Nokia N8
- o
- olams
- 3sE
- 20 Nov 2010
I want to sell my blackerry bold 2 and get a nokia n8 is it a good idea.
- r
- rock
- 20 Nov 2010
i got my ever best n8 a week ago, but someone has deleted its games. anyone can help me how to download the game again? and if i upgrade the apparatus, does the game automatically installs? thanks
- B
- Bolaski
- jKM
- 20 Nov 2010
[deleted post]dude, truth must be told, even the kids knows about the great quality of N8's cam, no need to cheat ourselves ;)
nothing can rival N8 regarding the camera ever
hard luck for sony ericsson next time
- S
- uwe
- 20 Nov 2010
hi iam using mobile this is very difficult to say my complaint whn i go outside i didint get any signal for gprs it is i fel unhappy abiut this
- ?
- Anonymous
- iFs
- 20 Nov 2010
[deleted post]Nokia N8 is the king of camera phones, YOU who need to research before posting.
- n
- nitesh agrawal
- TL5
- 20 Nov 2010
ean, 20 Nov 2010i have a problem with ovi-social app...why can't to connect... morekeep updating the socilal app .after 2 to 3 upddates it will surely work
- ?
- Anonymous
- iFs
- 20 Nov 2010
[deleted post]for your information, changing a defective unit (if any) takes only minutes in most Nokia centers.
good luck with your hidden iphone that you didn't mention, but I'd advise you to not holding it against steve's instructions
look->> don't hold it .||.
- d
- deep space bar
- q}@
- 20 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 20 Nov 2010I have the same problem with the GPS.... regretted getting ... morewhat's wrong with the GPS now cause i've had no problems with my ovi maps 3.06
i downloaded the map of canada since that is where i'm from
and i turn off the internet and the GPS takes a bit but when it kicks in it's really fast
so what is your real problem
- ?
- Anonymous
- uw{
- 20 Nov 2010
[deleted post]Hello mr.subrata (t7pi) i have been following u from past 1 month... u cant fool us by changing ur name mate.. ur a branded apple fan boy getting paid by ur master..(steves) every one knows that preety well.
- ?
- Anonymous
- UGm
- 20 Nov 2010
Moreno, 18 Nov 2010I still have the problem with the GPS i go outside its sunn... moreI have the same problem with the GPS.... regretted getting the phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- uqf
- 20 Nov 2010
I love my N8 but was wondering does anyone know when Skype or Internet Radio will be released for Symbian 3?
- J
- James
- UGm
- 20 Nov 2010
My N8 autoswitch off after using it for a week. Regretted getting this symbian phone.
- f
- frustrated
- vxf
- 20 Nov 2010
can anyone tell if the MEEGO OS in N900 be transferred to N8..i need it urgently..
my phone hangs a lot..
i know there are many hackers who do it..plz find me a solution..
coz evn after the software update at nokia care, the problem persists..
else i ll have to sell my N8 at me guys coz i love this phone ..awesome camera n screen..
plz plz plz...
else help me to flash it with android..
i m very frustrated..i cant take out the battery ..n once it hangs i ve to keep it that way until it restarts..
so, help me guys to find a link to download the meego os n its sucessful procedure to flash it..
- p
- phasekay
- N9@
- 20 Nov 2010
Nokia N8 here and there! Now got it here, its a great phone, one of the best Nokia ever had if not the best. The only thing missing on it is the qwert keyboard, nice touch anyway, good display and its not a slow phone....for now i'm still likin it.
- L
- Lowell
- 9Je
- 20 Nov 2010
This really looks sophisticated and I love using it.
browsing in the internet is fast too.
- ?
- Anonymous
- t}6
- 20 Nov 2010
if it hangs up we cant take out battery we will have to move to workshop this is the disadvantage of phone
- A
- Ali
- tm2
- 20 Nov 2010
Moreno, 18 Nov 2010I still have the problem with the GPS i go outside its sunn... moreYes I know how to do that... first of All, you have to install the nokia ovi suite into your pc/mac whatever... then you connect your phone to that!!!! after all you've to download and install the map of your country, state, etc... once done, you can go out and wait maximum 5 mins to receive the signal!!!! if still no signal then you've to do this you go to settings then you go to applications settings then postitioning you'll have a list of five options go to positioning methods which is listed in the top and mark the bellow
Assisted GPS
Integrated GPS
Network based
thanks to me LOL
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2SR
- 20 Nov 2010
Superb piece
tv out
seems good at first
bit take a closer look guys.......
wen comparing with its main counterparts-------
Samsung Galaxy & Sony Xperia X10
cant play subtitles...
still on symbian ,android Eclair is bettr
lower ram
smaller screen just 3.5inch
low res 360x640
-- galaxy 4.0" 480x800
-- xperia 10 4.0" 480X854
low clockspeed
nice sound bt poor clarity
more megapixels bt poor fps-just 25 wen compared to galaxy's 5mp and x10's 8 mp
nt good bt sells bettr coz of nookia's popularity
nt matching upto performance of galaxy and xperiax10
Lose your brand attachment.....
coz it is u r money & its nt your duty to support a manufactrer just bcoz u love its prev phone
- k
- kly
- uH$
- 20 Nov 2010
i like play facebook game, do anyone know to do it
- e
- ean
- Kx9
- 20 Nov 2010
i have a problem with ovi-social app...why can't to connect network, but with ovi-shop i can ? helpme to anyone if know that problem...thanks