Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • s
  • snonre
  • uCn
  • 08 Nov 2010

[deleted post]Those are just minor bugs. Can be fixed with software update

    • W
    • WakeUp
    • t7s
    • 08 Nov 2010

    Wake up you Nokia N8 bashers! If you hate this phone then why can't you leave this N8 page? Why you keep coming here? You are like a guy who keeps on annoying his beautiful Ex-girlfriend that realizes his ugliness and don't have interest on him anymore but still keep on coming... haha! If you hate, you should leave and forget...

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • pde
      • 08 Nov 2010

      [deleted post]you are nitpicking. Remember this is the first Symbian 3 firmware (with full of features that lack in ios and Android) without a major update yet. Tell me if on earth there is any bug free os or software. Even a few year old microsoft windows os can have frequent updates and hot fixes. What would you say?

      Do you have a short position in Nokia even you are a Finnish and your position just makes you have an anti bias.

        • s
        • sayyed
        • 9xR
        • 08 Nov 2010

        tictactaylor, 08 Nov 2010I own both an android and n8. I take a neutral view. The n8... morewheather this phone best to buy as copmpare to nokia C7 & sony Er X10?
        Responce to internet is fast or not?

          • s
          • snonre
          • uCn
          • 08 Nov 2010

          [deleted post]Wait a tick, the n8 supports Wi-Fi 802.11 n which has a bandwidth of more than 100mb. Can you prove ur statement?

            • s
            • snonre
            • uCn
            • 08 Nov 2010

            New game called 'Sparkle' coming soon to the symbian^3 os. Looks like a Zuma clone but with better graphics


              • s
              • snonre
              • uCn
              • 08 Nov 2010

              azm, 08 Nov 2010hi everybody.. does n8 has horizontal virtual keyboard?... moreBy default it doesnt have a portrait qwerty keyboard, only a numerical keyboard like the ones you find on non-touch scree phone. But there is a software update which brings the portrait keyboard, as well as an improved browser and dragable home screen

                • a
                • azm
                • IWa
                • 08 Nov 2010

                vl, 08 Nov 2010I've had the phone for over 2 weeks now. Very stable. Great... morehi everybody..

                does n8 has horizontal virtual keyboard?


                  • n
                  • noel
                  • 98q
                  • 08 Nov 2010

                  this phone nokia N8 doesn't work well the response of the touch screen is not that much 100%. so if someone is planning to buy this phone just double think first before buying it...

                    • S
                    • Sails
                    • nmN
                    • 08 Nov 2010

                    jason, 08 Nov 2010Nokia N8 experience update: unpluged the phone from the cha... moreThe battery saving mode alone is a good reason to buy this phone and something the other smartphones can't match even with lot bigger batteries.

                    BTW, Symbian 4 was supposed to be the UI rewrite. Symboan 3 simply changes things under hood like Qt. That is why it was such a great thing Nokia promised those updates to N8.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • t7w
                      • 08 Nov 2010

                      umplayer for symbian can run rmvb smoothly

                      it is developed by chinese,

                      search it at

                        • t
                        • tictactaylor
                        • 3xs
                        • 08 Nov 2010

                        N8 rocks, 08 Nov 2010Mobile distributors here in UAE previously had a large dema... moreI own both an android and n8. I take a neutral view. The n8 just feels a little like nothing has moved on. The screen is more like in general use a resistive screen. I actually think it's probably the under powered processor, that slows everything down in reality. Scrolling can be slow and you feel the phone is still working on last instruction. Gaming is mediocre, nfs runs but lags a little, the camera is fantastic. Audio great, even supplied earphones with remote excellent. Can you create your own equaliser preset, did not see that option? Case and screen build quality good, but it lacks this phone, it lacks. The o/s feels like it needs a complete makeover again, and it's new. Had high hopes for a symbian that was more up to date, shame. Actually using zte blade to reply as heyboard easier to use and faster.

                          • j
                          • jason
                          • Rbq
                          • 08 Nov 2010

                          Nokia N8 experience update: unpluged the phone from the charger at 5 in the morning. Did average music playing time, a little web surfing, gps mapping, little photo taking, little calling, much texting. It is now 12:30 am the next day. What is my battery percentage after all that? 100%. Quite ridiculous amount of resources conserved in battery saving mode

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 3Jx
                            • 08 Nov 2010

                            Anonymous, 08 Nov 2010cool N8 Review! is definitely an Apple fanboy, maybe an can see in the background that even his PC is an Apple computer...don't believe in that crap, try it yourself or borrow from your friend first who had it and test it for yourself.

                              • c
                              • chuck
                              • ibr
                              • 08 Nov 2010

                              For the ppl at nokia, i just noticed that for incoming SMS with mandarin characters u can't copy n paste elsewhere as u can with english SMS. Please respond.

                                • N
                                • N8 rocks
                                • 3Jx
                                • 08 Nov 2010

                                Addy, 08 Nov 2010I bought a n8 & I tested it's touchscreen responsivenes... moreMobile distributors here in UAE previously had a large demand for Samsung Galaxy S but after the released of N8 the trend has shifted instantly, they previously ordered limited N8 units but now they are ordering in bulks because of a high demand. Whatever bashing you do, there's no stopping for N8 surge. I am a REAL owner and to tell you people it rocks and mind you the price is very reasonable for this kind of high tech gadget. The guy who posted the comparison for sure don't own N8, he just got the opinion from some bloggers who continuously bashed N8 (the apple and android fanboys who don't have budget now to purchase N8 because they alredy throw their money to ishit and dying android)

                                  • s
                                  • snonre
                                  • uCn
                                  • 08 Nov 2010

                                  [deleted post]Thanks for the link

                                    • K
                                    • Kuchiki
                                    • ib9
                                    • 08 Nov 2010

                                    i really need loads of opinions here... help needed plz..
                                    i currently own a nokia E71. and i was thinking of giving it up and getting this N8. for those out there who has bought the N8 i really need ur heads up on the disadvantages that i'll be facing when u buy it.
                                    and is it worth giving my E71 up for the N8?
                                    please help me..
                                    tq so much

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • utN
                                      • 08 Nov 2010

                                      all u guys dont believe these spams N8 really rocks. The GUI is same as in iPhone 4 and about batt life is that if u work on more tasks it will drain obviously. Symbian 3 is very good i never seen this performance......

                                        • A
                                        • Addy
                                        • TL5
                                        • 08 Nov 2010

                                        I bought a n8 & I tested it's touchscreen responsiveness & ui fastness with my already bought galaxy s.
                                        In n8 sometimes touchscreen don't register touches & ui responds late after the screen has been touched.
                                        But in galaxy s touch anything from any way it will 100% register the touch & ui moves along with the touch, even faster than iphone 4.
                                        Camera is much better in n8 as it's 12mpx compared to 5mpx in galaxy s but video rec. is much better in galaxy s giving superior results to n8 .
                                        In galaxy s there hasn't been a hanging or restarting issue in 3 months of use while in n8 it's been just 9 days & it's already giving me serious restarting issues.
                                        It seems that n8 isn't fully baked.
                                        Screen of galaxy s is much superior than n8. Pixel density is just great in galaxy s while n8 cries for pixel density.
                                        Super amoled screen of galaxy s looks super great as compared to amoled screen of n8.
                                        There is also a serious issue with n8 camera as it can't handle moving objects or little shake properly & spoils the image quality. Even the cheap budget cameraphones can handle a shake.
                                        Gaming is much better in galaxy s as it is equipped with best gpu ever.
                                        And galaxy s is much slimmer than n8.
                                        Browser is uncomparable in galaxy s as after the 2.2 update my galaxy s is running full adobe flash player 10.1 while browser in n8 is the same old slow & lagging without full flash support.
                                        My galaxy s also supports DIRECT WI-FI (a future technology which will end the era of old bluetooth) while n8 don't support it.
                                        And the biggest problem in n8 is it's same old pathetic symbian while android is out of this world !!!