Nokia N8
- A
- Alam
- HsJ
- 02 Aug 2013
its suport skype ? pls tell me
any idea
- S
- Stupid me
- 44r
- 02 Aug 2013
Carol & MdN
I did not put in any PIN number. I can't even remember coming across any thing like that yet. I won't put one either, because I won't remember it.
I numbered all the installation steps on my hard copy doc and took it on my flash drive to print at the mall but that particular store was closed because of the public holiday yesterday. Steups! I have to go back another day. As I went through it slowly, I could actually feel the fear diminishing!
Oh dear, I also spent some hours (stayed up late) on the back up on Suite and transferring my stuff to the PC. I am too ashamed to say how come I was going round and round in circles. Well, I backed up my contacts on Suite and that looked just fine except now I think I have to do it over again because I discovered afterwards, half of them are on the Sim card. So I have to transfer them one by one to the phone memory then do over the back-up. I had put in an old sim that was cut down to avoid having to put them in manually.
For backing up on the memory card, I have to look for "business card". That's the name for it in Anna. I think it is good to know both ways so I'll practice that too.
- S
- Stipid me
- 44r
- 02 Aug 2013
First of all, I'm not into bashing anybody's technology. The competition between the technology giants works towards everyone's benefit. People buy according to their interest, preferences, needs, pockets and the performance of the phone, looked at collectively.
I recently got the opportunity to play around with a Galaxy Ace and after the N8, it was a real walk over. In minutes I was able to go through that phone with no sweat. My friend on the other hand needed help with my N8. I think the market will gravitate to "easy" phones because the market is flooded with customers whose needs are simple. It's like secondary and post-secondary school. Most people stop at the end of secondary school. They are the majority that determine the market.
Now, when I compare the two phones, all things considered, I'll say again - I LOVE my N8 and the challenges. A lazy brain would not like it, nor an unwilling one. It's a phone that "grows" in you and you learn something every day (at least I do).
I love the camera. We compared pictures taken by the both phones of my parrots, paying particular attention to the feather details. The N8 was ahead in details and colour. That is not to say that the Ace pictures were not good! Then, it has a larger memory than the Ace. My friend has a few apps on her phone and that's it - full.
Then it emerged that I can do more things with the N8 - front and back cameras, USB on-the-go, FM transmitter, Playing videos on my TV and a great recorder. We recorded something with both phones and the N8 got the "aye" for volume and reproduction. The recorder is a need (not a want) for me. I like the internet free GPS voice guidance and had real fun with it because it was not detailed for my tiny, insignificant island. I can't wait to try it out in N America which I hope to visit next year.
The N8 is all inclusive for my specific needs which are not necessarily someone else's. I hope that as I go along, that I will get some apps that will enhance its performance. I am getting plenty help and encouragement on this site because I am really clueless and therefore not the perfect candidate for the N8 :-) but people are pulling me along and I am a willing traveler (albeit, a slow one).
I also think that the N8 is quite elegant (with my decorations too) and well made with its aluminum body. Sure, it is a rectangle, but with a stylish difference. I think a lot of thought went into its OS and it is a pity that Nokia abandoned it. So this is my humble opinion of the N8 vs the Ace (the only other smartphone I've tried). I am sure that there are Android phones that can do what the N8 can do, but which ones and at what Price???? This is NOT an attempt to bash any phone or system nor persuade anybody for or against any phone but my personal views based on my very limited experience.
- ?
- Anonymous
- rJH
- 02 Aug 2013
its a master piece dear troll.. Introduced 3yrs back ..still going strong,luk at the daily hits of iphone n this three yr old monster, z10 n sony z camera was way behind n8's legendary 12mp carl zeiss.... Not to mntion the s4 heater's 13mp that lacks the clarity n color of use ur common sense dear n stop bad mouthing..
- C
- Carol
- L7e
- 02 Aug 2013
walkman, 02 Aug 2013Nokia abandoned symbian, goole search why N8 failed. Nok... moreHey man, those days when crapple and samdung paid bullies to trashtalk the legendary N8 are over. Get a new job, you're kind of late. Start with reading the "Learn In 3 Steps How To Recover Your Washed Brain" book;)
- ?
- Anonymous
- t1$
- 02 Aug 2013
we eat to live not live to eat except there are foodies. When cellphone mfg's compare Nokia could've dominated the whole industry. I personally have a hard feel 4 the Pioneer but end of the day i can't help..
- ?
- Anonymous
- rJH
- 02 Aug 2013
only one car one company one brand one clothing line dznt sell....everything sells here from clothes n cars to perfumes n pastes...we chose wat suits us the most n thats best for us...m nt saying symbian n n8 n nokia is the best..its best for us who use this device n continue using this till it survives n den we'll chose the next best thing that suits us... I dnt knw why people get so personal abt all these things..
- ?
- Anonymous
- rJH
- 02 Aug 2013
we have invidual needs ..the phone that works for u is the best ph in the needs are gud camera ,word documents,songs that i cn share wid my friend while still talking to him on phn,gud sound quality(music n calls)..n n8 n symbian 60 serve my purpose... What is the freakin use of spreading neagativity? U dnt like it den change to windows or droid or ios...simple
- w
- walkman
- vj1
- 02 Aug 2013
Nokia abandoned symbian,
goole search why N8 failed.
Nokia has drop sales on their phones.
bc ANDROID is better!
end of the story
- ?
- Anonymous
- rJH
- 01 Aug 2013
...praising galaxy y in frnt of wow mr troll...god bless u man!!
- M
- MdN
- ScK
- 01 Aug 2013
salman, 01 Aug 2013Salam i wanna buy N8 or C7 ,i know N8 is better but i wanna... moreDisplay size is the same and both can be normally used with one hand. The sizes are similar too, no big difference. Well, N8 has better camera, more support and more memory, but C7 has removable battery and LED flash which can be used as torch. N8 has Xenon flash which is better for night photography... So you just have to decide which is more important to you. Both are good quality phones made to last.
- j
- japet
- Mfx
- 01 Aug 2013
- s
- salman
- uWJ
- 01 Aug 2013
Salam i wanna buy N8 or C7 ,i know N8 is better but i wanna normal size mobile which i can use most of times so should i buy N8 or C7??? because c7 size is smaller than N8??
- C
- Carol
- L7e
- 01 Aug 2013
walkman, 01 Aug 2013i bought N8 and was dissapointed, it freezes, it lags some... moreSo, you are talking about samsung, right? For shore., cause you are not describing my n8. My n8 has pretty dam good camera and works flowesly. The screen is superb ane the colors. Oh the colors!!!
- C
- Carol
- L7e
- 01 Aug 2013
Stupid me, 31 Jul 2013Carol & MdN I forgot this. What if I transferred all... moreSo, as mnd said. If you backup on sim you will loose any aditional info. Pictures,birthdays, notes. And if you have two numbers for one contact then you will be getting two cotacts with almost the same name on your SIM, each containing one of your numbers. So i highly recomand not to backup on a sim. Now, if you really are restrained using the suite to backup and dont need messages and notes or calendar. You can use your mem card. You can also use it to copy the rest of the files you need. To backup your contacts just enter the contacts section select them all then hit options. There should be an option like:copy to. In Belle it is called: copy contact card. But as far as i remember in anna is named diferently. Anyways. Hit to copy to other mem. Will popup the mass mem. And mem. Card. Be shore you select the mem.card. The next pupup just hit yes and continiue. Remove mem card before factory reset. Othewise you will loose everything.
- w
- walkman
- vj1
- 01 Aug 2013
i bought N8 and was dissapointed, it freezes, it lags sometym 8 takes a minute to open a folder, bad dark screen it says 220 ppi but looks like 120 ppi, screen has unbalanced tint color most of all camera is crap 12 mp looks like 5 mp.
it cant even match the speed of my galaxy y.
- A
- Anonymous
- iwt
- 01 Aug 2013
walkman, 31 Jul 2013what i mean was slow os (symbian) it lags. and crappy camer... moreSymbian remains is mature, user friendly, and unbeatable multi tasking. What happen is that Nokia has failed to give Symbian with power supports throughout Symbian's life(CPU, GPU, RAM, and battery). These things are crystal clear.
Please take a close look at how big is the CPU, GPU, RAM, and battery that Nokia gave to L920, 925, 928, and 1020. Android even takes much crazier power requirements.
Conclussion: Symbian is the best.
- M
- MdN
- p41
- 31 Jul 2013
walkman, 31 Jul 2013what i mean was slow os (symbian) it lags. and crappy camer... moreYou just don't know how to use it. Same as your keyboard.
- M
- MdN
- p41
- 31 Jul 2013
Stupid me, 31 Jul 2013Carol & MdN I forgot this. What if I transferred all... moreYou don't have to remove the SIM card, actually I'd keep it in. Just see that the PIN request is off. You can do a backup any way you want, transfer your music to the PC or to a memory card, or via USB on-the-go to a memory stick, who cares! :-) If you do it via Nokia Suite you simply go back to the backup function and click "restore" and find your backup - well, you know where it is now. :-) I have photos with some of my contacts as well as birthdays and other stuff, all of that gets backed up, but if you do it on a SIM it only keeps names and numbers.