Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • r
  • rOman
  • IaP
  • 21 Oct 2010

Andy Burgin, 21 Oct 2010The Designers have done a good job with the metal body on t... moreU missed a point buddy its a Gorilla glass...scratch resistence as described in the specs.

    • N
    • N8 lover
    • Mf5
    • 21 Oct 2010

    Andy Burgin, 21 Oct 2010The Designers have done a good job with the metal body on t... moreDear Andy,
    You wrote: "The Designers have done a good job with the metal body on the N8,itdoes not feel to heavy in your hands at All,Why?no battery cover seems odd to alot of people,as there is enough space below the camera shutter to put a battery cover there,as loads like to buy spare batteries for there mobiles,so if travelling an no electric plug for your charger you have some power with you,Nokia mobiles have very good speakers on them,but my only real bad mistake by the designers is the Speakers on the N8,you like to place your mobile next to you on a flat surface so it will not fall off,but with the N8 the speaker does not give clear sound an sounds right low an dim,so get the full sound from the N8 you have to place your mobile with the lcd screen on the flat surface to get Full sound,an could easily scratch the lcd screen,why could the speakers placed at the bottom near the Charger port"
    1st of all, you don't need to keep an extra battery for N8. Because, you can charge it with the regular Nokia charger (which is found almost anywhere), then, you can also charge it from a USB connector (Micro USB) from a PC or Laptop. And, if you wish (and have access to), you can charge it with the special Micro USB chargers (which comes with Nokia N85, N79, N86, N97 & N97mini).
    2nd, if you look closely at the back of Nokia N8, you'll see that there is an elevated portion (where the camera, xenon flash & speaker are), if you keep your mobile facing up, it's elevation will cause its speaker to be raised from the surface (unless you keep it on your bed, where the elevation won't happen cause of the soft mattress). So hearing a ring or reminder alarm or a song is not a problem in N8 even if you keep it on the table or hard surface. If you keep the phone on softer surface where the elevation will not be able to help, you can just put it facing down.
    3rd, go to youtube & search "N8 Gorilla Glass" (I don't remember the actual address, I saw it yesterday), You'll see that the touchscreen of N8 is scratch proof. You can't even scratch it with a swiss knife or keys & coins or even with a regular kitchen knife. For that matter, one of my friend have bought an N8 from abroad & yesterday I enquired about the Gorilla Glass, and he confirmed me that the glass is really good and (almost) non-scratchable. If you try really hard, you are bound to make a scratch on the surface, but generally, you'll not be able to scratch it with regular use.
    Take care.
    BTW, I am waiting for my N8. After I have the machine in my hand, I'll let everyone know my personal review.

      • s
      • snonre
      • tV0
      • 21 Oct 2010

      snonre, 21 Oct 2010Sorry mate, here is a new link Replacement for 1st link ... moreI'll let you know when i find it

        • s
        • snonre
        • tV0
        • 21 Oct 2010

        Dwane, 20 Oct 2010thanks but the 1st link didn't offer anything to download, ... moreSorry mate, here is a new link

        Replacement for 1st link -

        I cant find a new link for the folder hider

          • s
          • snonre
          • tV0
          • 21 Oct 2010

          Dwane, 20 Oct 2010thanks but the 1st link didn't offer anything to download, ... moreSorry mate, here is a new link

          Replacement for 1st link -

          I cant find a new link for the folder hider

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • Mty
            • 21 Oct 2010

            Anonymous, 21 Oct 2010this phone is carl zeiss! carl zeiss phone's image quality ... moreWhat does optics have to do with image compression? What does compression have to do with image brightness, contrast and saturation? You are one dumb m.(.&+f+&%£+.

            You call the best camera in the world bad! Saying the c5, a regular 3.2mp shooter is better Lol. How more stupid do people get. The c5 camera is notorious for producing more noise than detail. The n73 camera is much better than it. I guess the problem has more to do with your eyes than any other factor.

              • A
              • Andy Burgin
              • 3pH
              • 21 Oct 2010

              The Designers have done a good job with the metal body on the N8,itdoes not feel to heavy in your hands at All,Why?no battery cover seems odd to alot of people,as there is enough space below the camera shutter to put a battery cover there,as loads like to buy spare batteries for there mobiles,so if travelling an no electric plug for your charger you have some power with you,Nokia mobiles have very good speakers on them,but my only real bad mistake by the designers is the Speakers on the N8,you like to place your mobile next to you on a flat surface so it will not fall off,but with the N8 the speaker does not give clear sound an sounds right low an dim,so get the full sound from the N8 you have to place your mobile with the lcd screen on the flat surface to get Full sound,an could easily scratch the lcd screen,why could the speakers placed at the bottom near the Charger port

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • w0Q
                • 21 Oct 2010

                this phone is carl zeiss! carl zeiss phone's image quality is compressed so the image is too bright. just like my nokia n73, the image quality is bad, unlike uncompressed images like my nokia c5, the image is very realistic, the contrast and brightness are balanced very well

                  • i
                  • ithink
                  • t7%
                  • 21 Oct 2010

                  VK, 20 Oct 2010I'm using N73 now..... waiting to buy N8 but b4 dat pl... moreit has flash lite 4.0 :) so i gues yes? haha

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • pde
                    • 21 Oct 2010

                    Anonymous, 21 Oct 2010Hey guys i wanna buy this one, but i've a question, does it... moreSymbian 3 has mail push function which is considered one of the best. I have tested it.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • s8g
                      • 21 Oct 2010

                      Hey guys i wanna buy this one, but i've a question, does it have push mail?
                      I am using blackberry as for now, the mail is pushed into my phone as and when it arrives- does this phone have similar facility or do we have to synchronise the mail again and again?

                        • W
                        • Wasim
                        • s82
                        • 21 Oct 2010

                        I am at present using nokia 5800XM and want to upgrade with nokia N8. Can anyone explain what is the sound (music) quality and loudness in nokia N8 in comparison to nokia 5800XM in case of both through headset and phone loudspeaker? as i am a music enthusiast. Thanks in advance.

                          • N
                          • Nokiaboy
                          • Tmt
                          • 21 Oct 2010

                          Ok, yeah, someone here commented that if you want an Android like phone, then get an Android phone, but there are a few major drawbacks to any Android phones: power consumption (low battery duration), no free drive instructions, no good camera, period!

                          So still, if you want N8 hardware specs and Android looks the solutions is here:

                          So, Froyo looks on N8 quite possible :)

                            • G
                            • Gary
                            • fjn
                            • 21 Oct 2010

                            There is so much demand for this cell phone, Nokia will increase production as from 1-Nov. People have to be patient. Eventually everyone will get his. I did order mine on last Monday and it will only be delivered on Monday the 1-Nov ! I am from Nuernberg, Germany.

                              • r
                              • riddhi
                              • wiw
                              • 21 Oct 2010

                              Anonymous, 20 Oct 2010can some one please tell me if the screen readable under di... moreYes it is. Surprisingly so. Its not completely and perfectly bright right under a 12 noon sun, but i can read it clearly while walking about in daylight...

                                • N
                                • N8 sux
                                • w49
                                • 21 Oct 2010

                                Hi all, don buy this phone.

                                Yest my frnd bought it n there were few lag issues, hangs when switching between apps.

                                Camera interface is old style,.. N u cant open back panel to change ur battery while carrying it. Not cool.

                                  • M
                                  • Mac
                                  • f34
                                  • 21 Oct 2010

                                  SFAN, 21 Oct 2010@Dago Symbian is programmed through C++ with qt support. ... moreYour point? Nokia N8 is a wonderfull phone SGS is a wonderfull phone as well in its own right. Why do you need to tell people what to think? What you state may be valid to you but to others it doesn't matter at all. The N8 has achieved the happy medium here between everything. The phone performs well in every department. Very good in some and above average in others. It is good. It ticks the boxes in everything and provides choice. HD, games, videos are smooth. UI good but not brilliant. It gets the job done better than before. Under the hood symbian ^3 has seen more than 200 changes from the old. Cannot be seen now but with the updates it will surface for users of this mobile. This works for millions of people. Just like the SGS works for millions. Provide your valued insight to the SGS fans please. The balance in this phone is unrivalled. By the way, android runs a linux kernel, not pure linux. Meego does run pure linux. That is why nokia stayed away from android. Their os is pure bred. Not a hack thats has rights owned by others. Oh and by the way, nokia have bed with who for meego....? I think you will see that processor very soon from nokia. Much more efficient than others with intel chips! Then others will copy their tech again and nokia will be a leader again?!! LOL. I hope they dont share like samsung holding the s amoled screens back and not supplying others with it. Playing the trump card huh? Then introduce it soon after in their WP7 phones? LOL! Dirt in others eyes.

                                    • m
                                    • mk
                                    • Y}x
                                    • 21 Oct 2010

                                    Mesuto Oshiru, 21 Oct 2010Thanks mate,its a nice site you made. But i just wonder bou... more u r welcome..... Feel free coz they r free. They r all eng versions. They r huge in size but resumable, u can even use a slower network....enjoy all of em

                                      • M
                                      • Mesuto Oshiru
                                      • Kxa
                                      • 21 Oct 2010

                                      [deleted post]Thanks mate,its a nice site you made. But i just wonder bout games language,is it english or russian?

                                        • C
                                        • CyberThug
                                        • s8a
                                        • 21 Oct 2010

                                        Ye, really it is a masterpiece. It can do all things a PC can do..