Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • s
  • snonre
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  • 22 Oct 2010

Anonymous, 22 Oct 2010Have been using my n8 for more than 10 days now without a r... moreI would not recommend that for i think it will overload the battery

    • s
    • snonre
    • tV0
    • 22 Oct 2010

    N8 Boy, 21 Oct 2010Can Anybody post the Link for "The Sims 3 HD" her... moreHere you go

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • vGt
      • 22 Oct 2010

      Have been using my n8 for more than 10 days now without a reboot..... Alas reboot is a passee now :)... Works absolutely smooth and i dont see any degradation in performance....Just have one query... N8 can be charged via usb and standard charger...i am not sure is it safe to keep standard charging on while its connected to usb at same time... Will it damabe the phone if both are connected simultaneously??

        • m
        • mk
        • Y}x
        • 22 Oct 2010

        mk, 22 Oct 2010 i ve been using symbian since nokia6600 ,it suits me best.... more cant wait for those upcoming symbian updates and upgrates

          • m
          • mk
          • Y}x
          • 22 Oct 2010

          i ve been using symbian since nokia6600 ,it suits me best. And now n8 really makes it happen...

            • G
            • GSM
            • Iqb
            • 22 Oct 2010

            Dwane, 22 Oct 2010I am a Nokia fan and waited patiently for this saviour pho... moreThis is so sad::..
            Ahh such a devastated man....
            You are one heck of a such a short time you the nerves of this phone....why dont you become an analyst or start producing mobile phones of your own

              • a
              • alex
              • kJq
              • 22 Oct 2010

              whats unique about nokia is that they have more to it .
              Bluetooth 3 = any wireless or bluetooth keyboard and mous support and high speed data transfer also best a2dp support
              fm transmitter and hdmi out and usb universal .
              now nokia has built in xvid divx support

              the firware will update over t
              he air as usual so you stop complaining month after mopnth about the nokia n8 problems , every phone dose

              so when no other manufacturer offer those feature like add on antenna tv micro usb cable use parrot drone and use as u want

              its not technology its how you use it

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 42a
                • 22 Oct 2010

                Dwane, 22 Oct 2010I am a Nokia fan and waited patiently for this saviour pho... moreYikes Dwane, you are one dude(?) who does not belong here. We are soooo fed up with people your kind. lol. Ignore him, fellow N8ers. :-) I think he works for the iPhone or Samsung, right Dwane? Peace...

                  • J
                  • Jake
                  • fjw
                  • 22 Oct 2010

                  People pay for what they get. And is not bad what they get,that's why they are prepared to pay :-) I will receive mine next friday at the end of the month.

                    • g
                    • george
                    • N7$
                    • 22 Oct 2010

                    i see nokia's share price went up but I don't understand why people are prepared to pay so much for it. Is only a cell phone after all. On the other hand is a damn nice one.

                      • J
                      • Jake
                      • fjw
                      • 22 Oct 2010

                      Akash, 22 Oct 2010The price is around 500 Euros now ,, not 370 eur. as promised !The price is so high because the phone is so much sought after. Nokia themself were taken by surprise. The n8 was expected to sell good but not so good. Did you check what nokia share price did in the last month or so? People are prepared to pay such high prices.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • eff
                        • 22 Oct 2010

                        I love my n8. Don't want a fruit rules!!!!

                          • D
                          • Dwane
                          • pTC
                          • 22 Oct 2010

                          mark , 21 Oct 2010having played on this a few days before uk release. i have ... moreI am a Nokia fan and waited patiently for this saviour phone. Now that I have the phone I have to agree with you. It was so not worth the wait. It acts like a typical Nokia -going slow at times and totally freezing too (and I've only put my contacts on it).
                          I've had mine for 5 days and it has crashed on me everyday and misses emails when I sync my gmail, -I'm not going take 2 years of that.

                          The camera is really good (its almost impossible to take a blurry picture) in fact all of the 'features' on it are -the USB OTG, FM receiver, sat nav etc but I just can't rely on it to work when I need it and at a good speed. And that's def not good when trying to defend/show off the phone to others who have a snappy adroid or Iphone.

                          I hate to say it but this phone will not save Nokia in the smart phone competition and I'm really disappointed and I am sending mine back and jumping ship to Android -prob the HTC desire I think.

                          I used to read and believe that this phone's GPU would make up for the low processor but in reality it is just not the case. When (or if) Nokia make a phone to actually compete in the UI as well as just features then I will be back as I love(d) Nokia and want them to do well as they have served me well in the past.

                            • A
                            • Akash
                            • LCe
                            • 22 Oct 2010

                            The price is around 500 Euros now ,, not 370 eur. as promised !

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • uth
                              • 22 Oct 2010

                              (Reply from nokia)not going to launch anything as Symbian^4, we’ll stop using the version numbers. Instead, we’ll evolve the UI, apps and service experiences in the new Symbian towards the design we had planned for Symbian^4, but in a series of development steps. These updates will also be made available for you as an N8 user, for example.

                                • C
                                • Canopus
                                • 0CU
                                • 22 Oct 2010

                                I have a question dears:
                                what do Q3 & Q4 mean in the top of some phone specs in STATUS section?
                                tanx vErY MuCh

                                  • L
                                  • LStrike
                                  • kRF
                                  • 22 Oct 2010

                                  mark , 21 Oct 2010having played on this a few days before uk release. i have ... moreFunny that you should call it "Bulky and Heavy". I have a Vibrant, G2 and an iPhone. It feels lighter then the iPhone, smaller then the Vibrant in both height and width and both lighter and smaller then the G2.

                                  It is also smaller and lighter then the Evo, Droid X etc etc etc...

                                  The processor speed is not a problem most of the OS moves swiftly. The scrolling is smooth and fast and really aside from the browser (and that is a biggie) and some goofy place to disjoin settings the device plenty nice. And criticizing the camera? Really? Not all that? Hmmmf...I wonder...

                                    • M
                                    • Mobile-Xpert
                                    • 8Dx
                                    • 21 Oct 2010

                                    I dont know pelple keep saying stupid things about the n8.....if you dont know how to use it stop saying it is a bad pretty sure that somebody that knows a a bit about phones would deal with it perfectly

                                      • m
                                      • mark
                                      • 3Wj
                                      • 21 Oct 2010

                                      having played on this a few days before uk release. i have come to a conclusion.its not that good. very bulky and heavy.

                                      very juddery on the zoom on the camera. also 12 megapixel well is not all that. speed wise its not very fast. shame it does not have a 1 ghz cpu. like all the other smart phones. for a smart phone its not that smart.

                                      shame nokia i had high hopes. but sadly its just average. only the nokia fans will appreciate it. the new symbian os just looks like my old Omnia HD, so i dont see any difference.

                                      shame all the hype but doesnt deliver. but i do like the colour options and shape.

                                        • D
                                        • Dago
                                        • vI7
                                        • 21 Oct 2010

                                        [deleted post]Sara's link is spam