Nokia N8
- l
- lans
- t7X
- 24 Sep 2010
isabel phillippines, 24 Sep 2010 confirmed the priced of n8 in the phillippines is 47,8... more(P47,850 = 797 euro) that's insane! Your a liar mam! If this is true, the no one will buy n8 on the philippines, perhaps filipino's only option is to buy from other neigbor countrys tru online..
- W
- Wheez
- xhq
- 24 Sep 2010
Anonymous, 24 Sep 2010Nokia have MUCH more haters than lovers...
Because, ... moreFunny, if there would be more Nokia haters than lovers considering that Nokia still has majority in smartphone marketshare and phones like 5800 were sold dozens of millions.
Q2 2010:
- W
- Wheez
- xhq
- 24 Sep 2010
Anonymous, 24 Sep 2010
Now i underst... moreThat's most liekly about Asphalt 5 being badly optiimized for the N8, N8 is like the only device that game is on that has a DEDICATED GPU. Unless it takes full use of that, itäs not gonna run smoothly. NFS:Shift runs alot better, for example.
N8 is alot more high end than many of it's competitors, both in build quality, hardware (although they've gone for a balanced approach) and features. As the benchmarks show, the N8 is very even with other famous devices, such as Galaxy S or iPhone 4, while having like triple the features compared to the iphone 4 for example and for a cheaper price.
Also a good thing to consider is that super AMOLEDs are not available for anyone but Samsung atm it seems, cos they manufacture them themselves (Thus Nokia making CBD).
Yes, the N8 has a slower CPU than other big names, but the big names do not have dedicated GPUs and thats what makes the devices just as high end. Sure, a 1ghz CPU will win 680mhz + GPU in loading times in games for example, but properly optimized the 680 Mhz + dedicated GPU should be better in actually running the games.
The game can only run as well as it's been optimized for the device.
- ?
- Anonymous
- s8g
- 24 Sep 2010
isabel phillippines, 24 Sep 2010 confirmed the priced of n8 in the phillippines is 47,8... moreU got the wrong info,it cant cost more than iphone ! Near about 450euro
- k
- kali
- nTp
- 24 Sep 2010
The price in India is around RS 46000/- which is really very expensive. Better we can buy a dedicated digital Camera for around 6-7k and good ipod around 6-7k with nice head phone around 4-5k and one good phone, obviously not n8.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nGh
- 24 Sep 2010
for all nokia haters.go to and then camper your device with n8 and then talk to nokia lovers.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mu1
- 24 Sep 2010
Now i understand why nokia fans believe n8 games are smooth. This game lags so much and the nokia staff guy says: very smooth!
Really Nokia, really?
Nokia makes gaming look very bad on phones and people think this is great performance.
- i
- isabel phillippines
- t7P
- 24 Sep 2010
confirmed the priced of n8 in the phillippines is 47,850php.. Nokia Center Phillippines SM MEGAMALL.. The unit will arrived last week of september. start selling 2nd week of october. very expensive than iphone and galaxy. goodbye nokia. i will not bye this phone overpriced... n8 is low-end phone. so much better i go to buy high end phone than n8 low-end phone.
- X
- X-Fred
- Kxe
- 24 Sep 2010
Anonymous, 24 Sep 2010Nokia have MUCH more haters than lovers... why? Because, ... morethen n8 will be nokia's real power phone.....!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- upq
- 24 Sep 2010
Shame on u Nokia,
Nokia N8 is still not released.v.sad
- ?
- Anonymous
- n}F
- 24 Sep 2010
Nokia have MUCH more haters than lovers...
Because, NOT have real POWER phone today!
- ?
- Anonymous
- mtD
- 24 Sep 2010
X-Fred, 24 Sep 2010That's a good idea Bro...!! What about trying to know each ... moreI think it´s a great idea! :-)
- a
- a9903
- up7
- 24 Sep 2010
29 k????very expensive.if ir is 24-25k then grt.otherwise tata bye bye
- j
- jitender bajaj
- vG9
- 24 Sep 2010
its a vry vry bulky nd too short processer nd not orginal amoled display comp. samsung wave s8500 nd its a symbian series remember hanging problem and virus problem again
- ?
- Anonymous
- uNV
- 24 Sep 2010
shipment means launching date?
- X
- X-Fred
- Kxe
- 24 Sep 2010
[deleted post]That's a good idea Bro...!! What about trying to know each other in FB? My user name eko ferdi with white Intermilan's shirt as my profile...
BTW, I also found Monpy from Malang..
It'll be great if We get N8 b4 January, but if not I still wait 4 it....
- L
- Lunks
- utq
- 24 Sep 2010
[deleted post]Just spoke to a nokia guy they are saying that the N8 will be in store by next week and will be prices around 28-29K
- W
- Wheez
- nSR
- 24 Sep 2010
Anonymous, 24 Sep 2010Who is the first country to get nokis n8Id guess the countries that manufacture then, being finland and china (beijing)
- W
- Wheez
- nSR
- 24 Sep 2010
Anonymous, 24 Sep 2010Who is the first country to get nokis n8Id guess the countries that manufacture then, being finland and china (beijing)
- ?
- Anonymous
- YTx
- 24 Sep 2010
Who is the first country to get nokis n8