Nokia N8
- N
- Nokia Buff
- IPr
- 01 Oct 2010
Wheez, 01 Oct 2010I have answered some 3-4 calls by now and no freezing issue... moreEven in locked mode? Sorry to trouble you. But you seem to be the only guy with an N8 at the moment, who could give us realistic feedback on the product.
- W
- Wheez
- nSR
- 01 Oct 2010
Nokia Buff, 01 Oct 2010That's really funny. Anyway, that is one of the features yo... moreI have answered some 3-4 calls by now and no freezing issues there, but as said, it doesnt have a slider either.
- N
- Nokia Buff
- IPr
- 01 Oct 2010
Wheez, 01 Oct 2010Nah, there are two buttons to either accept or decline the ... moreThat's really funny. Anyway, that is one of the features you should have checked given the problems with the Nokia N97 family. They used to freeze at times when using the on-screen slider when answering calls.
- W
- Wheez
- nSR
- 01 Oct 2010
Nokia Buff, 01 Oct 2010How is an incoming call answered in the locked mode, withou... moreNah, there are two buttons to either accept or decline the call. Can't remember how it acts when the phone is locked, nobody ever calls me :D
- N
- Nokia Buff
- IPr
- 01 Oct 2010
Wheez, 01 Oct 2010Few pics I took myself outside. Disclaimer: I've never phot... moreHow is an incoming call answered in the locked mode, without using the hardware lock key? Is it like in the previous versions, where we need to slide our finger across an on-screen slider? Hope there are no freezing issues, if an on-screen slider is used.
- W
- Wheez
- nSR
- 01 Oct 2010
Few pics I took myself outside. Disclaimer: I've never photographed anything in my life (thus I suck at it) and these were taken with default settings:
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kec
- 01 Oct 2010
Is symbian capable to power higher screen resolution? Iam worrying that symbian 4 still use the same screen resolution
anyway n8 offer is a very good price,half the price of iphone 4, singapore dollar 789
- W
- Wheez
- nSR
- 01 Oct 2010
Emix, 01 Oct 2010Wheez i have just few more questions.
1. How many themes u... moreDon't think there were any games preinstalled, you can download many of em free from OVI store. Just go to, select N8-00 as phone and you see the whole selection of current apps.
There are few themes but I didn't really try em cos I like the default one. Theres some new theme you can download that has new icons for the default "apps". Called "Midnight" or something, the new icons look very good.
Could be there's a live wallpaper but I don't want one to eat my battery, could be there isnt by default but once again,
- ?
- Anonymous
- uWF
- 01 Oct 2010
no video light why nokia??????/ :(
- E
- Emix
- S7x
- 01 Oct 2010
Wheez, 01 Oct 2010To be more exact, they were not pre-installed. I downloaded... moreWheez i have just few more questions.
1. How many themes u got in the phone, and how they look?
2. Did u get any live wallpaper?
3. Wich games u get with phone? Thanks
- h
- hakeem
- ib1
- 01 Oct 2010
n8 will be coming to malaysia by 1st week of october.
already booked mine by depositing rm200.
nokia will add another 1 year to warrant the hp plus a free back cover is included.
the retail price is RM 1599 or USD 519.
cant hardly wait to play with my new toy.
- s
- sh hamza
- KI1
- 01 Oct 2010
n8 is best i also buy later with 12mp camera :::::::'''
- E
- Emix
- S7x
- 01 Oct 2010
I think that N8 is best all around multimedia device avilable on market today!
Maybe it doesnt have biggest screen and best resolution or fastest processor but what N8 has is enought for one mobile phone.
And this is actualy not just a phone its multimedia player, game console, hd camera...
So please stop compearing this monster with half products like wave or iphone. They miss many features that N8 have!
Can't wait to buy me N8!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- IPr
- 01 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 01 Oct 2010All versions of symbian give you the option to select prefe... moreYou have got it wrong mate. 16GB is the built-in mass storage. On Nokia N8, the RAM is 256MB and ROM is 512MB. Yes, ROM was not the only problem on N97. Touchscreen sensitivity problems (resistive unit), inadequate RAM were some of the few.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mty
- 01 Oct 2010
Mac, 01 Oct 2010Now that is tops!!! Did it give you an option to store it t... moreAll versions of symbian give you the option to select prefered storage. The thing is, like all mobile smartphone os, while the bulk of the apps package such as the graphics and code can be stored on external storage and mass memory, certain key components and logs need to be stored on the rom. Still, i doubt anyone could probably run into rom related problems on the n8. I doubt you can get enough apps worth to fill the rom on 16gb mass memory and a 32gb memory card. The problems with the n97 were more than just rom.
- N
- Nokia Buff
- IPr
- 01 Oct 2010
Gerald, 01 Oct 2010what is the meaning of ROM??? and what is the difference be... moreROM stands for Read Only Memory and is used to store the hardwired stuff such as OS, Web Kit and other stuff that the device needs to boot and function normally. RAM (Random Access Memory) on the other hand is used to hold the currently running applications such as open web pages, open applications, etc. The contents of RAM keep changing with the time according to what the user is doing whilst the contents of ROM remain the the same unless a firmware update ( the kind of update we carry out using Nokia Software Updater) is carried out. In earlier versions of symbian some applications used to be installed in ROM as well, which made those devices slow.
- a
- azhaul haque
- uNV
- 01 Oct 2010
it's a superb set. i'm waiting for buy it.
- B
- Bartti
- Muf
- 01 Oct 2010
Gerald, 01 Oct 2010what is the meaning of ROM??? and what is the difference be... moreROM=Read only memory
RAM=Random access memory
Have ever heard "Google"? ;-)
- G
- Gerald
- t7x
- 01 Oct 2010
what is the meaning of ROM??? and what is the difference between ROM and RAM???