Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • jb@
  • 03 Oct 2010

epic fail

    • D
    • DaRk MaDnEsS
    • fvx
    • 03 Oct 2010

    S^3 was the way Symbian OS 5th should have been

    and remember S^3 isn't the high end device or the devices that Nokia planning to return to the smartphone world with.

    It's a new device nokia opening the competition with

    S^4 and meego are what Nokia planning to battle with

      • W
      • Wheez
      • nSS
      • 03 Oct 2010

      And this is what I'm after. Mature, constructive discussion. I don't mind the tiniest bit with iPhone beign talked about here, when it's relevant to the N8 page by it's topics and as long as the comparing and discussion doesn't exceed certain limits.

        • W
        • Wheez
        • nSS
        • 03 Oct 2010

        Anonymous, 03 Oct 2010check nokia wiki page. Its income has been slipping. no dou... moreAs for the income, there are very few things that actually increased their income the last year cos of the recession. Firing the CEO of Nokia cos of that was very stupid. "You are obviously the reason that the whole world is in recession so we fire you".

        I read that at least one thing had been sold more during the recessions and that was ladies erotic toys :D

        Apple might've made more profit than it did before, but that may be due to few things. Nokia has been in the business for so long that it's best times profitwise were when there were no serious competition around. Apple then again hasn't really done anything worth while (I still find Macs a joke, I can't help it) until the iPhone which started 2007. It's undeniably a very succesful phone and a brand now, but at this point Apple can basically only go up. The situation may be whole different in 10 years. One last reason I give is that Apple was also lucky that Nokias flagship phones during that time failed due to a sum of many things, which obviously drove some people to rather buy Apple products.

        The N8 however is a whole new page in Nokias history and N97 is a slight scratch into Nokias rep, but it's healing very nicely with the N8.

          • W
          • Wheez
          • nSS
          • 03 Oct 2010

          The back cover heating up isn't necessarily a problem.

          Let's a take a few examples.

          If we had two identical devices but other one had N8s aluminium back cover and other one the iPhone glass. The aluminium would heat up but the glass wouldn't.

          In the glass situation, just cos the back cover doesnt heat up doesnt mean the heat isnt there. Cos that's exactly where it is. It's inside. It's alot more hazardous for the components than the aluminium conducting the heat out.

          This necessarily isn't the thing the iPhone cos iPhone and N8 are not identical, but that was an example how the device not heating at all can be alot more dangerous than it heating up.

          Another good example is the Nokia Booklet 3G. It's an unibody aluminium design, with NO fans, NO active cooling of any kind. It is passively cooled, it's thus extremely silent. So far I havn't heard any serious cryouts for overheating in the booklets case either.

            • m
            • menu's graphics
            • fvJ
            • 03 Oct 2010

            i wish nokia menu's come with higher graphics 3d display and2b more beautifull

              • m
              • mohd
              • 0kI
              • 03 Oct 2010

              waiting for the os and phone review

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • TqC
                • 03 Oct 2010

                Anonymous, 03 Oct 2010check nokia wiki page. Its income has been slipping. no dou... morecheck apple inc, its market share increasing since iphone launch

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • pde
                  • 03 Oct 2010

                  Anonymous, 03 Oct 2010if i buy with contract n8 plan is half of iphone 4. N8 mate... moreN8 doesn't have battery heat problem at all.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • TqC
                    • 03 Oct 2010

                    Wheez, 03 Oct 2010Nokia has success and has always had. Q2 2010, Symbian had ... morecheck nokia wiki page. Its income has been slipping. no doubt nokia is largest but losing its market share evry 1/4

                      • i
                      • insaneman
                      • pKh
                      • 03 Oct 2010

                      i have the satio but plan on getting the n8 very soon but i would love to see n8 photos compared to satio's photos

                        • K
                        • KM
                        • 2@k
                        • 03 Oct 2010

                        When is gsmarena team going to conduct a detailed review of N8? I believe N8 have started their pre-orders.
                        Am eagerly awaiting the same.

                          • W
                          • Wheez
                          • nSS
                          • 03 Oct 2010

                          Anonymous, 03 Oct 2010if i buy with contract n8 plan is half of iphone 4. N8 mate... moreNokia has success and has always had. Q2 2010, Symbian had 39% market share against iOS 14% or so.

                          It does not NEED those things to succeed as long as Android still can't compete as well in features and functionality. But I agree, it can't just lie down and think "oh well I have the biggest market share and it will stay that way". Competition is fierce.

                          But Meego and S^4 are on it's way. I have full trust in S^3s success as well as S^4s and Meegos. Meego isn't really my taste if its anything like the Maemo on N900 though, but Symbians I do like :)

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • TqC
                            • 03 Oct 2010

                            Wheez, 03 Oct 2010My message was cut in half, I'll repost it: I don't ne... moreif i buy with contract n8 plan is half of iphone 4. N8 material is aluminium which is very easy to extrude and produce. If nokia want success, it needs better browser, UI, music quality and player, better apps store, better design. N8 is a lot nicer than older nokias but still not very unique like iphones. i just checked tesco and n8 is onli 328pounds onli where iphone 4 is 500 pounds there. Nokia should aim for lesser body parts as possible. I had battery heat problem with my original iphone with metal back. So, n8 probably has that problem too esp when charging

                              • W
                              • Wheez
                              • nSS
                              • 03 Oct 2010

                              [deleted post]My message was cut in half, I'll repost it:

                              I don't necessarily disagree with you. Those are certainly the things that iPhone 4 does VERY VERY well. That's why it is so popular.

                              However I don't think it's as simple as affording. Maybe if you don't need the phone for much anything else than those mentioned, but overall the N8 brings alot more bang for the buck.

                              See it like a swiss army knife. It does shitloads of things decently/well, but isn't necessarily the best in anything (apart from like camera in N8s case and some personal preference thing - I think the N8 is the prettiest smartphone out there and has the best materials, but thats just my opinion).

                              That's why I personally got the N8, cos I don't have to be the best in few things, I rather have alot of options and features myself. Then again, if N8 costed as much as iPhone 4 does, I probably wouldn't have bought it and that's not about not having the money, it's about not wanting to use just that much (in Finland 16gb iP4 is like some 700 euros and 32gb over 800 euros) in to a mobile phone.

                              For me personally, 500€ is by far the most I've ever used on a mobile phone, but I do see it 100% worth it.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • TqC
                                • 03 Oct 2010

                                Wheez, 03 Oct 2010iam in between nokian8 and iphone4..... i will not use net ... moremusic quality and interface on iphone 4 is unmatched. Messaging on iphone 4 screen responsive. If u can afford go for iphone4 or if u short of money go for n8

                                  • A
                                  • Ali Abdulla
                                  • nCM
                                  • 03 Oct 2010

                                  Wheez, 03 Oct 2010iam in between nokian8 and iphone4..... i will not use net ... morei agree that there should be an option to allow visible screensaver clock while at "power saving" mode :(

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • qbb
                                    • 03 Oct 2010

                                    Wheez, 03 Oct 2010Vibration is enough for me, but I guess it depends abit on ... moreThanks Wheez for the reply about the vibration.

                                    How about if you put the N8 on the table, when it vibrates, does it move on the table / rattles a lot ? If it does, that should be strong enough for me.

                                      • W
                                      • Wheez
                                      • nSS
                                      • 03 Oct 2010

                                      Wheez, 03 Oct 2010iam in between nokian8 and iphone4..... i will not use net ... moreWoops, forgot your original message to the top, copy pasted it there so i can check the question again while I type. The first paragraph isn't "mine", just so no one will think that I'm even considerign the iPhone for myself :D

                                        • b
                                        • babes
                                        • tWi
                                        • 03 Oct 2010

                                        its great to buy this at avant abenson greenbelt4 makati phils