Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • M
  • Manu
  • bJe
  • 03 Oct 2010

Wheez, 03 Oct 2010I don't know, but I would figure that like Opera Mobile 10 ... moreThanks for your insight. It was indeed useful feedback.

I'm aware of Opera Mini/Mobile. It solves the stated problem. Perhaps, being a non-technical guy, I can't explain but Opera Mini compresses web pages while loading & also leaves lesser burden on C: drive.

However, default browsers on Android & iOS have sort of overshadowed the performance & utility of Opera Mobile. I expect Nokia default browser will raise the standards in mobile browsers.

In case of games directories/game saves, they are different to application itself. Suppose, I've installed a game on SD card, its game saves will store on C: just like cache of browser. Now in iPhone since we don't have external memory, everything settles in 16/32GB. But in others, it stores on C:// or maybe in hard disk. So, if this happens, i'm not too sure whether N8's 135MB C:// would be sufficient !!!

    • H
    • Hamazatta
    • ftj
    • 03 Oct 2010

    Wheez, 03 Oct 2010Due to my tendency to charge my phone every night, I havn't... moreMany Thanks for your prompt response.


      • W
      • Wheez
      • Iak
      • 03 Oct 2010

      Hamazatta, 03 Oct 2010All, How is the battery life of N8? Thanks Due to my tendency to charge my phone every night, I havn't run dry yet, but other people are reporting close to 2 days with relatively heavy use.

      Add in the power saving mode which is awesome and you might be looking at 3 days.

        • H
        • Hamazatta
        • ftj
        • 03 Oct 2010

        How is the battery life of N8?

          • W
          • Wheez
          • Iak
          • 03 Oct 2010

          Otto, 03 Oct 2010Hi Wheez, Could you test if the USB-OTG works with stand... moreI tried with my gaming mouse that my laptop has and it wouldn't work on that, but it's understandable cos it has associated drivers etc. I can try with my fiancee mouse that shouldnt require any drivers, but a normal keyboard I don't own, only laptops in my house :D

            • i
            • insaneman
            • pKh
            • 03 Oct 2010

            i ordered the n8 with e2save with orange on a 24 month contract at 27.50 a month but you also got a free dell note book worth around £250 which i thought sounded to good to be true and it looks like i was right because they are are saying orange have turned me down but i have spoken to orange and they have done no credit check on me the only think that came from e2save was for an upgrade which i think was done on purpose because i am not due an upgrade and i think the offer in the 1st place was a mistake as the offer in no longer available on there site i have since emailed them and said i will be taking the matter further they have replied saying they will be in contact Monday, i wondered if anyone on here tryed taking the same offer

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • pde
              • 03 Oct 2010

              Check how an American Engagdge cheats its readers


                • p
                • ped
                • L6Z
                • 03 Oct 2010

                Dear Wheez you are a adorable man. I just want to thank you for this perfect answers and information you are giving us.

                  • O
                  • Otto
                  • ASL
                  • 03 Oct 2010

                  Wheez, 03 Oct 20101. Extensive browsing : I use smartphone more then PC for r... moreHi Wheez,

                  Could you test if the USB-OTG works with standard wired USB keyboard and mouse?


                    • T
                    • TMT
                    • Rxd
                    • 03 Oct 2010

                    if only there was a qwerty keyboard........ :(

                    it would have been a master piece and i would have have upgraded it from n97

                    btw i am a die hard nokia fan and all of my family members uses nokia :d

                      • W
                      • Wheez
                      • Iak
                      • 03 Oct 2010

                      Manu, 03 Oct 2010If not all, then most of the phones have speakers on their ... moreI don't know, but I would figure that like Opera Mobile 10 would keep the cache files somewhere else than C:/, cos it would be installed on the 16gb internal. If you want to, I can find out. It's better than the original browser in just about everything but it lacks pinch to zoom support.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • fnL
                        • 03 Oct 2010

                        when will GSMArena review it???????????
                        I want a review!!!!!

                          • W
                          • Wheez
                          • Iak
                          • 03 Oct 2010

                          Anonymous, 03 Oct 2010Can we type as fast as iphone on virtual qwerty? Can i h... moreI sadly have no decent camera available to me but the N8, and I'm sure you realize how hard it would be for me to use my N8 to photograph my N8.

                          Sorry, can't really help with that.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • t7v
                            • 03 Oct 2010

                            Can we type as fast as iphone on virtual qwerty?

                            Can i have close up photo of the back speaker?

                            Some closeup photo of the surface texture of anodized aluminium, pasticto and bottom ends?

                              • W
                              • Wheez
                              • Iak
                              • 03 Oct 2010

                              Manu, 03 Oct 2010If not all, then most of the phones have speakers on their ... more1. Extensive browsing : I use smartphone more then PC for routine internet usage. So practically speaking, I prefer browsing on iPhone coz all temp files, history, cache are stored in mammoth 32GB memory & I'm left with nothing to worry. Generally in Nokia devices, browsing history/Cache is stored in meagre internal memory instead of hard-disk. So can you plz enlighten me if N8 stores cache in userr internal memory or 16GB disk ?

                              Seems that cache files are sadly put on C:/ I first checked the C:/ free amount of memory, then emptied all cache stuff from the browser and the C:/ had gotten more free memory after that.

                              2. Lover of Portable gaming : I loved Nokia for N-Gage but all Nokia devices were marked by same problem I.e low RAM & low user internal memory. Have you checked whether game's directories are saving on user internal memory or 16GB drive !

                              All apps seem to go on the 16gb internal memory by default. At least all the stuff I've gotten so far.

                              3. How is Ovi Music application on N8. Is it crisp & promise on entertainment ?

                              Have no use or experience of it, so hard to say.

                              4. Virtual keypad : I'm typing this message on HTC Legend, so you can imagine, I love texting on my touchscreen smartphones. Hence I've reservations regarding performance of virtual keypad. I would be glad if you can share your first hand experience with its keypad.

                              I have very little experience with touch screen devices, so I can't really do comparisons about the touchpad, but I'm finding the landscape QWERTY very good. I love typing on it, even longer posts here at times.

                                • P
                                • Peter
                                • fsV
                                • 03 Oct 2010

                                How good is the music quality on headphones? Below average or Above average?

                                  • G
                                  • G0r1can
                                  • 3pw
                                  • 03 Oct 2010

                                  Hello people,

                                  Does anyone know a good and reliable source form where i can buy N8 (ebay seller maybe?). Im from Slovenia, Europe.

                                  Best regards,

                                    • W
                                    • Wheez
                                    • Iak
                                    • 03 Oct 2010

                                    About engadgets camera comparison:


                                      • M
                                      • Manu
                                      • up9
                                      • 03 Oct 2010

                                      Wheez, 03 Oct 2010I got mine for 499€ here from Finland. What I dislike ab... moreIf not all, then most of the phones have speakers on their back side. For instance, I'm using iPhone & HTC Legend. And latter's speakers are on its back. Also, I'm in habit of keeping my phone inverted on the surface I.e on screen. Infact, I see many people who are used to this activity. I also place my iPhone on its screen coz its back panel is prone to scratches far too easily.

                                      About browser, as you know Nokia has already announced new browser for S^3 at NW'10. So not really a big issue.

                                      Only problem I observe from your view is Ovi application is not running swiftly. I wanted Nokia to leave no room for lag/glitch in Oovi especially as it has been the loose end in both S60v3 & S60v5. I hope initial fw update can improve experience in this context.

                                      I really appreciate that you've tried to answer every single query about N8 clearly & rationally based upon your experience so far.

                                      My priorities for desired device are :
                                      1. Extensive browsing : I use smartphone more then PC for routine internet usage. So practically speaking, I prefer browsing on iPhone coz all temp files, history, cache are stored in mammoth 32GB memory & I'm left with nothing to worry. Generally in Nokia devices, browsing history/Cache is stored in meagre internal memory instead of hard-disk. So can you plz enlighten me if N8 stores cache in userr internal memory or 16GB disk ?
                                      2. Lover of Portable gaming : I loved Nokia for N-Gage but all Nokia devices were marked by same problem I.e low RAM & low user internal memory. Have you checked whether game's directories are saving on user internal memory or 16GB drive !
                                      3. How is Ovi Music application on N8. Is it crisp & promise on entertainment ?
                                      4. Virtual keypad : I'm typing this message on HTC Legend, so you can imagine, I love texting on my touchscreen smartphones. Hence I've reservations regarding performance of virtual keypad. I would be glad if you can share your first hand experience with its keypad.

                                      Thanking you in anticipation of response !!! :-)

                                      - Aman Dutt

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • YQF
                                        • 03 Oct 2010

                                        Wheez, 03 Oct 2010The retail OVI Maps (3.04) that was in my N8 doesnt, but th... moreThe 3.06 beta works smoothly on my current 5800 without any single issue. Its much better than any previous version. N8 should give same results, just my guess. You can try it. If you encounter any problem, you are free to switch back to 3.04 at any moment.