Nokia N8
- P
- Phong
- 49u
- 19 Oct 2010
I also love the Nokia phone that it has FM Tranmitter which i always listen to my favorite song over my car radio. and also listen to Radio as well. I've not seen anyone android or iphone has this features. 12mp, no need to cary those extra camera on me. Battery fuking last so long on this phone. compare to android and iphone.
- P
- Phong
- 49u
- 19 Oct 2010
Best phone ever over android and iphone. Charge my battery to full in 20 to 30 minutes. I have android phone and iphone, takes hours to charge. sadly to have those sucky android and iphone.
- P
- Phong
- 49u
- 19 Oct 2010
I've use android G2 with Querty key, the one just came out with T-mobile, hate it sux shit, just the good keyboard that's it. then got Iphone as well. good touch screen and color, but sux apps. Nokia has good hardware sound loud, 12mp camera one made it yet Xenon flash, oh lord best of all. I sell my G2 and then Iphone away.
- ?
- Anonymous
- j01
- 19 Oct 2010
i hope that some people saw how big trash is this you nokia poor and sad lovers
- P
- Phong
- 49u
- 19 Oct 2010
Dude will you install Opera 10 on your N8 then compare to android browser will you do that for me? fuk android..will be slower then N8 browser on Opera 10.1
- ?
- Anonymous
- j8s
- 19 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 19 Oct 2010that what happens when a website lets the visitors post wit... moreHe still didn't change his encrypted location "j019" and before was "8QY8"
- ?
- Anonymous
- iFr
- 19 Oct 2010
that what happens when a website lets the visitors post without registration, kids coming spamming and going crazy on a silly things.
ppl stop reporting this spammer to keep all the encrypted IPs reserved.
- p
- phong
- 49u
- 19 Oct 2010
at one of the dude compare nokia web browswer saying that it is slow compare to android. Dude i agreed that nokia is lack of softwares how ever hard ware is very stable. Please dont compare just the browser with android..if you install Opera 10.1 beta 2 on N8 it will rules over Android browser. Overall I think Nokia rules over other phones. In the nearest future..more developer will join NOkia apps.
- s
- sachin
- u{g
- 19 Oct 2010
I am using N8 since three days...its awsome phone...very good picture quality....its amazing u will love it...cheers.
- ?
- Anonymous
- YT5
- 19 Oct 2010
I need a oxford advancerd learner dictinary
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y2E
- 19 Oct 2010
Nameless, 18 Oct 2010People still compare this phone with the high end segment, ... moreThe N8 IS a high end phone! What's wrong with you? It's probably the smartest phone. If you are a power user, the N8 is THE phone! Very fast, long lasting battery, great sound. And very robust. My N8 hasn't hung, is very fast and every bit I expected it to be. And I owned a Blackberry before, a Samsung Omnia HD and an iphone 3GS - which I gave to my son because I really think it's for kids and for people who want easy to use phones. The N8's learning curve is not that fast as the iphone or the Android phones I'd tell you that. But if you are a power user, this phone IS THE PHONE!!!
- L
- Linzo
- T1e
- 19 Oct 2010
Linzo, 19 Oct 2010What a great phone in every aspect I decided to buy N8 o... moreanyone?
- L
- Linzo
- T1e
- 19 Oct 2010
Linzo, 19 Oct 2010What a great phone in every aspect I decided to buy N8 o... moreCan anyone plz answer my question? anyone who actually has the phone
- L
- Linzo
- T1e
- 19 Oct 2010
What a great phone in every aspect
I decided to buy N8 online but for people who own it, what languages does it come with? besides english of course.
if we can't change the language on the fly, can we at least change the firmware to support other language?
- M
- Mark
- mby
- 19 Oct 2010
[deleted post]until you want to connect that iPhone to anything, or get free navigation on it, or sideload apps, or any of the other 100 reasons why the N8 might be a better device for a person. Nokia is fixing the browser, good luck soldering an HDMI port onto the iPhone ;)
N8 FTW! (In Europe)
- m
- memory full
- fvI
- 19 Oct 2010
memory full , colse some applications and try again?! Thats what i face when i browse internet through my 5800 while there is no application oppend and cashe cleard and sometimes restart mobile! Is it ram problem or what? Is n8 has the same issue?
- j
- jai ve
- 4{7
- 19 Oct 2010
hi i have T-mobile service so can i use this phone.
- p
- phones fan
- fwM
- 19 Oct 2010
[deleted post]watch the second video,and you will discover why android is better than symbian in web browsing.
(only one app is running in the back ground)
- N
- Nameless
- mJd
- 18 Oct 2010
People still compare this phone with the high end segment, sad, very sad indeed. Guest the buzz is just that high... I think some N8 owners show of too much so some egos were busted, competition shares are slowing down or all this trash talk is just a preventive measure. This phone is the $hit now and will be for months to come. As for the bad browser, text input or (what else?forgot) there are two major firmware releases that are expected this year so pack your $hit folks, we will have even better experience with this powerhouse! And please, stop with the comparison videos! You are not trashing the N8 but the great devices next to it! I'm talking about the HTC Desire, Wave and alike...those devices are the high end segment, show some respect. Don't be intimidated by the N8, its still just a phone. :)
- j
- jassi
- uwV
- 18 Oct 2010
Audio Quality ??????