Nokia N8
- ?
- Anonymous
- uNV
- 14 Oct 2010
gyz can't believe my eyes... n8 comes with unlimited music download from ovi music
but nokia made no hype about that. how nokia can be so much f*ken modest???!!
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- Anonymous
- j01
- 14 Oct 2010
never again is history.this phone is nothing special.I throwed away my money.My htc desire is better in all segments
- M
- Mark
- mby
- 14 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 14 Oct 2010Nokia is junk, I send in my nokia n900 and I am still waiti... moreYou are going back from the N900, which is a mobile linux computer, to a blackberry, a texting box? Why on earth would you do that. I have the N900, overclocked and all, and the device is unbreakable. What happened to yours??
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ke1
- 14 Oct 2010
Look awesome
just wonder why nokia decided to have new ui in symbian 4 but not in symbian 3? The new fwatures in symbian 3 can be added to symbian 4,
ui should have the first priority.
My symbiabn 4 suggestions
no more option and back bottom bar(yes it is confimed) menu list should be put at the top and should be launched from a small icon instead of long and thin bar!!!
New improved icons andtheme from nokia
- ?
- Anonymous
- k2n
- 14 Oct 2010
Nokia is junk, I send in my nokia n900 and I am still waiting 14 days to get it back, nokia suck big time.
This is my last nokia product, back to my blackberry.
- d
- deep space bar
- NMv
- 13 Oct 2010
build quality is friggin awesome 100% i'll give for this phone.i'm getting mine in 1 week :3
- ?
- Anonymous
- fnJ
- 13 Oct 2010
[deleted post]This is a Virus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my AVG detected a virus in your link!!!!!
remove this comment!!!
- M
- Mark
- mby
- 13 Oct 2010
Galaxy Sun , 13 Oct 2010Do you know what you are talking about??? Do you realise wh... moreDude, besides being a lowlife and insulting people here, you are also completely and utterly clueless as to what is happening in the mobile space and why.
If Android is such a good idea then why develop Bada? Why do you think TouchWiz looks similar on SGS & Wave? Samsung wants their own ecosystem, and builds it with Bada. In the meantime they just ride the Android, temporary Wave. Do note that the biggest supporters of Android were the biggest losers in the mobile space before.
Nokia, Samsung both want their own ecosystem. The only difference is Samsung is stupid enough, I think, to help Android now, while Nokia would rather take a temporary hit, before they come back with S^4 & MeeGo.
You are terribly shortsighted if you think the number 1 and 2 seller of mobiles will be in Android for the long haul. Its a temporary fix, nothing more. Nokia is supremely smart about this, and the only player (next to apple) that has the cash and profitability to do this. The rest already surrendered and will be the dell & acer of the mobile space.
Trust me, this is not about which device is better, I dont care, I like the N8. This is the reason companies do what they do. Long term strategy.
- i
- insaneman
- pKi
- 13 Oct 2010
Galaxy Sun , 13 Oct 2010Do you know what you are talking about??? Do you realise wh... moresorry but symbian is the biggest selling os in smart phones in the world
- i
- insaneman
- pKi
- 13 Oct 2010
can anyone tell me is it only pre orders with nokia where you will be getting the n8 on the 15th or are the pre orders with carphone warehouse and phones4u etc in the uk getting theres on the same date.i know there as been news saying the major stores will have them in on the 22nd but not sure if that was for live stock for new customers to take up on the day and was not including pre ordered ones
- G
- Galaxy Sun
- Mty
- 13 Oct 2010
Mark, 13 Oct 2010They wont dump bada. They will dump Android as soon as Bada... moreDo you know what you are talking about??? Do you realise what baseless assumptions you're making! The bada is just a succesfull experiment! Android is the future and Samsung along with Htc have realised that. This is the reason why they dominate the smartphone segment!
- ?
- Anonymous
- pde
- 13 Oct 2010
So far, I have not heard anything major about N8 hardware and software from Finland, China, and Russian. But those Nokia's hater have tried hard to bash N8, even tell totally groundless lies. Those liars go to hell!
- m
- momeries
- fvI
- 13 Oct 2010
i wish its mass momery and momery card to have no problem. Becoz i faced many problem with my ex nokia devices. Sometimetr suddenly i lost my media and my application while the memory stillcount the same number of mega. So i obliged2 format momery and lost all data. Now adays after i formatted my 5800 memory card i found my old applications come again after 1year and after many formats iam woundring.!
- ?
- Anonymous
- pde
- 13 Oct 2010
For people interested in N8, check SPB Mobile Shell 3.7 for the Nokia N8. It looks great.
- M
- Mark
- mby
- 13 Oct 2010
Galaxy Sun , 13 Oct 2010Why would they dump bada when the
wave has brought them s... moreThey wont dump bada. They will dump Android as soon as Bada takes off. Another good reason to stay away from Samsung devices from now.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Pxx
- 13 Oct 2010
Armani, 13 Oct 2010Hi,can someone please tell which is better,Flash lite 4 of ... moreOfcos Flash 10.1!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- Pxx
- 13 Oct 2010
Upgrading from symbian to Android is like upgrading from windows XP to windows 7. But upgrading from symbian^2 to symbian^3 is like upgrading windows XP from service pack 1 to service pack 2.
- G
- Galaxy Sun
- Mty
- 13 Oct 2010
fenz, 13 Oct 2010t0 all samsung fanb0y hear this 'Samsung DE suggests the
G... moreWhy would they dump bada when the
wave has brought them such profit and next wave phones promiss to do the same??? It's illogical what you're saying, you don't kill the goose with golden eggs!
- f
- follower
- ntg
- 13 Oct 2010
Not worrying about the battery anymore. It seems Nokia's definition of "non-replacable battery" is quite a lot more replacable than the soldered crap on iPhone.
Actually the battery inside N8 is standard Nokia BL-4D and you can easily change it by opening two Torx screws.
- D
- David891
- 3T9
- 13 Oct 2010
Coolworld, 13 Oct 2010That was a great review,thank you for that.N8 is the closes... moreI heard you can hold the power button for 7 seconds for a hard reset when the phone completely freezes.
Of course you dont have to wait till the battery runs down..