Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • C
  • Carol
  • L7e
  • 16 Sep 2013

Stupid me, 16 Sep 2013Thanks so much Carol & MdN. I’ll know now to pace out m... moreNever shut down your phone to prevent battery loss. Is better to go offline with it if you want to save some juice. Shutting down and turning it back on will eat up more battery then 4 hours of standby...:). Or you refereed to locking the screen up (or turning it off with the slider)...

    • S
    • Stupid me
    • 44r
    • 16 Sep 2013

    MdN, 16 Sep 2013What Carol said! :-) Also, check the settings and make sure... moreThanks so much Carol & MdN. I’ll know now to pace out my shots rather than have to shut down the phone prematurely to prevent the battery from going completely empty. You tink it easy? I only just figured out about 2 weeks ago that I should manually shut down the phone instead of waiting for it to go off on its own :-). Well, for me, taking photos is just for home use and whenever the occasions arise.

    Yeah, I survived and enjoyed it tremendously. But I was flaked out for the rest of the day because of the heat & yes, dehydration & hunger etc. Thank God those occasions don’t come around too often and you don't have to get nervous because of special guests. So much easier to handle the simple routine – one hour and you are done.

      • M
      • MdN
      • akv
      • 16 Sep 2013

      Stupid me, 16 Sep 2013What a weekend! I just about collapsed at the end of my tim... moreWhat Carol said! :-) Also, check the settings and make sure that "Save location info" is a "No". I have a battery percentage display and if I'm not using the phone it will go down 1-2% in an hour. But when I spend a while surfing the internet it's easy to lose 10% in half an hour, or less. Strangely, watching movies doesn't drain the battery too much. I watched "Jobs" last night, nothing special. Just like his phones. :-) Glas you survived the weekend!

        • C
        • Carol
        • L7e
        • 16 Sep 2013

        Stupid me, 16 Sep 2013What a weekend! I just about collapsed at the end of my tim... moreA full battery lasts (in my experience) about 4 hours of continuous photo shutting. If you use your flash, then lasts less. So, it all depends of light, screen light, flash and so on. So, yes, it is kind of normal. Some tips for the battery to last longer while in a "photo shutting" session:): Just lock your phone every time you don't use your camera. Let the camera app opened but slide down the lock slider when you do a 10/20/30/60 or more seconds pause. When you want to take another shut, just unlock it and your camera is ready to go...

          • S
          • Stupid me
          • 44r
          • 16 Sep 2013

          MdN, 15 Sep 2013Cheaper replacement batteries from eBay can be from weird c... moreWhat a weekend! I just about collapsed at the end of my time slot today (two and a half hours). It was so long, I thought it would never end. The other two groups were far more fortunate. In between, I was able to capture some moments of the celebrations with my camera. I shook too much for about half of them. The other half were OK. I noticed though, that the battery went down quite fast. I took out more pictures than usual, true, but I don’t think it was an unreasonable amount to merit the battery going down so quickly. Is that normal? Or is something wrong with my battery? First time I’ve noticed the phenomenon.

            • M
            • MdN
            • p41
            • 15 Sep 2013

            Anonymous, 15 Sep 2013can some1 pls tell me wat to do,my nokia N8 battery is nt l... moreCheaper replacement batteries from eBay can be from weird companies in China and sometimes don't last long. Some are good, some aren't... I guess you should get another one, or original Nokia battery. You can also try BV-4D from Nokia 808, it's higher capacity but the dimensions are the same and it works in N8.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Nug
              • 15 Sep 2013

              can some1 pls tell me wat to do,my nokia N8 battery is nt lasting and i got a new one.less dan six month its bad again.

                • S
                • Stupid me
                • N@Q
                • 15 Sep 2013

                MdN, 14 Sep 2013Hmmm yes, I'm still hoping to miraculously get an 808 but s... moreThanks again for your suggestions and your patience. I got a few nice ones from your list and now I don’t know which one to choose . Big weekend for us and my favourite song is on both days. Tonight was so beautiful with everybody coming together, so I hope all goes well tomorrow too as we split up again. Real funny place to decide to take the “risk” for Belle. Nothing ventured, nothing gained as they say. So now, only my parrot is sad :-).

                  • M
                  • MdN
                  • akv
                  • 14 Sep 2013

                  Stupid me, 14 Sep 2013Thanks for alerting me about Yes, I included some ... moreHmmm yes, I'm still hoping to miraculously get an 808 but so far... Let me see. Right now, 35 Nokias N8 for sale, between 100-200 Euro, none of them in my province. Only 5 used PureViews, 230-260 Euro, all across the country. Hey, it's not a bad price, used to be 350 Euro new, now it's 310. Let's see what happens when Lumia 1020 comes to my country, maybe someone decides to sell an 808, although most reviews say it's not an upgrade but a side-step.

                  I'm not sure about batteries, I'm going with this ( "...charge as often as you can - Li-Ion batteries last much longer if you don't take them right down to zero% each time. In theory, you can extend the life of the E7's battery from a year (500 charge cycles) up to a decade (5000 cycles)." But I'm not sure if anything happens to them when they are simply stored and left alone. I have a 2001 Ericsson phone still running on its first battery, the other day I turned it on and it just worked, and it was turned off for a few years. But some other phones died after not being turned on for a year, though they had Li-Polymer batteries and N8 has regular Li-ion. The Li-ion battery on my other Nokia just inflated itself after a while of not using it (and I couldn't close the phone), and the one in my mother's Nokia did the same even with constant use (but she was always waiting for it to die completely before charging) but I got replacement batteries on eBay. I guess there will always be batteries on eBay. So I suppose it's best to charge them whenever you can, but I don't know whether having a replacement one is reasonable. Maybe if you store it in a fridge or something. :-) Need to do research about it.

                  Nice to see you discovered themes. :-) Check out themes by IND190, Blade, Arjun Arora and AttisX, some of them are free and those guys really pay attention to detail. Ahhh, okay, so maybe I don't need to talk to your parrot then! :-D As for music, when I need to cheer up I just go with power metal. :-)
                  Ouch, what's going on over there? Floods? :-/ We're getting some rain here, but if there's a storm I just unplug everything, sit by the window and try to record a sound of thunder with my phone. Had some fun last night with an app called QRemoteControl, now I can move my cursor and do almost everything using my N8 as a wi-fi remote control for my PC. :-) Not that I need it but it's fun. Wish it also had an infrared sensor like my older Symbians, I used them as remote controls for my TV and stereo. Or anyone else's TV. :-)))

                    • M
                    • MdN
                    • akv
                    • 14 Sep 2013

                    Great article here:
                    "From the Nokia N73 to the 808 PureView – smartphone photography by Damian Dinning" - you can see some photos made by the N8 from even before it was released! All taken by the man who was the head of the Nokia camera development team at the time. Good old times.

                      • S
                      • Stupid me
                      • N@Q
                      • 14 Sep 2013

                      MdN, 13 Sep 2013Well done! I can be the same, when I start something I forg... moreThanks for alerting me about Yes, I included some in my downloads. Sigh! I’ll still try them. I ended up with quite a long shortlist ;-). Maybe almost 50, so I have a choice. What a tedious exercise! I even got some colourful themes :-). There is one that I particularly like which will give me a little cheer. I never really paid attention to themes until going through the store. I’ll use your filing system to organize my apps. You do have a knack for anticipating, don’t you :-)! And so orderly too! Sorry you missed out on the N8 deal. I dunno, maybe you should look out for an 808 instead of having two of the same thing. Maybe you can pick up a bargain if people decide to ditch. I certainly don’t feel any immediate need to look for anything new, only maybe a spare battery. Have you any idea about the life of a battery with ordinary use? 5 years? Did we discuss this already? Does it make sense to get one? Maybe it will be useless by the time I need it?

                      I checked the parrot vocalist :-D :-))). OMG!!! I’ll stick to my favourite P&W, like Power of Your Love, You raise me up, Revival etc. I hope I’m satisfied with the result when I record them with the phone recorder. Hey! You can’t teach my parrot anything new :-). He’s a veteran sailor who was dishonourably discharged from the navy for profanity :-). But it is a bit gloomy here actually - continuous thunder & lightening (real scary), with a deluge, yesterday in the early hours. No sleep with the racket, floods - and TV, internet & phone service gone :-/. So sorry for those who suffered loss!

                        • M
                        • MdN
                        • ScK
                        • 14 Sep 2013

                        Anonymous, 14 Sep 2013Hi friends, while taking pics in low light, some round whit... moreThe white spots are called "orbs" and you can read about them here:

                        There is no way to completely avoid red eyes, but you can fix them with the built-in Photo editor. It takes a little practice but the results are excellent. Also you can remove them with some image editing program, Photoshop or FastStone Image Viewer (it's free and has a lot of quick editing options).
                        I hope this helps. ;-)

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Hkq
                          • 14 Sep 2013

                          Hi friends, while taking pics in low light, some round white spots appear in the pics. Sometimes it looks too ugly when the pic is good But it looks bad due to such spots. So can any1 tel me how to avoid these white spots. & even after applying red eye reduction, eyes of the person looks red. So plz friends, tel me how to avoid these 2 things. Thanks.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • sUS
                            • 13 Sep 2013

                            one year of repair parts for symbian phones, including Nokia 808. curse you, microsoft.


                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • sUS
                              • 13 Sep 2013

                              Bluto, 11 Sep 2013NewKia was formed the day Nokia was sold. The founder of Ne... moresounds like a ripoff company name. they better join jolla than make another disposable android

                                • D
                                • AnonD-175967
                                • HFh
                                • 13 Sep 2013

                                AnonD-175967, 13 Sep 2013thanksterm

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-175967
                                  • HFh
                                  • 13 Sep 2013


                                    • M
                                    • MdN
                                    • p41
                                    • 13 Sep 2013

                                    Stupid me, 12 Sep 2013Thanks a million!!! Finished! Don't EVER want that exercise... moreWell done! I can be the same, when I start something I forget to get up and drink something until I'm finished and dehydrated, haha. Actually I was just doing something like that on my PC, realized how to get the artwork showing when I play a track so I embedded covers into a bunch of mp3 songs. :-) By the way, if some files end with you're gonna need a small program called "OVI DM Splitter" to get normal .sis files (but I'm not sure, maybe you can install .dm too). Well, there is a "download to PC" button beside every app, but I've never seen it active. And I need to do it, because one of my other phones doesn't have wifi - if the app is free, why would I pay for data to get it? I'd pay to Nokia but not to my operator for something that is supposed to be free.

                                    Nice one about the link. I hope I'll know it if I ever need it, however the relative I told you about is a phone repairer and I think he can get it legally. Also I know a page with a bunch of firmwares for most Nokias, including a few Vertu phones ( or something)... So I got a Vertu firmware just to extract ringtones and themes from it. :-) Fun fact, they are still making one Symbian phone, Constellation Quest, so it's not as dead as it seems... If you have several thousand Euro to spare you can buy a brand new Symbian phone. :-)

                                    Huh, poor parrot. I imagine he has some acrobatic skills if he managed to do this with a chain. :-/ Hope he is OK now. You know, there's a death metal band called Hatebeak with a parrot as a vocalist. Seriously!!! :-) Look for it on YouTube. So I don't think you'd want him to talk to me, I might teach him some inappropriate things. :-D

                                      • S
                                      • Stupid me
                                      • 44r
                                      • 12 Sep 2013

                                      MdN, 12 Sep 2013Well if we actually get ANY new Belle I'll be out of my min... moreThanks a million!!! Finished! Don't EVER want that exercise again :-). It left me with a splitting headache because I just kept going at it.

                                        • C
                                        • Carol
                                        • L7e
                                        • 12 Sep 2013

                                        [deleted post]The funnyboy is back! But what's really funny, is that my grandma had better trolling jokes then this clown here.