Nokia N8
- s
- sahil joji
- 9C0
- 14 Oct 2010
Even the most talked about samsung glxy cannot accept of send a business card which is most used .Sad To give a simili is is like trying to sell the best car with all the comforts but does not have powere stearing.
- s
- sahil
- 9C0
- 14 Oct 2010
Even the most talked about samsung galexy cannot accept of send a business card which is most used .Sad To give a simili is is like trying to sell the best car with all the comforts but does not have powere stearing.
- M
- Mac
- f34
- 14 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 14 Oct 2010gyz can't believe my eyes... n8 comes with unlimited music ... moreI think it's unlimited for 6 months only though. Still awesome nevertheless. I'm going to enjoy that!
- k
- kd
- vGS
- 14 Oct 2010
amazing phone..does every job perfectly..either its telephony or takin pictures..the best is its buid quality..far superior than any other phone in this category..
the most reliable brand NOKIA..
- m
- mk
- Y}x
- 14 Oct 2010
snonre, 14 Oct 2010I missed out something "camera is not good. nokia p... more I think their eyes r not good or may b their brains. Even a baby knows about n8s cam...
- m
- mk
- Y}x
- 14 Oct 2010
Camera has been hacked yesterday 13.10.10, who knows what ll b hacked next.....hopefully the processor
- s
- snonre
- ib3
- 14 Oct 2010
I missed out something
"camera is not good. nokia pleased wake up you put 12MP but why? disappointed."
Have you even seen the gsmarena blind test. This badass even beats a digicam.
- s
- snonre
- ib3
- 14 Oct 2010
NSERIES USER, 14 Oct 2010read the conclusion of gsmarena page9,
symbian^3 UI is ... morethose statements are way exaggerated.
"symbian^3 UI is suck, same interface of old s60 nothing changed. "
gsmarena did not say that the UI sucked. Symbian^3 may look the same as previous versions of symbian, but if u actually use it in real life, u will see it has many changes, big and small.
"browser is slow to connect"
the N8 will soon get a QT based browser and Firefox beta 4 from Mozilla. Or if you cant wait, use Opera Mobile which is readily available now.
"resolution not good also."
to me the resolution is gud enough. A bigger resolution means that a higher battery consumption. Battery life is very important to me too.
"theres no application yet for symbian^3."
NO APPLICATION? Just go have a look at OVI store and there are apps available for the N8. Heck, why stop there, just search on google and you will find a lot more apps for the N8. Keep in mind that apps created for S60v5 can aso work (mostly) on the N8.
"battery is not removable."
Battery IS removable but just not in a normal way. U can remove the battery by removing the two TORK screws.
And i bet you dont even have a nokia phone, even a N series phone
- I
- Itsmizone
- b$8
- 14 Oct 2010
I red couple of blog’s that N8 Battery has some difficulties. Trouble
Any one has an idea about that?
- N
- t7P
- 14 Oct 2010
read the conclusion of gsmarena page9,
symbian^3 UI is suck, same interface of old s60 nothing changed.
browser is very slow to connect.
camera is not good. nokia pleased wake up you put 12MP but why? disappointed.
resolution not good also.
theres no application yet for symbian^3.
battery is not removable.
i am NSERIES user but alway give me more problems. and now i doubt for this unit. i dont like to get another NSERIES FAILED. is so sad to hear. Nokia pleased improve your device before you released it worldwide. :-(
- C
- Coolstan
- ftV
- 14 Oct 2010
The N8's already beating dedicated cybershots at their own game...hehehehehe go Nokia!
- L
- LexSsie
- vxt
- 14 Oct 2010
i agree..... Nokia wont go this far with diff. mobile phones if they are just copying others.. they are the one being copied. Even china phones copy the image of the Nokia phones, but they really cant copy the OS and features of the real one.. ^_^ i'm just wondring, why dont Nokia build a mobile phone with dual sim features w/ 2 inbox and 2 signal icon working at the same time, like china phones do, if they do that im sure it'll wipe out all fake china phones here in the philippines.. ^_^
- J
- Jos
- 14 Oct 2010
The only reason why samsung is surviving is because of android...we all know what kind of phones they used to manufacture few years ago...same is the case now...only thing is they use android as os and the hardware is the same old samsung crap...
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7K
- 14 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 14 Oct 2010nokia is the best fone producer .... Ushud agree wid dat..... moreEven if HTC or Samsung uses licensed OS like WinMo or least they've always come up with top-notch devices. Unlike with Nokia's Touch Symbian phones.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Rx5
- 14 Oct 2010
Galaxy Sun , 13 Oct 2010Do you know what you are talking about??? Do you realise wh... morenokia is the best fone producer ....
Ushud agree wid dat...
Using and buliding up ur own os is not an easy task..
Wat htc and samsung do is just a part of wat nokia does...
Ask htc and samsung to use their own os every tym and believe me they wud go bankrupt...
Nokia is an allround winner...
- ?
- Anonymous
- Rx5
- 14 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 14 Oct 2010It have that rebooting problem that some of the nokia n900 ... moreu dont even know how to reflash n900....???
U have done a gr8 mistake by buying the besthackeable fone.....
- ?
- Anonymous
- iFr
- 14 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 14 Oct 2010The review of n8 on gamarena says the browser is average a... moreno problem, use 3rd party browser faster. At least until it gets the update with the newer ovi browser end of this year.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}x
- 14 Oct 2010
The review of n8 on gamarena says the browser is average and android froyos browser is much better. Very bad drawback for nokia n8.
- A
- Ali Abdulla
- 3LA
- 14 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 14 Oct 2010gyz can't believe my eyes... n8 comes with unlimited music ... morebecause its only for 4-5 countries, not everywhere
- ?
- Anonymous
- k2n
- 14 Oct 2010
Mark, 14 Oct 2010You are going back from the N900, which is a mobile linux c... moreIt have that rebooting problem that some of the nokia n900 have I send it in to be reflash by nokia and I am still waiting for them to send me a replacement it been 14 Days and for a phone that cost $600 you should not have to wait this long.