokia. they have brought to the table some serious inovations and people say, still there is something missing. And the bigger camera sensor saga is crap, cause everyone wants a slim phone, and say if lumia 920 had a huge 21mp sensor or what ever, the phone would have been huge. And people will be crowing about the size and weight. 'Remember samething happened with the 808, now people are praising the 808 so they can banter the lumia 920. Come on appreciate some thing amazing. It has one of the the best displays (Pure motion HD) with 332 ppi making it one of the best beating the iphone retina display, A pretty awsome innovation in camera technology with floating lense, curved glass, clear black technology (refined), scratch resistant unibody, wireless charging, better sensitive touch screen. And people are complaning!, "there is'nt enough innovation''. Common guys be logical and reasonable.
Nice job Nokia!!!
- D
- AnonD-64218
- utS
- 06 Sep 2012
when phone is there in the market we ourselves will check the image quality and compare it with other phones ....what's there to fight about guys....just get a life