Nokia N8
- X
- Xtc
- kUW
- 01 Oct 2010
Wheez, 01 Oct 2010Good morning again peeps! One thing I'd like to say abou... moreHey friends could you install s60v5 apps on n8? And is there any cool apps or game on n8?
- ?
- Anonymous
- tuh
- 01 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 01 Oct 2010have u ever though why android fanboys say that symbion suc... moreyep all iph0ne n andr0id user rite n0w r the symbian user b4 dis.actually they ar jeal0us ab0ut n8 and n0 1 wanna discuss in their f0rum.haha.they all feel l0nely c0z n0b0dy wanna buy their ph0ne.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vaN
- 01 Oct 2010
if it is true i would definitely not buying this overpricing fone..and its unfair bec. 50,000php is equivalent to 1,139USD..
- A
- Alvy
- Pxx
- 01 Oct 2010
Guys check out this review.
- i
- isabel
- t7P
- 01 Oct 2010
For all pilipino here want to buy nokia n8, the promised price before is 47,850php, but now the priced is reveled higher than 47,850ph. the official priced is 50,000php NOKIA phillippines SM MEGAMALL. the priced is higher than iphone4,galaxy S.. my budget on this phone is 30k only. but im dissappointed the priced. i will not buy a phone with higher than 30k.... -(
- f
- farshadm
- 0ys
- 01 Oct 2010
best phone
- e
- ectoplasm
- utt
- 01 Oct 2010
- ?
- Anonymous
- ii6
- 01 Oct 2010
Mac, 01 Oct 2010Lesson #1: Nobody said that Symbian will out do any othe... morewell said
- ?
- Anonymous
- ii6
- 01 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 01 Oct 2010have u ever though why android fanboys say that symbion suc... moreya because its all about live wallpaers and eye candy stuff who hardly know what is smart phone..u know why iphone is famous ?it dont have any widgets no live wallpapers and many more missing but still people line up to doesnt mean everyone is smart phone users who knows about OS very well..people just know that android has 1ghz cpu and 512 RAM indirectly everyone think phone is very good..but android needs high cpu where as symbian is light all compare with with 1gh cpu and high RAM where android battery sucks big go and figure it out..
- M
- Mac
- NH}
- 01 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 01 Oct 2010i think u cant get my point as u seem to be a loyal nokia n... moreLesson #1:
Nobody said that Symbian will out do any other OS. Heck, the N8 was never designed to do just that. It was designed to be unique in it's own right. Not to be reviewed and compared to other OS's. If that were the case then they would not have launched this device in the first place. If these guy's had to be fair, then review the phone in it's own right. What it was meant to be and how does it perform to meet that criteria. It is not designed to be an iPhone killer nor an Android killer. It is a powerfull tool that "FITS A PURPOSE" and would be judged by others here as being "FIT FOR USE" to that degree that it adds "QUALITY & VALUE" in a persons life. Go do some reading on Quality management. We the buyers would hence make that decision to this regard. What adds value to you? Fancy, glitsy phones with nice visual effects to top that off? I guess so cos that is what Android and iPhone no doubt do very well. I must say they are rather impressive OS's. "FIT FOR USE", i dont think so as Quality is deemed as in the "EYE OF THE BEHOLDER". and most people here would stand by me on this as being just that....non-value adding in my life. I therefore would not consider Glitsyness etc to be the only aspect that makes or breaks a phone but to others in other forums, maybe.
After my meeting......Lesson #2
- W
- Wheez
- nSS
- 01 Oct 2010
Good morning again peeps!
One thing I'd like to say about comparing iPhone and Android phones. I think it's perfectly OK to compare them even if the price ranges arn't the same cos N8 doesnt have to shame the tiniest bit.
Naturally though when you shift off emphasis from the CPU to the GPU, you get slightly different results for "strenghts and weaknessess" but the N8 does not have to shame in benchmarks compared to the iPhone 4 or Galaxy S, really.
And even if it did, you can remember that neither of those will come even come with the features of the N8, really. I don't need the fastest or prettiest myself, I want the one that can do most :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- P@1
- 01 Oct 2010
For 3 years of waiting, the real iPhone killer is here! The Nokia N8 is the real super giant device that will steal Apple's market share.
Symbian^3 is back! It's a huge improvement with more than 250 features included.
Android OS is also leading this year! I hope that Android can overcome the whole new Symbian OS.
Let's see which operating system will dominate the smartphone race in the near future!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 414
- 01 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 01 Oct 2010hey u have freedom of speech..but this place is for n8 wher... morehave u ever though why android fanboys say that symbion sucks n is ugly??? before thinking about that question consider that androids only less than 2 years old so what were the most of the android users now would have been using before????? i guess symbion
- ?
- Anonymous
- ii6
- 01 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 01 Oct 2010i havent used galaxy S..... but xperia x10 and htc desire d... morexperia x10 doesnt lag?..oh u got to be joking ..what about desire battery life? all android phones have poor battery..i charge my phone twice a day which is really frustrating..
- N
- Nokia Buff
- IPr
- 01 Oct 2010
For all the guys bashing each other on what mobile OS is the best, here are a few points to ponder:
1) Android OS code is still not fully optimised. Hence the need for high-end CPUs and bags of RAM.
2) As a result of using high-end processors the strain on the battery will be greater plus over heating of the casing will be a problem. That is why the latest Hi-spec Android phones are moving to larger form factors. Ex: HTC Desire HD. But do these qualify as mobiles, in the truest sense of the word?? Are we prepared to charge the battery a few times everyday??
3) IOS, Symbian on the other hand have been optimised with Symbian being the best in terms of CPU, RAM utilization. This results in optimum battery usage. Therefore, when comparing the CPUs, RAM, etc. (basically hardware) it is essential to consider the OS running on the phone. This applies to all electronic gadgets. Ex: A core i5 laptop with 4GB DDR 3 RAM would be considerably slower than one with the same specs and running Windows 7.
4) The main problems with the s60 ver. 5 of symbian were the lack of hardware acceleration and responsive touchscreens resulting in a frustrating user experience with previous Nokia touchscreen offerings. These have been overcome in N8.
- A
- Alvy
- uNV
- 01 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 01 Oct 2010i think u cant get my point as u seem to be a loyal nokia n... moreI think review means to bring out all the features stuffed in a phone,so that people willing to buy can get a hands on experience and help find out if the phone exactly provides what they require. Review doesn't mean comparing,which is done by the tech radar team. The correct review is done by gsmarena. And for God's sake don't compare N8 to iPhone or the Galaxy S,these phones are far expensive then the N8. Obviously if u pay more you'll get more and better features. Look what N8 provides in its price. And if you really want to compare,then compare N8 to the phones that are in the same price range.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 414
- 01 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 01 Oct 2010hey i am using android galaxy dont tell me about andr... morei havent used galaxy S..... but xperia x10 and htc desire doesnt lag at all.....n anyways lagging problem is becoz of samsung customization n not
- ?
- Anonymous
- ii6
- 01 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 01 Oct 2010can i not be here???? dont i have any freedom of speech???... morehey u have freedom of speech..but this place is for n8 where people can share good and bad stuff relating to the mobile rather than talking about android or ios..because all i read is from android fan boys symbian ugly and suck..if u r not interested why wasting time here by writing comments which no way related to n8..simple as that..
- ?
- Anonymous
- ii6
- 01 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 01 Oct 2010haha u know i am very chilled again u should not look t... morehey i am using android galaxy dont tell me about android..i know android has all those live wallpapers and eye candy stuff..but this itself cant define a phone ..i hardly struggle to exit my apps and try to use task manager to kill those apps always runs even when u just ridicule my RAM and my galaxy s lags like hell..i cant even install android apps in sd card..half of the application dont even work in android dont come and wast time here in symbian nokia i am regretting to shift from symbian to android..
- X
- Xtc
- kUW
- 01 Oct 2010
Just watch nokia plug and touch apps on youtube, its cool i wonder if there is any game will using the one on ps2 with extra camera thing(i forget the name)