Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • A
  • AMIT
  • uCr
  • 14 Oct 2010

guys this is really a great gadget to has all the features one wanted..i wish to have to asap since it has already hit the i am planing to buy end ofthis month...cheers...

    • S
    • SS
    • Khr
    • 14 Oct 2010

    mR. k, 12 Oct 2010can ne N8 owner plz help me wid few questions...??? moreinternal memory of the N8 is 154MB....

      • S
      • utv
      • 14 Oct 2010

      Galaxy Sun, 13 Oct 2010No,Nokia have lost the smartphone segment starting with the... moreHi this is shweta i wanna say that i m very much impress with d look of N8 nd its feature i really wish that its works batter.thanx for nokia.

        • A
        • AMANITA
        • YQF
        • 14 Oct 2010

        UBCNME, 14 Oct 2010Glad you like yours..... I wish I had mines, maybe ill have... moreThe wait ll be over söon ! Whatz the colour of ur N8 ?

          • U
          • UBCNME
          • jBJ
          • 14 Oct 2010

          Anonymous, 14 Oct 20101ST night working on my N8. It's connecting to my home wir... moreGlad you like yours..... I wish I had mines, maybe ill have it this month I checked the USA Nokia website and now it says Oct.

            • r
            • realistic
            • 3Se
            • 14 Oct 2010

            Galaxy Sun, 13 Oct 2010Very nice try...but flawed perspective... The processor,dis... moreI think you just forgot to say the brilliant features of n8 like hdmi port and usb otg.And I have to say that n8 has a graphics acceleromater plus the 680mhz cpu.Another thing you must notice is that the cpu is enough for the symbian os,because symbian doesn't need high cpu like android.The RAM also has the same story of cpu.About the display I can say that the Super AMOLED is a bit better than AMOLED.So this cant be a large disadvantage of n8.I think the best android phone according to the ratings is galaxy s which hasnt high features in camera,specially that it hasnt flash for taking photographs in night.

              • r
              • realistic
              • 3Se
              • 14 Oct 2010

              Galaxy Sun, 13 Oct 2010Very nice try...but flawed perspective... The processor,dis... moreI think you just forgot to say the brilliant features of n8 like hdmi port and usb otg.And I have to say that n8 has a graphics acceleromater plus the 680mhz cpu.Another thing you must notice is that the cpu is enough for the symbian os,because symbian doesn't need high cpu like android.The RAM also has the same story of cpu.About the display I can say that the Super AMOLED is a bit better than AMOLED.So this cant be a large disadvantage of n8.I think the best android phone according to the ratings is galaxy s which hasnt high features in camera,specially that it hasnt flash for taking photographs in night.

                • G
                • Gitty
                • YQE
                • 14 Oct 2010

                velu, 14 Oct 2010@vinks When did you preorder? I preordered it on 1st oc... moreMine is also blue but I ll buy it on 1 november !

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • Y}y
                  • 14 Oct 2010

                  Appal, 14 Oct 2010Its been 2 days I've got this phone and here is the first i... moreif u type a lot then touchscreen phones shud be avoided, this is my experience. Heavy texters shud always use qwerty keypad phones ie having physical keypad. And those physical keypad that slide out should be avoided as one has to use both hands. Buy those qwerty keypad phones that fit in one hand like e72 for example. Or blackberry. They are very fast and easy for heavy texters.

                    • v
                    • velu
                    • PBH
                    • 14 Oct 2010

                    Vinks, 14 Oct 2010Yesterday i bought my nokia N8 @ Rs26000/- in new delhi, wi... more@vinks

                    When did you preorder?
                    I preordered it on 1st october in Bangalore and i will be getting it on 16th october :(

                    mine is also Blue

                      • v
                      • velu
                      • PBH
                      • 14 Oct 2010

                      Another reason to buy Nokia ;)

                      Nokia emerged as India's Most Trusted Brand for the third year in a row in EconomicTimes survey;)

                      Considering very little or No Advertisements that Nokia India does, its a great thing to have the Trust
                      of a nation with a billion plus population.
                      It clearly tells that instead of talking , Nokia just does the things and keep itself silent.



                      Nokia claims that 70% of consumers who approach customer care are served within an hour, with 90% of phone issues handled within 24 hours.

                        • V
                        • Vinks
                        • v{M
                        • 14 Oct 2010

                        Yesterday i bought my nokia N8 @ Rs26000/- in new delhi, with blue colour, amazing fone very fast responsive awesome camera, love this fone. conectivity feat. are also really amazing. looks like people jelously saw me when i'm on call.....

                          • @
                          • @velu
                          • PBH
                          • 14 Oct 2010

                          Mani, 14 Oct 2010in my n8 camera auto focus is not working.when did you get your N8?

                          If i am not wrong, you might be Indian or Iranian.
                          And N8 will only be delivered from 16th October onwards in India.

                            • M
                            • Mani
                            • 2@1
                            • 14 Oct 2010

                            in my n8 camera auto focus is not working.

                              • A
                              • AMANITA
                              • upe
                              • 14 Oct 2010

                              Appal, 14 Oct 2010Its been 2 days I've got this phone and here is the first i... moreThx alot for the useful info ! Hope it ll b solved with new firmware or any 3rd party app. Can solve it ! Whatz the colour of ur N8 ?

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • ftV
                                • 14 Oct 2010

                                Appal, 14 Oct 2010Its been 2 days I've got this phone and here is the first i... moreI guess you've never used symbian before. Those are the ui issues people complain about. You'ld get used to it though nokia just might fix some of those in future firmware updates

                                  • A
                                  • Ali Abdulla
                                  • 3LA
                                  • 14 Oct 2010

                                  Appal, 14 Oct 2010Its been 2 days I've got this phone and here is the first i... morei know! :@...

                                  this is like the only serious drawback in symbian thus far :@, i rrly thought nokia would of fixed b4 N8 launch...

                                  how hard can a multi touch,halfscreen keyboard be? rrly..

                                  anyways, dude, since i dont have my N8 yet, i cant confirm if it would work or not, but check "dayhand keyboard"

                                  it installs a two kind of keyboards instead of the original symbian, one is opera browser like, and the other is iphone like, not sure if it supports multitouch, but try it :)

                                  works on s60v5... HOPEFULLY its compatible :)

                                  please review it :)

                                    • A
                                    • Appal
                                    • uWt
                                    • 14 Oct 2010

                                    Its been 2 days I've got this phone and here is the first impression I feel..

                                    The camera and video quality are very good as is depicted by the specifications.. but coming to the usability of the phone, I am surprised to see that the keyboard does not open up automatically in a text field. You have to touch in the text field and then the number pad opens up (not the QWERTY keyboard!) when in portrait mode. Ofcourse it changes to QWERTY when you change it to landscape. I find this quite inconvenient and wondering how this is made in the so called new version of Symbian 3!

                                    I'll tell you the problem with a practical example:

                                    Suppose you are chatting, and you want to type and send a line, here is what you need to do

                                    1) Touch the text field that you want to type in.

                                    2) A new window opens up with the NUMBER PAD, you key in whatever you want and

                                    3) touch the accept button, which takes you back to the chat screen with what you typed

                                    4) now you have to touch the send button

                                    all this is quite cumbersome for a person who wants to chat quickly (ive used nimbuzz). The same is the navigation when you want to type an URL in the browser :(

                                    I've have commnts on other aspects all of them are good but I thought of sharing the negative aspect of it due to which Im quite dissatisfied with the phone.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 4b0
                                      • 14 Oct 2010

                                      1ST night working on my N8. It's connecting to my home wireless, yea! The N8 found 1 theme update right out of the box, that's the only update.

                                      Going from my Nokia 6650 (S60 symbian 3rd Edition, Feature Pack 2) to the N8 was easy. I'm happy with the N8's OS!

                                      I'm still amazed with this phone's hardware. This phone screams $$$$$$.

                                        • M
                                        • Mac
                                        • f34
                                        • 14 Oct 2010

                                        Anonymous, 14 Oct 2010Look awesome just wonder why nokia decided to have new u... moreStep changes....small step changes my friend. Not huge leaps like android. That could go either way if changes are too drastic. They could have lost huge market share and more quicker too. People aren't used to too much change. Create the buy in with small step changes. That would stop the landslide and re-affirm them as market leaders. Symbian ^4 would be the clincher. Symbian ^3 is the stepping stone, a very crucial and necessary one too. By the way, i read in an article that android is about to release gingerbread a.k.a 3.0 but maybe refered to as 2.5 instead as honeycomb would take the higher number for the tablets. Announcement maybe next week! The shocker here is.....but Froyo was just launched!!....and still so many 2.1 owners didmt get the update as yet! This is what happens with big changes. Read the forums....people are not happy!! I wonder why?! Turmoil with their apps market too? Maybe not but android/google will burn soon. Mark is right below. Samsung will turn to bada. They have that. Where do others go to? Stick with symbian boys. Stick with symbian.