Nokia N78
- a
- anoop
- 2Z3
- 08 Mar 2009
The most useless phone from Nokia specialy the key pad. The answer key works only once in 10 attempts.
- ?
- Anonymous
- uNV
- 08 Mar 2009
n78 is way better than evey field n78 wins.ihave used n79 4 2days.oh my god horrible???????????????
- A
- Ackom
- ib4
- 08 Mar 2009
Anonymous, 08 Mar 2009I own an N78 I checked it the screen does not rotates....yeah, it does not have it but its still a great low cost all-in-one phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- N%R
- 08 Mar 2009
I own an N78 I checked it the screen does not rotates....
- R
- Rayhan
- uNW
- 07 Mar 2009
Great Great Phone...........with every thing u would like to be in a mobile
- H
- HaVoCZ
- P%%
- 07 Mar 2009
N78 pic quality iz betr dan me...:)
- j
- juzz
- P@c
- 07 Mar 2009
Anonymous, 06 Mar 2009N78 by fartanx i'm just curious hehe :)
- j
- juzz
- P@c
- 07 Mar 2009
N78 Fan, 06 Mar 2009N78 has the best camera in its class trust me .. some of th... morereally ?? but why i saw some pics
from they compare N73 from N78
n73 got so nice light in the dark
while n78 WAS not good as N73 was that true ???
or maybe they just edit it ??? i think so :0
- N
- N78 Fan
- mj{
- 06 Mar 2009
Anonymous, 06 Mar 2009N78 by farN78 has the best camera in its class trust me .. some of the pics have even put a shame on the sony dsc w200 7.1 mega pixie camera.
- s
- santus24
- 0kI
- 06 Mar 2009
juzz, 06 Mar 2009which is best in camera N78 or N73?? PLZ. answer me :)of course N78 camera is much much better than N73
- ?
- Anonymous
- fs1
- 06 Mar 2009
juzz, 06 Mar 2009which is best in camera N78 or N73?? PLZ. answer me :)N78 by far
- j
- juzz
- P@c
- 06 Mar 2009
which is best in camera N78 or N73?? PLZ. answer me :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- fvD
- 06 Mar 2009
how memory card to buy for this phone ??
- R
- Rayhan
- uNW
- 05 Mar 2009
one of the best phone nokia ever produced
- H
- Hydemus
- j{k
- 05 Mar 2009
The headphone of n78 is divide into 2 parts, right?
If we want to buy a new headphone, can we buy it separately?
- ?
- Anonymous
- w9K
- 05 Mar 2009
nice phone.....lookin 4fwd to buy one.
i was stuck between n82 and this but FP2 is irresistible ....eye candies :-)
havin no cam lense, does it usually get scratched ? apparently the cam. is a bit flushed/recessed ??
what do u owners think???
- b
- boogie
- M%s
- 04 Mar 2009
generally a good phone.
not convenient number keys.
The back cover skripit and mosey.
want to quickly switch to E55
- s
- sa3d
- mJD
- 04 Mar 2009
SHAZIM, 03 Mar 2009i tured on my cell security code.
i change the code and it... moreTry this solution for your code
1. Switch off the phone.
2. Hold down the following three buttons: silver multimedia button, * button, and '3' button.
3. While holding these buttons, hold the power button for a second to switch on the phone.
4. Release when the phone shows the nokia hands logo or shows other signs of life like the language selection screen.
It may take a few attempts and very flexible finger
- s
- sa3d
- mJD
- 04 Mar 2009
Anonymous, 03 Mar 2009can u guy tell me if N78 have zoom or not? ofcource it has
- ?
- Anonymous
- 04 Mar 2009
Real problem with the buttons. You can't handle them easy.
The Navi is a disaster(you never know when it stops).