Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • M
  • MdN
  • p41
  • 12 Sep 2013

Neil, 12 Sep 2013How does dukto work?See the developer's blog:
I think it has to be installed on your phone, PC, etc. I'm not using it as I'm fine with MyExplorer...

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 44r
    • 12 Sep 2013

    Holy shhh! It works! Just got one. You're a genius.

      • N
      • Neil
      • XNt
      • 12 Sep 2013

      How does dukto work?

        • D
        • AnonD-182806
        • U$4
        • 12 Sep 2013

        You can update to nokia belle hangs,no lags like symbian has and also supports more apps.....
        Looks like a windows phone.....

          • S
          • Stupid me
          • 44r
          • 12 Sep 2013

          MdN, 12 Sep 2013Well if we actually get ANY new Belle I'll be out of my min... moreHey thanks for your advice. I’m going to try it today and I’ll let you know if I got through. I do find that Nokia store should have made provisions for us disadvantaged fans who are in for the long haul and allow us to download on the PC, even if only for a limited time. Just too insensitive, I guess! I had as well, a number of links on a Word doc for apps I might be interested in and now I don’t know what they were. Oh well!

          I know you like to keep up-to-date. Here is a link about Navifirmware (now available) in case you have not seen it yet. I remembered the thread with Rad K and flashing and Phoenix.

          I once used Google (video) chat too on my old PC and my friend and I spent HOURS trying to get my new PC connected back to it, to no avail. We finally abandoned it. Talk about blind leading the blind :-))). Too funny! One day, I will get someone in the know to set it up for me. I should connect you and my parrot. :-))) He can talk up a storm!!! Which reminds me – he almost hanged himself a few weeks ago. He decided that wrapping his swinging chain around his neck was thrilling. He wobbled & kept falling off his perch for a few days but he’s fine now. Hardy critters they are! I almost suffered death by a thousand cuts.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • RJ7
            • 12 Sep 2013

            which camera is best nokia nokia n8 vs lenovo s890?any experience?

              • M
              • MdN
              • p41
              • 12 Sep 2013

              Neil, 12 Sep 2013Hi can anybody help if there is a software like wifi direct... moreCheck out Dukto and MyExplorer, I hope one of them does what you need.

                • N
                • Neil
                • XNt
                • 12 Sep 2013

                Hi can anybody help if there is a software like wifi direct on the n8 to transfer data faster regards

                  • M
                  • MdN
                  • p41
                  • 12 Sep 2013

                  Stupid me, 11 Sep 2013Well, I went through the past pages and got back my info la... moreWell if we actually get ANY new Belle I'll be out of my mind :-) but still, it works. Some people have Anna and don't feel they need an upgrade. So, all well. If we get a small update here and there, cool. The Store doesn't allow downloading to PC any more, but there's a way around it - only works with free apps, not with paid ones. You have to sign in with your PC and find the app you want. Then, change the address in the address bar. For example, if it ends with .../content/355064?clickSource=homepage&pos=15 just replace the question mark and everything after it like this: .../content/355064/download and click "enter". That's it. ;-)

                  What do I do... not much. :-) Just trying them when I'm bored, I guess. I need some of them, and some are constantly running, but a lot of them are just because they are nice and I can't make myself delete them. And sometimes I actually do need them so all is well. I have more folders, not just one big folder! :-) And you can put a folder from the menu on your homescreen (like a shortcut) so it's all easier and faster to find. So, I have a wifi folder (with stuff I use with wifi only - YouTube, browsers, Store, Internet Radio...), then one with utilities, one with gadgets, one with camera/photo apps, one with games, one with office stuff and one with "other". There's 32 camera/image/photo apps so far, and have you seen the article where they said an average user downloads 26 apps? Haha. Nice to play with when I have time to waste. My latest (re)discovery is Photo Browser... I tried it before on my old phone, it barely moved, but it really shines here. It took some half an hour to create thumbnails from all the photos (it only does that the first time), but after that was done it really makes watching photos fun. I almost can't believe the N8 processor can pull this off! :-)

                  Well, I still have to try talking through my PC or Skype. I used to use Google Talk on PC back when I had dial-up as Skype was cracking, too slow connection. Now I have the connection but noone to talk to right now. Which reminds me, back when I had a phone with a VGA camera I used to travel a lot and now with 12 megapixels I barely leave the city. Just my luck. :-))) Thanks for the Magic Jack explanation. Yeah, so many ways to talk, no wonder the operators give free calls and sms but keep the data prices high. :-)

                    • S
                    • Stupid me
                    • 44r
                    • 11 Sep 2013

                    MdN, 11 Sep 2013Thanks, got Skype on my phone and exchanged a few messages ... moreWell, I went through the past pages and got back my info last night (have to sort them). It was like a trip down memory lane and I :-) through the entire process. I tried to download the apps again onto my PC but the store is not allowing me. I can’t remember getting that problem a few weeks ago when I was able to download them. Can you check that out and advise me if there is a way to get around that?

                    BTW, your collection of apps is staggering :-). I can’t imagine what you do with over 100 apps! I mean like “one big folder”? I’m sure I can count mine on my ten fingers :-). I couldn’t care less anymore about 2016. So many things can happen between now and then, so you cross that bridge when you get there. Meanwhile, my N8 stays at my side - we are an inseparable couple :-). I really don’t give a "xxxx" what other phones offer. Right now, I’m only interested in seeing that things are coming along :-), like minor updates and so on. You said you got 2 recently. I got something too, but can’t remember what it was – just knowing that life was going on was enough. BTW, hope you got over the joke rumours. Those too, shall pass away. Actually, I shrieked with laughter over “Jingle Belle”. Good one.

                      • S
                      • Stupid me
                      • 44r
                      • 11 Sep 2013

                      MdN, 11 Sep 2013Thanks, got Skype on my phone and exchanged a few messages ... moreWell, my headphone (without a mike) is fairly new (but predates my PC) and I really don’t see the sense of buying one with a mike so soon. So, if my N8 serves as my mike, I am satisfied. I HAD to come up with that solution because my conversations with my very dear friend in the US are quite long. He hears me loud and clear with the phone resting on the desk - no distortions or anything like that. With my previous PC, it was like, “Repeat that, you’re breaking up.” Maybe it’s my imagination, but it seems better. I don’t leave Skype running. I close it off with Appstop (not sign out) and just pull it up periodically & check which contacts may be online or leave a message for an online time.

                      There are so many alternatives for cutting down on costs for conversations and Magic Jack is one (I have the Plus version). It can be purchased for about $100US now, I think. You get a modem (?) as it works through the internet, a US number & a year’s subscription initially. Then you pay $30 annual subscription thereafter. Calls to other MJ numbers and anywhere in N America (mobile or land line), at any time are free. Great if you HAVE to call land lines in NA. If you call a non-NA number, the calls are about 1 cent/min. You supply your own phone. I retrieved an old one that I had parked off. I think there is a free App for it because a friend downloaded it.

                        • B
                        • Bluto
                        • t}R
                        • 11 Sep 2013

                        NewKia was formed the day Nokia was sold. The founder of NewKia is an ex Asia Pacific Nokia CEO who left the company in 1993 and the company will make Android phones with Nokia design, technology and hardware quality. It will be based in Singapore and will target Asia market. The company is receiving a lot of jobs applications from the Nokia guys who don't want to work for Microsoft. Search NewKia on Google. I think it's a rip off company?

                          • G
                          • GEORGE-12XU
                          • M}J
                          • 11 Sep 2013

                          K.K., 10 Sep 2013Hi friends, its almost a year m owning this cell & sti... moreGood morning my friend,
                          First of all you said that you have N8 almost a year, so i suppose your device is under warranty (or not???) Its important cause if you change cover (and/or other parts and/or make any repair services) exept the authorised Nokia Care you "loose" your warranty. I have a silver white N8 injured everywhere 2&1/2 years now, thats why i've asked to buy (to Nokia Care)a brand new one aluminium cover. Consider also (i think you already know that) you have to replace also the 2 parts made of plastic (bottom-top).
                          The cheapest offer i found so far where i live (Athens, Greece) is about 100 Euro for all 3 parts and all services included. Beacause of having a device "almost new" i think its better to ask Nokia Care about it, to take an offer and then to decide. I've decided to leave it as it is but consider my N8 is older than yours. However i wouldnt trust anything else exept an authorised Nokia dealer.
                          Have a nice day my friend :)

                            • M
                            • MdN
                            • p41
                            • 11 Sep 2013

                            Stupid me, 10 Sep 2013Interesting topics you brought up! Well, that NSA situation... moreThanks, got Skype on my phone and exchanged a few messages with a friend from USA. Works. Got to try talking some day. I had no idea what my password was so I tried my "generic" username and password and it worked. :-) Good thing it can be shut down completely, though I don't see an option to minimize it but okay, I just go to the menu and leave Skype running. It's available at the Store again so I guess the unavailability a few weeks ago was just a glitch. Hmmm, you don't need a webcam to talk, just get one of those headsets with headphones + microphone. I used to use my big headphones plus a cheap "karaoke" microphone, no problems with that. :-) What is "magic jack"?

                            I think I have all the apps stored now, one big folder. I should delete some, no need for 15 update versions of the same app. Grrr, my relative told me someone offered him an N8 a while ago for something like 50 Euro, I wish he told me and now I'd have a spare one. I hate the thought of my phone dying some day and then looking for a new one. There's not much of a choice nowadays, at least not for me. Took me a year to find this one. If something works for me, I+ll keep it as long as it works, regardless of what else is out there. Yep Symbian is safer because it is a phone first and "smart"phone second. I can use it as a normal phone, it doesn't depend on clouds or ads or any kind of data. The same goes for S40 or other "dumb"phones. Android is a mess but at least they are honest, when you accept their "terms of service" you know your data is now public property. :-) Apple and Microsoft, not so sure. I think Microsoft deletes your gathered data after 6 months while Google just keeps them forever. And some Android users have no idea where 30% of their data goes. I'm quite sure not a byte escapes my N8 without my permission. :-) Well, some European countries are more expensive than the others, of course. I was in Bulgaria some years ago and it was really cheap, and I thought we are cheap compared to, dunno, The Netherlands. But the wages are lower there too. Hah, I think that USA, EU and Russia all think that the future is not too bright for the other ones. :-) In reality, only Chinese economy is going up and I guess the Scandinavians are having a good life as they never complain. Except when they lose the biggest and the best phone company in the world. :-/

                            @ K.K. I'm sorry if our conversation buried your question! I hope someone can give you an answer. I looked at the N8 disassembly on ifixit, seems complicated but there's a few steps they didn't show.

                              • K
                              • K.K.
                              • Hkq
                              • 10 Sep 2013

                              Hi friends, its almost a year m owning
                              this cell & stil m in Love with it. N8
                              serves my every purpose & never lets
                              me down at any point of time. But i got
                              a tiny bulge at the left body of it. & its
                              not looking nice. So i wanna ask that has any1 changed the body panel of the
                              cell ?? I have dark grey N8 & want a
                              silver body panel. So wanna ask that has
                              any1 changed it & from Where can i get it & how much can it cost ?? And if i buy online, then which site is more preferable to buy from as there is
                              always a risk of getting duplicates.

                                • S
                                • Stupid me
                                • NFa
                                • 10 Sep 2013

                                MdN, 09 Sep 2013Good rainy evening :-) Yes, I'm glad there will be some su... moreInteresting topics you brought up! Well, that NSA situation is too shameful and disgusting for words! I don’t think any private person can ever feel happy/comfortable about being spied upon, their privacy invaded and their private affairs snatched away (very frightening, I think) – and to think that is pursued so extensively and enthusiastically and considered perfectly acceptable by NSA! The clandestine operators are now circumventing surveillance by operating deep within the cracks and crevices unseen and unheard, as they use private servers operating from S Africa and elsewhere. So, who are really being surveilled if the supposed targets are evading the eyes and ears?

                                About the “extremist” reference - I read somewhere that the Symbian OS provides the most protection against surveillance, thus the preference for Nokia phones by those elements. It sounds funny, but what the NSA official said is true (the” zombies” tickled me). Even Blackberry was cracked twice, I think, but android users seem to be the most vulnerable. Interesting article, btw.

                                The future does not look too bright for the EU but I hope that your country benefits from the inclusion. Hope you took some photos of the celebrations. Yeah, I did find Europe rather expensive. I could not even buy a souvenir. And we got lost in Belgium :-D. We were so late for dinner we forgot to write down the name of the hotel or grab a card. Women again! We wandered away from the group and got properly lost. That was horrors as the night went on, because the police spoke to us in French and we could not understand each other at all. OK. Do I see a smile now? ;-) I think I do.

                                  • S
                                  • Stupid me
                                  • NFa
                                  • 10 Sep 2013

                                  MdN, 09 Sep 2013Good rainy evening :-) Yes, I'm glad there will be some su... moreOf course I use Skype on my N8 - and when I close it off, it stays off, unlike Whatsapp which refused to completely close off. I uninstalled it at your advice since it was draining my battery. I also use Skype for messaging sometimes. I prefer the PC for Skype though, but my current PC does not have a web cam.....yet :-) so the other party can’t hear me - so I have to use my N8. Most times, I do a combo – I talk through the N8 (on the desk) and listen through the PC speakers (better than using the magic jack). :-))) Too funny, but we have to be resourceful sometimes to get the most out of what we have! I use the phone alone only for short conversations or if I have to move around. The first time when I tried to sign in with this new PC (May), there I was, fingers poised over the keyboard, only to realize that I could not remember password, name, nothing after almost a year! :-) Steups! I had to start all over. If the erratic electricity zaps this PC to death too, I won’t be losing much like the last one.

                                  Hm! I think that everyone who has the N8 should make the contingency plan of storing downloaded apps on their PC’s, just-in-case. I lost some stuff and now have to again download to my PC all my wish list apps. Plus I have to do over all the info I had saved about the N8 from this site, including the Belle update. So I have some work ahead of me to check some “back” pages, but I really don’t have the energy, inclination or motivation right now. Have a good day and I sent someone to watch over you. :-)

                                    • M
                                    • MdN
                                    • 6tS
                                    • 09 Sep 2013

                                    Stupid me, 09 Sep 2013Good morning MdN. I could not resist posting because this i... moreGood rainy evening :-)
                                    Yes, I'm glad there will be some support. I don't expect huge updates, but a bug fix here and there, Nokia Store, Nokia Suite, possibility to reinstall software if something happens etc. To tell you the truth, the other day I downloaded most of my favorite free apps from the Store to my PC "just in case" I need them again and can't find them. I hope I won't need them. People on the net are posting joke rumors... Someone said we're getting a huge OS update in December called "Jingle Belle" :-) I know it's a joke but I wasn't laughing. Anyway, most of the apps I use are about functionality and geekiness and they all work well, so even if support stopped today I'd be fine, I guess. I'm not too dependant on the internet on my N8 so if Whatsapp stops working I won't notice, but I do hope Opera Mini keeps their support. It still works on my 2007 Symbian phone... Tell me, you're using Skype? When you exit, does it exit completely or keeps nagging about internet connection? I have a Skype account but haven't tried it on my phone yet.

                                    I think the media and the makers are underestimating those "me too" phones. According to Wikipedia there's 6.8 billion mobile phones in use today. So, Android sold a billion (who knows how many are still in use), Apple sold a few hundred million, just like Symbian. Then there's WP, Bada, BlackBerry... but all of them together probably aren't enough for one billion. So there's 5 billion people with non-smartphones and everyone just wants to talk about and sell smartphones? Strange this. If they just made a normal phone with good battery and camera I bet it would sell well among normal people, but not right away but when their 2005-phone-still-works dies. Oh, funny news today, according to The Register and German media, NSA guys think it's funny how people pay for the equipment they use to spy on them, and they said iPhone users are zombies and they call Steve Jobs "Big Brother" while the Nokia users are "extremists". Lol.

                                    Heh, we have expensive phones, expensive data and expensive talk and the country is in economic crisis. We just entered the EU so things should get cheaper, but not sure about the wages. Well hey, looks like you've made things work. My parents have two mobile phones so when one's prepaid time expires they can still receive calls and messages for 3 months, but they buy a top-up for the other one so they can make calls and send texts for 3 months. Hmmm, it's easier than I can describe it, but basically I can always get them both, but they pay like they would pay for one phone. The money we save goes for more important stuff, like dog food. :-D As for landlines, changed the operator and totally glad I did. Used to spend 3 times more on dial-up than I do on DSL now, but our phone operators (all 3 of them) agreed not to lower the prices unless the government does something about it. Feeling a little better, thanks, just looking for stuff to do to keep my mind off this. A few days ago I got updates for 2 of my favorite apps, Belle Extra Buttons and CameraPro, in one day, both got some extra functionality. So, things are still moving. :-) Well I hope you do get the Belle update some day. Just think of the extra buttons! :-)

                                      • S
                                      • Stupid me
                                      • 44r
                                      • 09 Sep 2013

                                      MdN, 09 Sep 2013Nokia sales boss confirms that Symbian will be supported un... moreGood morning MdN. I could not resist posting because this is the best news ever to start the day! So there is a little while yet for the Nokia journey and I’ve got to make up my mind quickly about a few things about my N8.

                                      I was so horrified to think that my beloved N8 would join the pile of my other phones that can only be used for calling and texting. Here’s the joke about them. There were some great introductions and fierce competition between our two service providers some time back. I mean like they were giving away phones to put one in everybody’s hands. We joked about it saying that now, every vagrant had a phone :-). We called them “Me too” phones. It was like, “Oh, you have that phone, me too.” Everyone rushed the Nokia phones because of Nokia’s quality and good name. I still see Nokia’s “Me too” phones around while the others have disappeared. That says a lot about the durability of Nokia phones!!!!

                                      Then the land line rates went sky high and I had to make and receive lots of calls at that time so it was real hard on the pocket. There was also a pre-paid deal of double the value for the first top-up for the month. So I looked at the whole picture. It was like getting free batteries too, so if one battery died, you just made a switch. So I ended up buying a few so my calls would be half price with the bonuses. It worked out great as I also had to make weekly overseas calls (now I use Skype or Magic Jack for those). So, I/we would systematically use up the money from the phones one after the other (and stopped using the land line). I could have simply bought a few Sims and achieve the same thing, but it was too troublesome to be constantly switching and you got a free Sim with the phone anyway.

                                      You’re supposed to laugh at my genius :-)! Hope you are feeling more cheerful and had a good night’s rest. Actually, I should be the one worrying like hell because I still have to face the Belle upgrade which scares me. You HAVE the goods already to do as you please. This latest Nokia update ought to cheer you up at least! ;-)

                                        • b
                                        • bommarillu
                                        • 9CC
                                        • 09 Sep 2013

                                        Nokia sales boss confirms that Symbian will be supported until 2016:
                                        was it is true if in that case is it is a proper time buy nokia n8 bcoz nokia n8 is symbian v3.0 so pls can any one help me