Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • G
  • Gary
  • uw@
  • 08 Oct 2010

George, 08 Oct 2010@Gary My my my do you even know what six sigma certifies..... more
I need not say anything more about the Six Sigma certification.

    • G
    • Gary
    • uw@
    • 08 Oct 2010

    Mac, 08 Oct 2010Firstly, to the guy using my name, please either refrain fr... moreYa mac, I agree. Symbian was being continuously developed from many years. Android is a new-bee and they are trying to make it better. Let's not forget that even Symbian was not reliable and good until many years!

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • uw@
      • 08 Oct 2010

      Anonymous, 08 Oct 2010The galaxy does lag and i know what i'm saying. There is a ... moreiPhone isn't a smartphone? Where in the world are you living! Ummm, should I get something to read if you are free?

        • G
        • George
        • LXf
        • 08 Oct 2010

        My my my do you even know what six sigma certifies..?? It certifies that you do what you say you are doing, the way you say you are doing it (in other words its just like checking your homework). So in this case Samsung and HTC and the others are just saying "Hey, we do all these pieces of useless things the way they are supposed to be done"... some statement.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • Mty
          • 08 Oct 2010

          Gary, 08 Oct 2010The Galaxy S? It does not lag. See the reviews. I am not on... moreThe galaxy does lag and i know what i'm saying. There is a difference between 4days of fooling around with a device and actually using it. There is no smartphone that doesn't lag. All you have to do is push it. The iphone is no smartphone so it doesn't count.

            • G
            • Gary
            • uw@
            • 08 Oct 2010

            Anonymous, 08 Oct 2010Let me add that an os can also lag as result of bugs and il... moreYou may want to see this...

              • M
              • Mac
              • f34
              • 08 Oct 2010

              Gary, 08 Oct 2010For all those Nokia lovers... Nokia is not a good brand to... moreFirstly, to the guy using my name, please either refrain from this or better yet, change it to something else please. I have been using that for a long while now.

              OK, now onto the discussion. Gary, you have truly made some valid points. There are some aspects that i would like to clarify. There is nobody here that mentions android to be sticking to large processors as their main source for driving their os on phones. Point taken that they have utilised different smaller processors lately but the power drain is still a major problem for android. They may not be because android is the cause but just due to the processors not reaching the true equilibrium point fit for smartphone use currently. They are still getting better and the benifits of better processors are upon us. Android may just sort that power sapping problem sooner than we think.

              The os however is still far from complete. There are lots of aspects that still need development and the os currently needs to be modified to accomodate new hardware aspects into it just so that it works. I mean just take a look at symbian, everything works with this outdated os. Rather efficiently at that too. Are you willing to wait for android to update their os further now to integrate the new fresh stuff that N8 has dished out this ti e round. People are still battling to get 2.2 installed currently and their phones are not even working correctly after installing the update. How sad considering that besides my previous phone versions of this make, on this phone itself i have had 5 updates with no glitches whatsoever too. Mind you, i did skip certain updates and just hopped onto the next with no hiccups. This is called materity and that is symbian for you. Android dont have that. To tell you the truth they are not a strategist company and you can clearly take note on their shortfalls im certain aspects. Tneir main aim is eye candy and faster os. Ease of use has been considered but there is too much they are trying to achieve and too quickly. Could go either way here. They may be some legal battles to come too which could slow down their progress or even halt it. Woe would be the market then? Nokia on this take have been there, done that and learnt their leasons. Being burnt comes with the game. What matters is how well you recover from the set backs that makes you into a great company.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • Mty
                • 08 Oct 2010

                Anonymous, 08 Oct 2010Okay, you really don't have to tell silly lies here. We are... moreLet me add that an os can also lag as result of bugs and ill optimization as was the case with the n97 and 5800. Yes, "was". Tried the latest firmware? The 5800 especially is . . .

                At times, you guys almost sound as though symbian isn't itself evolving. Android is working on 3.0. Symbian is working on s^4!

                Maybe 6months ago, symbian had no developers but now? No rational minded individual with programming knowledge on the symbian platform would hear of nokias packages and not come running. Heck, half the worlds smartphones run true to symbian.

                  • G
                  • Gary
                  • uw@
                  • 08 Oct 2010

                  Anonymous, 08 Oct 2010Okay, you really don't have to tell silly lies here. We are... moreThe Galaxy S? It does not lag. See the reviews. I am not only talking about the Galaxy S. I mean all the Android flagships. I am sorry if I am being hard, but you must do some research before saying. Now did you know that even cheapest of the digital watches have RAM, ROM and processor? And on the other hand, even a super computer does have. Its all about speed and quality that differentiates them. I must encourage you to read and research what you are saying. Lets not be confined. Lets be dynamic. That way we can help people instead of fighting with them...

                    • d
                    • djv
                    • vG7
                    • 08 Oct 2010

                    can anybdy tell me the exact release date of nokia n8 in india,,,,,and does it supports games like n900 games?

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • Mty
                      • 08 Oct 2010

                      Gary, 08 Oct 2010For all those Nokia lovers... Nokia is not a good brand to... moreOkay, you really don't have to tell silly lies here. We are literate.

                      Who said 680mhz isn't running symbian at full speed? Who said the n8 is slow?

                      Yes, android is growing but symbian has over twice the market share. Android can never become the most popular os. Not even if nokia is the only company using symbian

                      The htc wildfire runs 2.1 alright but do you know how many features had to be disabled to enable it run properly? I used the wildfire up until last month. The mini pro also runs 2.1. Try placing it beside say, the galaxy s. That they both run 2.1 doesn't mean they have the same feature load. Neither does it mean they can run the same apps.

                      Android user 600mhz? You're lying again! Thats not even rational. Oses don't work that way. If the 1ghz is not fully used, then why does it lag? An os starts to lag when either its ram or processor are used up. And don't even try telling me the galaxy doesn't lag. 1ghz is not only required for 2.1 to run properly with all features onboard but its also insufficient if you intend to guaranty smoothness allthrough.

                      Symbian is much more efficent than android. Infact, android can't be described with the word efficent in any degree. This is more obvious when you take into consideration the fact that symbian actually minimizes running apps and doesn't pause then as is the case is android.

                        • G
                        • Gary
                        • uw@
                        • 08 Oct 2010

                        insaneman, 08 Oct 2010for me its not just about the os with the nokia n8 yes i am... moreI agree with you. Its all about a race. Nokia has re defined their OS, while Microsoft is coming up with Windows Phone 7! Some rumors speak that Google is developing on the Android 3 (Ginger bread).
                        Well, anyways, thanks for being polite, many people don't mind arguing with others until the other dies :-p
                        Let's see the new flagship of Nokia. Hardware seems promising, but then again, Sony may be coming up with a 16.4 MP smartphone.
                        Let's see what happens.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • YT5
                          • 08 Oct 2010

                          LoOkibg forward to n8 successor

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • uw@
                            • 08 Oct 2010

                            And ya, about the new N8!! Whenever Nokia releases their new flagship, then people praise it like anything. But after some time, say 2 or 3 months, those only people say 37 kinds of shit about that particular model. Till now, N8 may be good, let's see what happens after 3 months.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • uCn
                              • 08 Oct 2010

                              Symbian?? Android?? It's depend on the peoples need. Some will feel symbian is good some will feel android is more powerful. But why?? Because for us as nokia users we had use to it for the symbian, so symbian for us is more user friendly and better than others. So no point to argue this or that better. Which one is more suite to our usage and expectation we just go for it, might not you go buy something but you dunno to use it then put it aside so it's just a waste!!

                                • i
                                • insaneman
                                • pKh
                                • 08 Oct 2010

                                Gary, 08 Oct 2010For all those Nokia lovers... Nokia is not a good brand to... morefor me its not just about the os with the nokia n8 yes i am a bit of a Symbian fan but thats more to do with thats is the os that i am used to but thats not forget Symbian is still the top os in the world for smart phones at the moment, i can more than put up with Symbian being a split second slower and not so eye candy maybe compared to others but n8 is still for me because of its great features like camera,hdmi output,on the go usb supports etc etc, for me the n8 can do eveything any other phone can do but there are lots the n8 can do that others can't

                                  • G
                                  • Gary
                                  • uw@
                                  • 08 Oct 2010

                                  For all those Nokia lovers...
                                  Nokia is not a good brand to say everything in a nutshell. And it has been voted and proved globally that the Symbian OS is the worst OS. Get out of the

                                  confined world and step into the reality people! Google is 100 times bigger and better than Nokia and their OS is way more advanced than Symbian. Let

                                  me tell you how. Some people say that Symbian is matured and its reliability its undoubtfully good, its folder management, its task switching are all good.

                                  They may be good a couple of years earlier until a much more advanced Android OS started rolling out. Android is fast, has more eye candy, is gaining

                                  more market everyday, is open source, has its app growing like anything. Some people say that Symbian doesn't need more hardware resources. Now,

                                  HTC Wildfire has a 528 MHz processor and runs Android 2.1 very smoothly and we all know the performance of Nokia N97 which had a smaller Symbian

                                  number and higher processor. The Samsung i5800 Galaxy 3 has a 667 MHz processor and sails the Android 2.2 and we have all seen that a 680 MHz

                                  processor and a 3D HW graphics accelerator can't even run the Symbian out there on its full speed. Some people say that bigger processor hogs up

                                  more battery. That's again not true. When a processor is idle, it tends to use very little battery power. And there is no time in any Android phone that a 1

                                  GHz processor is fully used. Its fully used only while benchmarking. Some of you would be thinking that what then the use of having a 1 GHz processor if

                                  Android never uses more than 600 MHz power at any point of time. The answer is future apps. You would change your phone now and then just to have

                                  some apps running that demand more processing power. I want to say one last thing. Did you people know that in the mobile industry, only Motorola,

                                  Samsung, LG and Dell are the brands that are Six Sigma certified. Now that's what we call quality revolution. These brands will never compromise with

                                  their quality. Even the leading brands like Apple, HTC, Sony Ericsson and Nokia are not Six Sigma certified.
                                  I used to be a Nokia lover, until I stepped into the real world and faced myself against the reality. Then I realised that other brands are really miles ahead of

                                  One more thing opposers! If you need to reply to my post, then you may do it quietly and in a composed manner. We do not need to fight all the way.

                                  When calmly discussed, we can handle the thread a better way...

                                    • i
                                    • insaneman
                                    • pKh
                                    • 08 Oct 2010

                                    santo, 08 Oct 2010i need high antenna performance coz i live in rural area wi... morei think if your happy with the n86 screen you will be more than happy with the n8 screen which is 360 x 640 pixels, 3.5 inches and the n86 is 240 x 320 pixels, 2.6 inches so there is more pixels on the n8 but it is covering a bigger screen than the n86

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • mcj
                                      • 08 Oct 2010

                                      N8 Gre8

                                        • s
                                        • santo
                                        • PAX
                                        • 08 Oct 2010

                                        i need high antenna performance coz i live in rural area with low network coverage, which can't fullfill by sony ericsson. i m using nokia n86 8mp coz i m camera lover and very much satisfied with its screen resolution. i read many friends' opinion about n8, where n8 is crictisized by its screen resolution. isn't its resolution equal to n86 8mp.