Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • W
  • Wheez
  • nS{
  • 02 Oct 2010

Anonymous, 02 Oct 2010Its true Nokia phones are more durable, I'll give you that;... moreNow that's an objective post, keep that up and it's nicer to discuss.

I think you can see the power of N8s GPU pretty well there. The CPU is inferior and it shows in some areas, but overall I think those are pretty even, every device has an emphasis on slightly different thing.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • ftB
    • 02 Oct 2010

    i am very very very very very ....... very happy i have just to wait 1 week , just 1 week and i will bay the N8 , 1 week and i will be the king .... hahaha

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • Iwn
      • 02 Oct 2010

      Anonymous, 02 Oct 2010Well,the N8 might not have a 1 Ghz processor but it certai... morewhat are u talking about????? u havent used a phone n how can u say it is durable???? n please dont talk about nokia 5800, my friend had it n he told me this handset had so so many problems so please dont talk about it.....i am tired

        • N
        • New waver
        • vIb
        • 02 Oct 2010

        Anonymous, 02 Oct 2010Its true Nokia phones are more durable, I'll give you that;... moreYou surely have not held N8 in your hand mate. :) Its anything but bulky.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • Iwn
          • 02 Oct 2010

          Wheez, 02 Oct 2010This is tiresome fighting the Android crowd alone, but it's... moreits not called bashing n i just said htc desire n xperia x10 are better n thats it n if u think that i am the one who likes speedy device than u wrong becoz if i was that type i would have certainly bought htc desire than xperia x10 but i look into everything like design n hardware n camera n i think xperia x10 is one of the sexiest devices out there n thats why i choosed it over htc desire n am not disappointed n i think nokia n8 has its advantages n also some big dissadvantages n its just personal views

          n i dont rate iphone that much although iphone 4 is much better than previous iphones but its OS looks like a toy infront of android OS

          take care

            • N
            • New waver
            • vIb
            • 02 Oct 2010

            Wheez, 02 Oct 2010Let's try to more onwards from this phone war and discuss t... moreSorry Wheez. You're objective, but Super Amoled has no blue tint. :)

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 0fV
              • 02 Oct 2010

              Its true Nokia phones are more durable, I'll give you that; but its not saying much about the quality of their build considering how thick they are.

              I don't take the gpu to account largely due to the futility of mobile GPUs. Right now, phones are at a stage where user experience will still largely be dictated by the cpu. The n8's gpu is up to par, though.

                • s
                • sam
                • PWa
                • 02 Oct 2010

                N8 is a very high camera phone nowaday. Could any body tell me the price of N8 in china?
                Thanks for help.

                  • W
                  • Wheez
                  • nS{
                  • 02 Oct 2010

                  Let's try to more onwards from this phone war and discuss the N8 as it is.

                  I'm really loving the AMOLED screen. The LED backlit screens have the downside that they will suck alot of battery if the backlight isnt completely off while idle. The AMOLED technology allows you to have low battery consuming clock and date as a screensaver.

                  It's a little thing, but something I value highly, cos my phone is always my only clock and it sucks to turn the whole screen on/unlock it just to see the clock.

                  It's also very sensitive and accurate and the display is awesome. Naturally not quite Super AMOLED, but the Super AMOLED has a weird blue tint, which I don't really like. I wonder how long will Samsung hold back the Super AMOLED tech? They are the only ones making it so they have total monopoly over it.

                    • P
                    • Peter
                    • iFs
                    • 02 Oct 2010

                    I've checked the new 'HTC Desire HD' (android 2.2 phone) and It doesn't even support secondary camera which is a must for me... BIG FAIL!

                    with crappy LCD (no AMOLED) which is BIG FAIL!

                    where the heck is FM Transmitter on Desire HD?? BIG FAIL!

                    Bluetooth 2.1? what the...? we aren't in 2007 BIG FAIL!

                    do you want me to pay for my NAVigation?? BIG FAIL!

                    no HDMI port what the heck?? BIG FAIL!

                    no dual mic? so recording is bad compared to others... BIG FAIL!

                    inferior 8MP camera for the losers booo.. BIG FAIL!

                    So, what's the good about battery sucking android phones??? simply NOTHING

                    (IF) I want to consider an android phone, I would wait at least it gets matured (Android 3.0+) even by that time MeeGo will be there.

                      • W
                      • Wheez
                      • nS{
                      • 02 Oct 2010

                      This is tiresome fighting the Android crowd alone, but it's understandable cos I'm just about the only one here that has already recieved the device.

                      Which makes me wonder, why do they come here and bash the N8 (usually with poor or no back up)? If their Android phones are so great, why do they feel the need of bashing something else down to just to make people notice their devices. Are they insecure or something?

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • teu
                        • 02 Oct 2010

                        Well,the N8 might not have a 1 Ghz processor but it certainly has two things that other products don't offer. Reliability and durability!!! How many other touch screen phones can you use while you are drenched in sweat or while it's raining??? You can't use the iphone or the galaxy s under these conditions but believe me, i have used my nokia 5800 and i'm posting this with it! Also how many hard falls can the iphone or the galaxy s can endure??? My 5800 had 7,it has a plastic body but still it's perfect! With the aluminum body,the N8 will be even stronger and durable. That's what makes the N8 special!!! :)

                          • A
                          • AMANITA
                          • upe
                          • 02 Oct 2010

                          Anonymous, 02 Oct 2010ah n what about the processor n the ram comparison between ... moreHehe,thatz why I said every phn has itz +ve n -ve points ! Itz has 680mhz proc. With powerful broadcom gpu ! N8 is fastest symbian phn,itz ok for me !
                          Abt ram,it has 256 mb ram on lighter symbian^3 os ! N8 use "virtual memory" (768mb) just like N900 ! So everythng is ok !

                            • W
                            • Wheez
                            • nS{
                            • 02 Oct 2010

                            Anonymous, 02 Oct 2010Here's another "objective" opinion. The n8 is ... moreThe thing is, you weren't objective. I personally think the iPhone 4 is hideous. You generalize as if everybody should think the iPhone 4 looks better.

                            You are totally ignoring the better GPU of the N8, in benchmarks the N8 is very even with Galaxy S and iPhone 4, each having emphasis on slightly different areas. For comparison, Galaxy S does have a decent GPU, but it's integrated unlike that of the N8. Android also can not use it's GPU to render the UI at all, it uses purely CPU to do that. iPhone 4 and N8 use both for rendering the UI. Stuff like this is why I won't really consider changing to Android anytime soon or probably ever.

                            The RAM is more than enough seeing that Symbian^3 supports writeable data paging (or you can read it as virtual RAM).

                            We'll see Symbian^3 on so many more devices that it won't become obsolete during N8s lifespan (which is around 2 years for each new phone).

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Iwn
                              • 02 Oct 2010

                              AMANITA, 02 Oct 2010Every phn has some +ve n -ve points ! Just a speed is not e... moreah n what about the processor n the ram comparison between the xperia x10 n n8??? it would be nice if u share that also :)

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 0fV
                                • 02 Oct 2010

                                Here's another "objective" opinion.

                                The n8 is not worth it for the money. At its price point, it is more expensive than the galaxy s, which has immensely superior hardware. Most phones in its price range have 1ghz processors and 512 mb ram.

                                The n8 is also unattractive. The screen is rather small and the phone is rather thick like most Nokias. Because of the aluminum, I'll give the n8 some points but the iPhone 4 really has a more attractive body.

                                The n8's only winning feature is its camera.

                                Overall, the n8 is anything but "balanced". There are only 3 or 4 criteria and it bombs half of them (value and processing power).

                                Symbian 3 also obsoletes soon. Android phones gave the advantage that they often get updated to the latest Android. I wouldn't recommend the n8 unless you're a Nokia fan.

                                  • A
                                  • AMANITA
                                  • upe
                                  • 02 Oct 2010

                                  Anonymous, 02 Oct 2010i think u r satisfied becoz u have not yet used a better ph... moreEvery phn has some +ve n -ve points ! Just a speed is not everything ! Just a 1 reason is ok to not buy X10 ! It has 8mp wid led & itz lacks flash in itz web ! N8 has 12mp wid xenon and has flashlite4 which supports majority content of latest flashplayer 10.1 ! :) ie. We dont want to downgrade buying X10 :p

                                    • W
                                    • Wheez
                                    • nS{
                                    • 02 Oct 2010

                                    Anonymous, 02 Oct 2010i think u r satisfied becoz u have not yet used a better ph... moreYou clearly value speed in the phone, which is perfectly OK. Had you come asking here what phone you should buy, with this info I probably would've suggested you elsewhere than the N8.

                                    But once again, by the time I made the decision to buy the N8, I had more experience with iPhone 4 and Android than I did with Symbian^3. It was not really the OS, I knew it's prefectly capable of whatever I want to do on it. I made the decision mainly for the HW features, materials and looks. However it's very wrong to think that the N8 would be slow. It doesn't have really transition effects and that's what makes it look slower. Take away all effects from iPhone 4 and I think you end up waiting just about the same time.

                                    I ask you again, have you used the N8 and Symbian^3 yourself. It seems that you can make judgement out of youtube videos, but I can't make it with brief personal experience + youtube videos? I've looked plenty of Android and iPhone 4 videos and I came to the opposite opinion that you. Now where does that put us?

                                    This discussion obviously won't go anywhere. So maybe we should just call it. Both (or all 3, if we take iPhone as well) are great at what they do best and if the device is suitable for your needs. We value different things and we buy our smartphones according to that. I'm not "more right" than you are, and you are not "more right" than I am, just opinions and personal preference.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Iwn
                                      • 02 Oct 2010

                                      Wheez, 02 Oct 2010No, I'm not saying Symbian blogs are any better, but smart ... morei think u r satisfied becoz u have not yet used a better phone than nokia n8.
                                      i have used htc desire n xperia x10 n to be very honest with u when i saw some videos of nokia n8 i thought to myself nah i cant go to n8 as it would be a downgrade for me becoz the htc desire n xperia x10 were amazingly fast devices with good battery life( after updates)

                                      i just think htc desire n xperia x10 are better devices than nokia n8 n that doesnt mean nokia n8 is bad

                                        • D
                                        • Dharaka
                                        • teu
                                        • 02 Oct 2010

                                        Hey can anyone let me know if its possible to edit word,excel,pdf documents in a N8 like in a HTC?