Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • W
  • Wheez
  • Iak
  • 03 Oct 2010

RENY, 03 Oct 2010Cant understand why there is no review of N8 in gsm arena t... moreFeel free to ask me, if you want to. I've owned the device since thursday.

    • s
    • sameer
    • TL5
    • 03 Oct 2010

    u know when the best trys to conquere .... no one stops it ......

      • W
      • Wheez
      • Iak
      • 03 Oct 2010

      Here's some more "proof" about the Android/iPhone mindset the reviewers had:


      * Funky good looks
      * 12-megapixel camera can challenge a compact snapper
      * Responsive capacitive touchscreen


      * Software is confusing and frustrating in places
      * Fewer apps available than with rival phones
      * Poor social-networking integration



      Great camera

      Superb battery life

      Clear and crisp screen

      Decent audio output

      Stylish aluminium casing

      HDMI-out port


      Average virtual keyboards

      unintuitive UI

      Unimpressive internet experience

      Confusing connection management

      Awful social network integration

      Both seemed to clearly ignore like one of the most important things for me and many others. Let's take the USB OTG. "Ehm, what's this, the iphone doesnt have it, well I'll just not mention it". It's naturally OK if you you don't personally value it, but it certainly deserves a mention. That's how you write objectively. For example it could've been "While I personally don't have much use for the USB OnTheGo, I can see it being valued by many"

      Utter bullshit is what those reviews are

        • R
        • RENY
        • utk
        • 03 Oct 2010

        Cant understand why there is no review of N8 in gsm arena till now,,, Tech radar posted its 10 page review about 5 days back...... here is the link
        Gsm arena please review the phone... fast... i don wanna squander my money if its a worthless phone!!!!!

          • W
          • Wheez
          • Iak
          • 03 Oct 2010

          Wheez, 03 Oct 2010Morning again. Shame that someone reported all my posts lik... moreNot to mention you can make all the folders you want to on the N8 as well. Or if one pleases you could make the same kind of bunch of icons out of the homescreens as well.

            • W
            • Wheez
            • Iak
            • 03 Oct 2010

            Morning again. Shame that someone reported all my posts like 3 times for the sake of getting em deleted.

            There was plenty of good information that broke none of the rules, but automation, gift and a curse.

            Techradar and CNet reviews are both not so objective. The author has pretty much already set his/her mind to Android/iPhone and you can clearly see it. While I guess it's totally OK as an opinion, but I do not see that as unbiased review.

            Let's take that quote from techradar again:

            "We know that people will say that there's a desire for such organisation, but it should be more like the iPhone: choosing to make folders than having to wade through clicks and swipes just to find where the email client is. "

            Really? Funny how putting the email client on the homescreen (after which it's accessible by a single tap) takes 1 press & hold and 2 taps. But NATURALLY all the icons are better when bunched in identical pages.

              • v
              • vish
              • PEd
              • 03 Oct 2010

              Anonymous, 03 Oct 2010Wow, can't wait till it comes to SL! Awesome phone,looks re... moreI was thinkin how much wil it cost in SL..wil b more than 100 000 LKR..

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • sxw
                • 03 Oct 2010

                Mike Woodman, 02 Oct 2010A friend of mine in Bejing got the phone yesterday and he i... moreis this phone already here in cmk cp?

                  • M
                  • Mark
                  • mby
                  • 03 Oct 2010

                  [deleted post]Apparently everyone who knows a thing about photography disagrees with you, the Editors themselves think the N8 was better (even now) and the commenters indicate that the taken approach greatly benefits the iPhone over the N8. They should have up res'd the iPhone images, then crop. Now its a crapshoot favoring the least megapixel image. Additionally, did you notice how there are no night shots, no very low light shots, that only the N8 audio is used and that the N8 video is not shown at its native frame rate but stretched to fit Youtube, which happens to coincide with the fps for the iPhone. They should have uploaded this to Vimeo instead.

                  In any case, the fact that you come over here to spout this baseless drivel, is proof enough in itself of your intent, but the utter lack of regard for any of the relevant points above in your statement really seal the deal.

                  Fanboy, be gone!

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Kx7
                    • 03 Oct 2010

                    [deleted post]so ur phone hav hdmi?
                    I hav TV LCD LED 42'' and i need hdmi

                      • B
                      • Becool
                      • 3sE
                      • 03 Oct 2010

                      [deleted post]TC...hahhaha...talking Crap...u chose perfect name....u may thing wat ever of a fone without even using it....If u dnt like N8 fr personal reasons its ok...But ppl u knw abt fones and wat they need in a fone will still buy a N8 no matter hw much u put it dwn...Coz the Fact is N8 fone its the best and no fone can beat its features....I have used all brands...Right now using bb..bold 2 and N97...ppl who knw symbian and like it knw wat an amazing fone N8 is ...and wats its capable of...Best is Nokia keeps us like Iphone dependent on soo many things..Having iphone feels like roaming with your use is very limited...I knw sooo many ppl who r nt Nokia fanboys..they just used the demo piece of N8 and pre-ordered it...

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • teu
                        • 03 Oct 2010

                        Wow, can't wait till it comes to SL! Awesome phone,looks really nice! : )

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • IWM
                          • 03 Oct 2010

                          Just some nice info about n8

                          tested succesfully on n8

                          garmin mobile xt
                          angry bird
                          ovi maps new beta with pinch to zoom
                          nokia sport trackers
                          opera mini and mobile
                          new ovi browser coming soon
                          Wish for spb radio, livestation, nokia internetradio, flickr, google earth,

                          wish for games like top 100 games on iphone

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • IWM
                            • 03 Oct 2010

                            Anonymous, 03 Oct 2010Prefer the C7 over N8. It look smaller and nicer.C6-01 has cbd so it is better than c7

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 2Ex
                              • 03 Oct 2010

                              Prefer the C7 over N8. It look smaller and nicer.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • IWM
                                • 03 Oct 2010

                                iCrap lova, 03 Oct 2010if icrap 4 30fps video recording out performs moto 24fps it... moreCamera sensor is everything

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • IWM
                                  • 03 Oct 2010

                                  Off topic

                                  can someone compare n8 camera with sony cybershopt tx9, what feature that n8 lack compared to this sony digicam?

                                    • i
                                    • iCrap lova
                                    • Kxc
                                    • 03 Oct 2010

                                    [deleted post]if icrap 4 30fps video recording out performs moto 24fps it must be caused by moto sensor grade is below icrap

                                    but this nokia N8 have largest sensor in current mobile phone market so it should produce better video recording quality
                                    who cares if your icrap can capture 30fps if the sensor unable to capture all the details?

                                    btw good to hear that you'll buy fifa 2011 for your icrap 4
                                    I can understand the fact that 8yrs old kids only consider games as the only important feature

                                    cheers :)

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • u73
                                      • 03 Oct 2010

                                      jeetu, 03 Oct 2010Being a longtime Nokia user and a current iPhone 4 user I c... moreYou forgot toadd that iphone piracy is the most easiest thing to do among other platform

                                      nokia users wil not miss any apps but good games, thank rovio for angry bird on n8,

                                      yup iphone has thebest touch input, nokia can learn from them,

                                      web browser iniphone is not perfect, it does not allow me to dowmload pirated material from the net, visiting megaupllopad, sendspace, hotfile is my dailly activity

                                      bring me n9 running meego os please

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • u73
                                        • 03 Oct 2010

                                        Nice and nearly perfect high end phone with good price

                                        hope there is n8-01 that has higher resolution than it has currently, clearblack amoled, 4" screen,led flash plus xenon, larger battry 1500mah

                                        bring it to us after one year