Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • S
  • Stupid me
  • N@Q
  • 22 Jul 2013

MdN & Carol

Oh boy! I tried out voice navigation today and it was a real comedy. It even told me to turn into a cemetery! :-) Then it kept telling me to make endless U turns which would have carried me in the opposite direction to where I was going, not to mention the endless left and right turns when I was supposed to go straight. Well, at least I can locate places on it and I can always check to make sure my house is still there:-)

Hopefully, I'll install Belle sometime this week. I am still hesitating though! If something gets fouled up while installing, I won't know how to rectify it. I also installed Opera Mini.

    • D
    • AnonD-20890
    • uuT
    • 21 Jul 2013

    AnonD-7982, 18 Jul 2013hi guyz! Just want to ask something, im still using anna on... moreThe video's clarity at 640x480 itself was crystal clear (if you do not shake it). Update your phone to BELLE !!!.

    Backup the contents before updating.

      • m
      • manish 8882627999
      • fCG
      • 20 Jul 2013

      Carol, 19 Jul 2013there is no problem with any of this apps. Never was. Howev... moreNokia N8 is good cell phone...
      No any problem

        • M
        • MdN
        • 60P
        • 20 Jul 2013

        Carol, 20 Jul 2013:). Does not wipe Anna, it is just replacing it:) Symbian i... moreActually I skipped v5 and went from S60v3 fp1 straight to Belle Refresh. :-) So yes, it was a little hard for the first week or two but I'm fine now. I never even had a chance to try it first (and I had a chance to try Android and iPhone) but I bought it anyway hoping that it would still be Symbian but in a modern way. And I'm glad I did. :-)

          • C
          • Carol
          • L7e
          • 20 Jul 2013

          MdN, 20 Jul 2013I think you're doing just fine. :-) I had two Symbian phone... more:). Does not wipe Anna, it is just replacing it:) Symbian is symbian, at it's core Belle is the same with anna or PR1. In fact they are all symbian v^3, even the v^4 as it's called, is an v^3 with improved hardware for better belle supporting:). Still, after upgrading to belle, Anna users missed some things old Symbian had and belle does not. And i had this problem to, for about 3 weeks. Now i don't remember quite what those things were only if i take an Anna device in my hands:). If you used old Symbian v5 devices then you kind of know how anna feels like. Ok, Anna has multi-desktops and strange widgets but the rest of UI is almost the same with good old Symbian:).

            • M
            • MdN
            • 60P
            • 20 Jul 2013

            Stupid me, 19 Jul 2013You're right! :-)This whole thing is new to me so I come re... moreI think you're doing just fine. :-) I had two Symbian phones before this one and it still took me a while before I was confident with what I'm doing. So just have fun, experiment, take your time and remember where you were in case you need to go back and fix it. :-)
            Well, for browsing, use Opera Mini, it's the best there is, fast, reliable, doesn't use a lot of data (compresses it on the server before delivering to your phone). Opera Mobile is slow as it loads full web pages but it can be useful sometimes.
            Yeah, when I updated my Maps the first thing I did was to see if my house is still there. It is! :-) The rest can wait until I go somewhere or need to find some location. GPS should work well, if you go to Settings - Application Settings - Positioning you can check how you want to access your position. If it's just "Integrated GPS" then it might take a while to get the position but if you check the others too it can find it in half a minute (but use a little data).
            I don't think that Belle Refresh wipes out Anna because the update is just 13MB big: and installing it shouldn't take more than a few minutes - well, just click on "SW Update" icon and see if it's available, you don't have to accept. But you should make a back-up (phonebook, images etc) via Nokia Suite just in case. I already got Belle when I bought my phone and I wish I knew what it was like before. :-)

              • C
              • Carol
              • L7e
              • 20 Jul 2013

              Stupid me, 19 Jul 2013You're right! :-)This whole thing is new to me so I come re... moreHey, why would you delete opera:)? It is better in page rendering and so on. Anyway, now i understand why are you having this problems. While Anna is superb for most Symbian veterans, for the new into the system, is a bit confusing and not that user friendly. At least not at the beginning... You don't have to be afraid to update it cause you literally cannot brake the phone (only if you have a power loss at your pc). Even so, you can still revive it with phoenix:). If you need instructions, just say:)

                • S
                • Stupid me
                • NR0
                • 19 Jul 2013

                Carol, 19 Jul 2013You realy are new:))(joking:). This is the most user friend... moreYou're right! :-)This whole thing is new to me so I come regularly on this site to ask for help and to learn from other peoples' problems (most of which are beyond me anyway). I made fun :-) of my last problem because I sorted it out! I would be so depressed if I hadn't! Truly, it's like putting a toddler to operate an electronic cash register! But it's fun!

                I was horrified to read about Anna because that is what is on my phone. Having read so many positive comments about Belle, I want to install it but I'm afraid to attempt it so it will have to wait. When Belle is installed, does it wipe out Anna?

                Also, I installed Opera yesterday, only to read your comment today. Well, I just deleted it. I also finally installed App stop (Re: MdN) and am VERY happy with it. Then I installed some maps (Re: MdN's post) and was delighted to find my house on it. I am dying to try the GPS. We don't really need it here though because the island is so small and the map won't be detailed anyway because we are so insignificant...but, just to try it!

                  • C
                  • Carol
                  • J5L
                  • 19 Jul 2013

                  AnonD-7982, 18 Jul 2013hi guyz! Just want to ask something, im still using anna on... morethere is no problem with any of this apps. Never was. However, you can have some problems after updating if you are not doing the upgrade good. I would suggest you to install belle refresh, then factory resset, then reinstall. Should get read of all the problems some people occured at the beginning.

                    • C
                    • Carol
                    • J5L
                    • 19 Jul 2013

                    Stupid me, 17 Jul 2013The icon was one of 12 in the main menu that comes up when ... moreYou realy are new:))(joking:). This is the most user friendly UI from symbian. So, we should be glad you did not bought n8 with anna installed. I'm, preaty sure you would have abandoned the learning proccess:)). Anyhow, it is quite easy once you understand how it works. About the dissapearing icons... There are only 3 reasons this happens. You deleted the app. You have an system error and you need to delete and reinstall the app, or you moved it to another folder. That's about it. You will learn it:)

                      • C
                      • Carol
                      • J5L
                      • 19 Jul 2013

                      moze, 17 Jul 2013pls help n8 has about 250 mb in C phone memory i used abou... moreThere are 3 things that eat phone's memory. Apps, cache/temp and QT. The last one, you cannot get read off. Qt is growing bigger in time and with apps you install. There are so many qt branches that every qt app you install can add something to it's roots. So, if you did allot of nokia store qt apps installations, this is definetly one of the reason you cannot get read of but only by formatting. Second, opera. If you use opera and never cleaned it. This browser by default it's alowed to use more then 7 mb of space, quite allot for the small rom n8 has. Clear opera browser. Clear default browser cache. See if anything has improved. Also, see where your apps are installed. Maybe you have some that can be moved (reinstalled) in mass memory. Other solution is a app that cleans (sort off) the system. I don't remember the name, something like symbian cleaner or so. The last solution (and the bes for me) is to use x-plore for manualy cleaning the crapp. But if you don't know to much, don't use it, you can make you phone useless untill formatting.

                        • v
                        • vishal
                        • utM
                        • 19 Jul 2013

                        hai this a flip type mbl....???

                          • M
                          • MdN
                          • B}Q
                          • 18 Jul 2013

                          Nokia updates the maps for its Symbian Maps Suite (July 2013)!
                          Just go to Maps - Map Loader and get the updates. Or you can do it through Nokia Suite.
                          More info and instructions here:

                            • D
                            • AnonD-150923
                            • s%{
                            • 18 Jul 2013

                            to put3ska....
                            I never used ANNA....
                            my N8 running on BELLE REFRESH....
                            there are no any probs with default music player and camera app..
                            but I'm using 'ttpod music player' for music & 'camera pro app.' for camera. this apps have more functions than default apps.....

                              • N
                              • NOSCO HACKER
                              • fsV
                              • 18 Jul 2013

                              base on the restart issue;the nokia n8 has internal gps which is not compatible with the operating system:as a result hanging & restarting the phone.[all nokia belle],all u need to do is to;go to settings under application settings and click on possitioning under positioning method and sellect assisted gps and also sellect network base,then unmark the rest....thats all...enjoy

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • f0n
                                • 18 Jul 2013

                                AnonD-7982, 18 Jul 2013hi guyz! Just want to ask something, im still using anna on... moreHi put3ska,
                                I upgraded to belle recently and I have no regrets, I just regret not having it done earlier

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-29333
                                  • LHg
                                  • 18 Jul 2013

                                  give us your solve of problem, share it

                                    • s
                                    • sachin
                                    • 9DK
                                    • 18 Jul 2013

                                    my n8 is giving very low battery backup,specially while using internet and music player! What should i do???

                                      • N
                                      • NOSCO HACKER.
                                      • fsV
                                      • 18 Jul 2013

                                      Hi my fellow N8erz;'ve u ever experienced frequent reboot on ur N8?...i 've got the solution for it...comment if u need the trick for that.cheers.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-7982
                                        • 2An
                                        • 18 Jul 2013

                                        hi guyz! Just want to ask something, im still using anna on my phone, im having 2nd thoughts upgrading to belle refresh coz the camera and music player might not be better than anna, so hows the camera and music player on belle? Pls give ur opinion guyz. Thanks!