Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • a
  • arun
  • ut2
  • 02 Oct 2010

Got a call from Nokia store, hyderabad confirming the pre-order, cost would be 25k and will delivered on/before oct 16.Finally gonna have it in two weeks.......

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • Ia9
    • 02 Oct 2010


      • A
      • Amit
      • s8e
      • 02 Oct 2010

      I am from Pune, India. I have booked one for myself and as per Nokia Priority dealer, I would be getting my phone on 18th Oct. Waiting eagerly for that day!

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • Iwn
        • 02 Oct 2010

        Wheez, 02 Oct 2010I wasnt even going to buy a smartphone. I've tried Wave wit... moreone of the biggest problem of nokia n8 is cant have a spare battery with u n thats a problem.......a big mistake by nokia

        i am not an iphone fan at all....i think iphone sucks big time n its very limited n u didnt name the android phones???????

        there is no symbian 4 now n no meego for now. only n900 had meego n i think u r thinking ahead of urself by talking about symbian 4 n by that time God knows where will be android then Android handsets dont need a charge several times a day n thats really not good when u try to speak a lie indirectly
        wth android will pass symbian 3 one day????????? what r u talkin about??? how many devices symbian 3 has?????

        maybe ur new phone has gone into your head too much....:)

          • S
          • Saminathan
          • vIf
          • 02 Oct 2010

          Today i saw the demo phone really amazing its too better than iPhone.

            • C
            • Claude
            • jLf
            • 02 Oct 2010

            Mad, Sick. Phone sort out!

              • W
              • Wheez
              • nS{
              • 02 Oct 2010

              Anonymous, 02 Oct 2010everyone who????? nokia n8 fanboys? what u nokia fans dont ... moreNo, I'm not saying Symbian blogs are any better, but smart people easily see when someone is being objective and when he isnt.

              And once again, stuff like this is so preference based. I don't agree with the reviewer, what makes his thoughts any better than mine? I'm not perfect either, naturally, but I try to be very objective here. I'm not a fanboy in the sense that I don't force my opinions on anyone. I have MANY MANY times here suggested other phones than the N8 to people asking here. Why? Cos they were looking for features/things in which either the iPhone or some Android phone did better. I'm not trying to lie here about the N8.

              As for high end, it depends how you see it. Build quality and materials? I honestly don't think many can match the N8. Hardware features? Once again the N8 probably has the most impressive list. Overall speaking I think the N8 is just about perfectly balanced, it is not the prettiest or the fastest, but personally I think it has the least weaknesses compared to it's strenghts out of all current smartphones. That's naturally my opinion, but remember, I wasn't a fanboy, I made that opinion after I had tried the N8.

              Also it's VERY important to remember that just cos something is better. For example, let's say the iPhone 4 is faster. Does it mean that the N8 is slow? No. It can mean that it's fast, but not quite as fast. There are more levels than just "the best" and "crap". This many people fail to realize. My personal mindset in just about everything is that I'm rather balanced at many things rather than very good in one.

              And when I think about it as objectively as possible, I can't get over the thought that the N8 still seems easily the most balanced device.

              As for a more biased opinion. I'm VERY VERY satisfied with my purchase and I can recommend it for almost anyone, but once again I'm not afraid at suggesting other phones to people if they are simply more suitable.

                • k
                • kasf doza
                • LiC
                • 02 Oct 2010

                east or west , nokia n8 is best best best

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • v{W
                  • 02 Oct 2010

                  Nokia N8 - user opinions and reviews

                  No bashing - deliberately and repeatedly bashing the same brand

                  you may not have bashed deliberately .. but ur doing it repeatedly so please stop...

                  this is just about nokia... if someone asks you whether to buy android and apple and why NOT nokia.. then only comment.. otherwise keep ur comments in ur pockets .. and let us nokia fan boy enjoy :D

                  peace out !! and stop voting negative for god's sake

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Iwn
                    • 02 Oct 2010

                    AMANITA, 02 Oct 2010I have confirmed everything ! No need to check anything :Dthats good

                      • E
                      • Emix
                      • S7x
                      • 02 Oct 2010

                      OMG!! 93%!!??
                      Lets go to 95%!!!!!

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • Iwn
                        • 02 Oct 2010

                        Wheez, 02 Oct 2010Just about everyone who reads and writes alot about mobile ... moreeveryone who????? nokia n8 fanboys? what u nokia fans dont understand is that that site just compared n8 with the best in the business android n thats it n nokia n8 came short n i was amazed at seeing that someone posted a review site n the headline was ur symbian mobible or blog so do u expect symbian blog review to be fair????? ofcourse they will be in favour of symbian n techradar was just being a neutral n they gave a fair n square review.

                        there is a good news for all nokia n8 fans that when gsmarena review the nokia n8 they will try to avoid the comparison between the symbian 3 n android as they know symbian 3 comes second best....gsmarena is usually a bit anti SE site n favours apple,nokia n smasung alot n tell u an interesting fact i saw on the disadvantages list of xperia x10 review on gsmarena no xenon flash....whats that?????/ u got to be kiddin me?

                          • A
                          • Anas
                          • v{W
                          • 02 Oct 2010

                          Today for the first time i touched that phone and it was like it wanted to go home with me :D !! :P .... today went to pay the money for the preorder here in vashi, maharashtra, india !! it was just awesome the best Nokia phone i ever had in my hand.. was playing with it for 4-5 mins and then quickly left the phone and gave it to them as i wanted to explore the phone my self when it arrives in my hand on oct 17 :) late but no problem.. my exams gets over by 13 so its fine wid me :D
                          ATLAST !!!!

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • fjm
                            • 02 Oct 2010

                            Good battery life with the Android OS? You are kidding right? Battery life is one of the biggest drawbacks of and Android device. Don't say you are happy with it please. Otherwise the manufacturers may not give the necessary attention to the issue ! ! !

                              • W
                              • Wheez
                              • nS{
                              • 02 Oct 2010

                              Anonymous, 02 Oct 2010 moreI wasnt even going to buy a smartphone. I've tried Wave with Bada, few Android phones, iPhone 4. When I got to try a prototype of the N8 I was instantly sold.

                              I don't see why Meego and Symbian^4 in the future would effect Symbian^3, it's in very good shape out of the box currently. It has the right tools to stay very competetive cos of its shitloads of hardware features.

                              Apps in future will be made in Qt both for Symbian^4 and Meego, which the Symbian^3 already supports. The "low end" phones which you are talking about are devices like E7 and C6-01. They are cheaper yes but still VERY competetive smarphones.

                              Android needs a fair bit of development now but I agree it may have the best base on becoming maybe the best overall OS. However it's not that at the moment. Battery life is just about the biggest issue with mobile phones. I need a mobile phone, not a PDA I charge several times a day

                              So yes, Android will surpass S^3 one day. However, by that time, there's Meego and Symbian^4 so Android wont be competing with Symbian^3 then anymore.

                                • A
                                • AMANITA
                                • s8e
                                • 02 Oct 2010

                                Anonymous, 02 Oct 2010its ur personal view but according to experts symbian is la... moreI have confirmed everything ! No need to check anything :D

                                  • x
                                  • xperia x10
                                  • Iwn
                                  • 02 Oct 2010

                                  Wheez, 02 Oct 2010Just about everyone who reads and writes alot about mobile ... morei have an xperia x10 n i can use it for 1 n half to 2 days with normal use n if i start using it heavily it will last one day n considering the 4 inch size screen n 1 ghz processor i dont think thats a bad battery life n wigth 2.1 the battery life will improve by 30 % n then it would be really awesome n i dont think there is too much problem about battery life with android n my friend has htc desire 2.2 n its battery life is very good now

                                    • B
                                    • Becool
                                    • 3sE
                                    • 02 Oct 2010

                                    Can ppl define high end...High end means in hardware...I think N8 is the most highend fone ever...with price of a mid all u N8 haters go to your own forum and bark...Nokia has dne a fab job with the N8...

                                      • W
                                      • Wheez
                                      • nS{
                                      • 02 Oct 2010

                                      Anonymous, 02 Oct 2010Well spotted buddy. Someone from GSM has a explanation for ... moreIt seemed like a bug to begin with, those 100k hits seemed to came out of nowhere. I read this forum like 24/7 and it has never gotten that many hits before in that short time.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • Iwn
                                        • 02 Oct 2010

                                        Wheez, 02 Oct 2010Come on, back your words up for once! What is Android so fa... more

                                        check this review n u will find it by urself.

                                        if u use an android device after ur nokia n8 u will know it by urself but since u have bought the nokia n8 so u should enjoy it n i am not saying nokia n8 is a bad device but compared to android devices like htc desire, xperia x10, n many more android devices coming in future, like htc desire hd, n u know what nokia will do in future they are going to dump symbian for high end devices n only use meego for high end devices n keep symbian for low or mid end devices