Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • I
  • Ishtiak
  • uNV
  • 03 Nov 2010

Tanvir_666, 03 Nov 2010I'm really scared now,I'm gonna have my N8 on 11/11 .... &a... moreHello devil can go for it easily.previously what you used n8 is not like that for sure.Btw how much it ll cost on bd?

    • n
    • n8 sucks
    • S9h
    • 03 Nov 2010

    worst phone i ever had
    nokia 3310 is better than this

      • F
      • Frankie_76
      • wMH
      • 03 Nov 2010

      Anonymous, 03 Nov 2010 I was totaly disappointed w... moreGSMARENA, PLEASE modify the voting and forum place, with a required login system (using one real Email account).

      This place is a mess, and worthless.

        • S
        • Sagar Rai
        • bCb
        • 03 Nov 2010

        There is a different way to switch back the Nokia N8 which is known as HARD RESET. Sometime N8 doesn't ON even holding power button for more than 5 min.

        So now you need to HARD RESET. Read here how to hard reset

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 0VV
          • 03 Nov 2010

          I was totaly disappointed with n8 and i sold that phone after only 5 days of use and i bought wave.

          Touch responsiveness of samsung wave is unreal and unbeatable !!!!!!!!!!!! OMG soooooo smooth !!!!!!!!!
          This is without competition the fastest mobile phone ever made, and the guilty is BADA-probably the best operating system today.

          So fast,so responsive,screen is something most beautiful i have ever seen in my life,music quality is out of this world,watching hd movies is...

          I had so many phones but this is something that you must feel and try.After this phone, you will never want to have some other phone in your life.Bada don't have bugs and lags at all, it's so fast and beautiful.

          This phone has wolfson dedicated music chip wm8994 ,but also 3d graphic chip powervr sgx 540 with score of 90 million triangles/sec...he leaves ps1, ps2 and psp behind.Wolfson music chip is soooo powerful, you will trow your i pods away.
          The quality of music is something best i have ever heard in my life.

          this phone is freaking monster in beautiful steel case.wave eat all other phones must try this phone and see the power and the speed that is beyond your imagination

          For me, the most imortant things in every phone are ESSENTIAL THINGS FOR EVERY MOBILE PHONE such as speed,display,design,easy of use,processor,ram memory,quality of video,quality of sound,smooth internet,pocketable,made from metal,durable,great battery...

          In all those categories wave is NO 1 !!!!!!!!!

          wave is sooooooo popular.this phone is out of stock everywhere.It is easier to find diamonds these days then this phone.I totaly understand all those people because this is monster for such cheap price.Everyone around me has this phone.Wavemania are all over the world.Samsung has destroyed other companies with this amazing phone.Bada is the operating system of the future.Screen is out of this world.Speed is from some other dimension.Beauty is uncomparable.Built quality is just masterpiece.

            • S
            • Sagar Rai
            • bCb
            • 03 Nov 2010


            DO anyone wants to Hard Reset NOKIA N8?

            Read here how to Restart your N8 when freezed up

              • F
              • Frankie_76
              • wMH
              • 03 Nov 2010

              Anonymous, 03 Nov 2010In response to your comment! I wish you luck buddy! NOT all... moreThanks ! i hope so! the statistics are good enough for my taste.

              I am reading a lot of forums, including Nokia one. In spanish and in english. And belive me, in everywhere you go, can see the real Owners qualifying this device with 9/10 8/10 or even 10/10.
              So it very obvious for me about Hater and spammers in this page. Another example..

              I can accept about hanging.. (my pal have an Iphone 3GS and restart itself time by time.. so what?! my Windows 7 machine does the same!! even the coffee machine at my work! haha)

              I can accept about performance (but someone can explain me why the gaming in this device its comparable with IPH4? gaming is the best way to benchmark devices for me..)

              But.. "DESIGN".. EVERYWHERE and EVERYBODY say about the Incredible design, so beauty, solid, etc is this device.. but in Voting results there r 8.5 points!?! haha its not credible for me.

              About "FEATURES".. please name another device with the "FEATURES" of this one.. can you?! nooo ! but.. 8.6 point for the most complete phone ever made?! ajam.. funny.. =D

              Performance.. ok. If u want put 1 point in this part, because this is very subjective to the UI and navigation design of the menus. ..

              So.. this page is FUNNY for me. Nothing Usefull come from the Voting and Forum place of GSMARENA. People fighting about Indian, Albania, Europe, USA, etc, etc.. etc.. Haters vs Lovers, spammer copying and pasting the same thing..

              Sad.. really sad.. but a little funny for kill my free time at work.. hahaha.

              Thanks for be so, so clown ! and make me a little more happy. Meanwhile i wait for the N8 in my country.

              Cheers !

              PS: Please note i'm trying to be objective about all of this things.

                • P
                • Prashant sharma
                • 2@j
                • 03 Nov 2010

                plaz tell me shall i buy dis or not coz i m going tomorrow for dis

                  • o
                  • oshiru
                  • tDL
                  • 03 Nov 2010

                  Anonymous, 03 Nov 2010In response to your comment! I wish you luck buddy! NOT all... this phone like a gambling then. Luck is really needed here. I hope i was lucky enough to get fine N8. so far there is no hanging or restarting problem,and almost no lag at all. Since i never open more than 3 apps,most are 2 apps open at same time music and opera,or games and music player(listening to avenged sevenfold while playing angry birds).

                    • o
                    • oshiru^3
                    • tDL
                    • 03 Nov 2010

                    anyone knows when new hd games will hit ovi store? Gameloft? Ea? Or no more hd games for s^3? I hope more games and apps will available on ovi store before christmast...

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 3pH
                      • 03 Nov 2010

                      Frankie_76, 03 Nov 2010I just check the page of Nokia. And its true.. there r almo... moreIn response to your comment! I wish you luck buddy! NOT all people check forums before they buy! I've had problem with my N8....constant freezing, resetting and even switched off twice! It's more to do with Symbian software rather then Handset, however if you are persistant in buying the N8 good luck co's your gonna need it!!!

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • PHu
                        • 03 Nov 2010

                        I bought this phone before several hours ago and i,m so sorry that i have to tell you that everything about this phone is true.When you touch anything on the screen it takes at least 2 seconds to react.So many bugs and pics quality are not so good as i think it would be.I bought original made in finland nokia with latest firmware.But, do not worry guys !!!!!!!!!!
                        Nokia will give us for about 7-9 mounths a good firmware that will eliminate bugs,freezes,lags...

                          • F
                          • Frankie_76
                          • wMH
                          • 03 Nov 2010

                          Saroj, 03 Nov 2010I am a N8 user from one week, and I am facing some problem ... moreI just check the page of Nokia. And its true.. there r almost 20 users with problems in this device (2 post pages).

                          So.. let me think.. how many devices Nokia Sold in this month? 40? 400? thousands?

                          WOW ! just 20 have this problem? in the entire world?! thanks. Now im sure about buying this device !! GOOD INFO !!!

                          NOTE: If i have a real problem with my device, im pretty sure about checking and posting the issue in NOKIA forum first. Not in Gsmarena or similar.

                          Thanks again.. now i can still dreaming about this device. Until December, when i gonna buy it ! =D =D =D

                            • S
                            • Shashank
                            • vGC
                            • 03 Nov 2010

                            Rafy, 03 Nov 2010wow so overated... i voted 1-1-1 to keep the score more re... moreI would have felt angry at u, but the nice things people are saying about make for a good laugh.
                            Specially the one about your M being a Horrible lay...
                            LMAO !!!

                              • n
                              • new owner
                              • QwZ
                              • 03 Nov 2010

                              Is there a better calendar for the N8? My calendar, in month showing mode, takes forever to populate the days and then also to post alarms, meetings, etc. on it. This telephone seems to be very slow and it seems to hang-up quite frequently.

                              I have read about the execution of backed-up commands and now I know what those people meant. One keeps pushing the image for the phone to do something and nothing happens and then all of a sudden three commands are executed.

                                • D
                                • Deep
                                • wdM
                                • 03 Nov 2010

                                arjun, 03 Nov 2010look wise its pretty good.. bt.. when playin need 4 speed..... moreM having awesome n8 full of happiness gud battery backup.and if u own a samsung,or lg,apple then also u will find many problems.check out in their respective forum.thanks

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • iFs
                                  • 03 Nov 2010

                                  Anonymous, 03 Nov 2010then u have to wait for life long... i guess, because nokia... moreI don't see any real benefits of increasing the ROM, I think it's just marketing thing.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • iFs
                                    • 03 Nov 2010

                                    [deleted post]well, everything has its positives and negatives, for example, N900 got MeeGo in dual-booting (unofficially of course) while N8/E7/C7 are newer products with rich features but no linux OS.

                                    N900 is a good smartphone but *personally* I would upgrade by purchasing the newer and better products which as you said support capacitive screen and much more.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • puI
                                      • 03 Nov 2010

                                      Anonymous, 03 Nov 2010n 8 is ok but no video light i am going to wait till nokia ... morethen u have to wait for life long... i guess, because nokia never makes a fully acceptable mobiles. there will be a something missing. for example take c7 it has 1 gb ROM.but 7 mega pixels camera without auto focus.n8 camera is good but 512 ROM. in nokia there is + and - in all models they never make a complete set. its thier business formula i guess!!!

                                        • D
                                        • Deep
                                        • wdM
                                        • 03 Nov 2010

                                        Saroj, 03 Nov 2010I am a N8 user from one week, and I am facing some problem ... moreI think you having a defective piece or not genuine n8 simply awesome loving it so far