Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 4b0
  • 03 Oct 2010

Has anyone in USA received their N8?

I pre-ordered and have not received an email about it shipping?

Thanks all! :O)

    • J
    • Johan
    • fw1
    • 03 Oct 2010

    Nokijus, 03 Oct 2010I am still waiting Nokia N8 with a QWERTY buttons.Its got the touchscreen qwerty..

      • j
      • jeetu
      • sUw
      • 03 Oct 2010

      Being a longtime Nokia user and a current iPhone 4 user I can assure everyone that the iPhone 4 really lacks features most Nokia smartphones nowadays have. So while it’s not all roses it does have some positive things too:
      - like UI is just simple and it works (although I could use an advanced mode setting, being too simple),
      - there are way more games available on the platform and i’m talking really good games
      - the apps are great, way more than on the symbian platform-have some really useful apps but out of the 225′000 most are junk apps, and
      - the screen is the best in mobile right now
      - it’s the best phone in the world for music (integrated iPod)
      - browsing the web is a joy
      - touch input work’s flawlessly probably best in the industry

      The negative list is twice as long and basic features such as
      - erasing an individual call it can’t handle
      - you can’t sync wirelessly
      - there is not cheap navigation method, tomtom is very very expensive, might as well get stand alone unit
      - adding all those apps can be quite the drain in your wallet
      - when you connect your phone to your pc, you have no access into the hard drive of the phone, only through iTunes (sucks bigtime)
      - if you have an appointment soon, tough luck it doesn’t show you anywhere on your lock screen nor home screen (very very annoying) actually a better term would be useless
      - you can’t delete all contacts at once
      - no sd card
      - no FM RADIO. hello it’s a media device and has no radio! very annoying!
      - you cant change unlock swipe direction
      - the home screen is as boring as it gets, just some stupid glossy icons, no live widgets to be found

      nothing else comes to my mind but that’s it. Whoever gets the N8 or any other (E7, C7, C6-01) will have plenty to brag about to current iphone users. Simply put neither one is perfect.

        • N
        • Nokijus
        • m5N
        • 03 Oct 2010

        I am still waiting Nokia N8 with a QWERTY buttons.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • IWM
          • 03 Oct 2010

          The smart smartphone buyers are those who buy smartphone not based on that biased reviews,

          it is the truth that, nokia n8 camera, sound quality is unrivalled

          most importantly, nokia does not overcharge you, it worths every cent

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • LaN
            • 03 Oct 2010

            Ryan , 03 Oct 2010I HELD OFF 9 MONTHS FOR THIS 3 STAR NONSENSE. I was ve... moredo u believe in anything u read? as being the truth?

            TV taught you how to feel, now real life has no appeal! You must be easily manipulated...

            Wot about going to a store and trying phone for yourself and reaching your own conclusions?

              • j
              • jee
              • t7$
              • 03 Oct 2010

              Ryan , 03 Oct 2010I HELD OFF 9 MONTHS FOR THIS 3 STAR NONSENSE. I was ve... moreif ur not a fan of nokia
              well don't buy it...

              Judgemental person leads nowhere

                • R
                • Ryan
                • 9yP
                • 03 Oct 2010


                I was very tempted to jump in and order it without seeing reviews but here is the truth

                TECHTRADER REVIEW = 3STAR

                T3 REVIEW = 3 STAR

                CNET REVIEW = 3 STAR

                Well done Nokia another fine mess and you only kept everyone waiting for 1 year.

                Its about time Nokia just let HTC/SAMSUNG/APPLE buy them out.

                Only think Nokia phones have going for them is HARDWARE as always have found components to be the highest spec.

                I currently have Galaxy S and Desire and should have N8 but I aint touching this thing

                  • S
                  • Shaz
                  • bJe
                  • 03 Oct 2010

                  Guys does any1 knw the actual price of N8 in India including tax,like i heard 25K is excluding tax,and it can b 30K wen it comes to the final amount.

                    • N
                    • Nokia lover
                    • nG1
                    • 03 Oct 2010

                    To all nokia fans where did n8 release ? Which countries ? Cause in middle east its not released yet.!

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • Kec
                      • 03 Oct 2010

                      The beauty of this phone is perfection

                      ui not good enough? dont worry, it is just software, nokia can change it anytime

                      app and games not enough? dont worry, ovi store is now growing significantly after qt sdk

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • sty
                        • 03 Oct 2010

                        Don't know if this was posted or not but T3 did a review for N8 and they gave it 3/5.

                          • P
                          • Phone Freak
                          • 4I8
                          • 03 Oct 2010

                          I'm glad Nokia is releasing this phone.. It will be a lesson for those stubborn Finns that you need to backup those "amazing" features with updated hardware (faster CPU, GPU, MORE RAM!!) and an updated, smoother, faster, user friendlier, and downright eye candyful OS to stay on top or in their case "stick around" =) (my 2 cents)

                            • M
                            • Makka Cha
                            • qL6
                            • 03 Oct 2010

                            Anonymous, 02 Oct 2010Can we use the bluetooth mouse to zoom in the photo on n... moreUmmm this is a Phone.. WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU NEED A MOUSE FOR?? This is not a laptop computer. The reason for having a multipurpose high-end phone is to settle some load like, not having to bring your DSLR camera to every event or not worrying to have to bring a computer so that you can use internet on the go.. it is not meant to be a replacement for a computer or a camera.
                            Simply put, a PHONE does not need a mouse to operate, or else it would defeat the purpose to have a multifunction phone.

                              • C
                              • Cocco Bill
                              • pWP
                              • 03 Oct 2010

                              [deleted post]Basic laws of economy, supply and demand. When the demand exceeds the supply, prices go up. When the supply exceeds demand, prices go down.

                                • O
                                • O
                                • NhR
                                • 03 Oct 2010

                                How is this phone going,did anyone buy it yet???
                                please give opinions.

                                  • C
                                  • Cocco Bill
                                  • pWP
                                  • 03 Oct 2010

                                  [deleted post]You do know that movies are 24 fps and that PAL standard HD is 25 fps? Only NTSC video standard (used mainly in Americas) uses 30 fps (or 29,97).

                                    • p
                                    • phones fan
                                    • fwM
                                    • 03 Oct 2010

                                    Cool, 02 Oct 2010Hi Frieds have a look at the given below link.. http://myn... morethis is an amateur review ,it was not done by an expert,if you want a better review check this link and then wait for gsmarena review :


                                      • C
                                      • Cool
                                      • 2SN
                                      • 02 Oct 2010

                                      What a phone with great features. Am so excited to have it in my hand.