Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 4b0
  • 22 Sep 2010

As of 9/21, what's the pre-order release date for USA? I'm totally confused now...

    • d
    • dat
    • j5A
    • 22 Sep 2010

    hi guys!!
    i think i'm a lucky guy in the world.I was in school today. When i stoped by Student Union, i walk by a table and i saw an Blue N8 on the table. At first, i did not realized that an N8. However, the color of the phone and the shape of the phone just told me that THE REAL N8. The phone belongs to a guy work for Nokia (he works in software department) I was told that the phone have been delay because the software. The new firmware was released on 09/18. The version of the phone was and now it's 11.0.12. Don't be panic for the delay. Whoever pre-order N8 will happy with it. I was lucky to play with the phone for 30'. The phone runs so fast....i have to say VERY FAST and SNAPPY. Everything work great. The web-browser is so amazing. I was told that the new web-browser will be release at the end of the year. It will run faster. I asked him about the battery life, he told me that the battery is last 2 days for him. If you choose the option power saving, it's last at least 3 day for him. You can choose that option at the battery icon on top right of the screen. I did not have enough time to play with the camera. However, the carmera is taking picture very fast. You won't miss anything with that camera. I forgot to mention that the vibration of the phone is amazing (it's very nice) If you have any questions about the phone, let me know...i will play with the phone tomorrow. One more thing, he will have in hand E7 next few days, and he promised that he will let me play with the E7. I'll will let you know more about E7 NEXT WEEK , MAYBE...... i'm so happy with the N8, I will order one for my birthday :) I'M A LUCKY GUY IN THE WORLD..........

      • M
      • ME AGAIN
      • 9yP
      • 22 Sep 2010

      Sorry my mistake its being released in the USA on 18 November

        • c
        • chiensal
        • 40D
        • 22 Sep 2010

        Anonymous, 22 Sep 2010Ok, I'm a little better...the n8 will be here soon. I didn... morego to the usa nokia website and try to pre order and you will notice that the release date is no longer end of September but end of October.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 4b0
          • 22 Sep 2010

          Ok, I'm a little better...the n8 will be here soon. I didn't see this:

            • a
            • arc
            • uEB
            • 22 Sep 2010

            ME AGAIN, 22 Sep 2010My friend just called me and said he spoke with Nokia today... moreokay, let's see if the RUMOUR you're creating is true. i'll patiently waiting for N8

            for you, keep speculating and making rumour if that makes your life better


              • c
              • chiensal
              • 40D
              • 22 Sep 2010

              I am sick of waiting for this phone. whats up with all the delays nokia. I can no longer wait sorry as much as i love nokia i love myself more. I need a phone and I am tired of waiting for the N8 to replace old faithful. I need a phone and I need it now. sorry cant wait anymore.

              The ones like me that plan on jumping ship lets post what phones we are interested in. right now I am interested in the Galaxy S cause I wanna try android and i like the review on this site.

                • B
                • Becool
                • tUn
                • 22 Sep 2010

                just for the info...N8 is nt slow on the browser...coz iphone has no flash support..and N8 has tats y its a second or so late in loading the fone...And N8 wic used here is nt the final guys dnt make big deal abt dis video...

                  • M
                  • ME AGAIN
                  • 9yP
                  • 22 Sep 2010

                  My friend just called me and said he spoke with Nokia today at 5pm and they said they only got the news today about the delay and its actually delayed now until 18 November for UK.

                  It was scare me to buy this item now as thats 6 full months they have recalled it back for more tests.


                  I am a massive Nokia fan before any of you start your moaning but I am not putting up with this nonsense from them anymore.

                  I will never buy another product from them after this carry on.

                  No wonders the ratings are now so low, I think people are just rating it low now because they are sick of being messed around by this company who used to have a good name.

                  My own opinion is that this phone has suffered a very similar fault to the Iphone4 with the signal issue because if you all remember this phone was ready to launch 3 days after IPHONE4 and then got pulled when all the signal issues came out.

                  This is my opinion and everyone can have there say

                    • M
                    • ME AGAIN
                    • 9yP
                    • 22 Sep 2010

                    NOKIA are really a laughing stock right now the fact this phone should have been released in april this year.

                    I wanted this phone but will not be touching it until at least January/Feb because guaranteed it will have lots of faults mainly software on initial release.

                    Nokia must try remember Sony Ericsson had a 12megapixel camera with HD out 10 months ago so nothing is new here, that being said the Sony Vivaz was shocking poor in video quality and pictures so hopefully this will be better and also having HDMI connections.

                    I currently has the Galaxy S and really like it but no flash for pictures is very annoying and having no dedicated button for camera/video is also very annoying so I am still very temped in the N8.

                    Its a tough call for me to make as I think when I get bored with N8's main feature pics/videos then I will struggle as dont have high expectations of Symbian and think it will be very very boring.

                    I used to have the N900 which was a good phone in terms of hardware but NOKIA done there usual and stopped supporting it after 7 months so I dont have much confidence in them anymore as a company.

                      • n
                      • nokia N97 mini user
                      • KxY
                      • 22 Sep 2010

                      I already preorder one because nokia phone are easy to use and durable. my phone had drop in the floor many times but always can survive it.
                      ex-android user aka HTC hero user

                        • n
                        • nokia N97 mini user
                        • KxY
                        • 22 Sep 2010

                        now you can preorder nokia N8 in indonesia for Rp4,95 jt or 549 usd with free blueetooth headset for more info see in shipping in end of october

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 4b0
                          • 22 Sep 2010

                          And I thought waiting on nokia phones "with" AT&T was bad. I see it happens with unlocked phones too. The N8 is my first unlocked phone and my expierience has not been good so far. Disappointed in Nokia.

                            • p
                            • philm
                            • nGv
                            • 22 Sep 2010

                            cancelled my preorder 2 weeks ago,its beyond a joke.

                              • A
                              • Ali Abdulla
                              • fvC
                              • 22 Sep 2010

                              [deleted post]its ugly as hell man XD XD.. i like the idea, but not the looks

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 4b0
                                • 22 Sep 2010

                                I still can not belive this....delayed again!

                                Phone only:
                                END OF OCTOBER 2010
                                Express (1-3 Days) ($9.99)

                                Standard (3-5 Days) ($3.99)

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 4b0
                                  • 22 Sep 2010

                                  WTH! Dammit NOKIA... I'm so tired of the N8 being delayed. I'm in USA and pre-ordered too. This is some bull!

                                    • d
                                    • dude
                                    • 4{7
                                    • 22 Sep 2010

                                    [deleted post]i watch that video dude but iphone 4 faster than nokia n8. i dont care i still like both iphone and nokia n8

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • qWg
                                      • 22 Sep 2010

                                      i live in the US and i perordered the N8. Got an e mail saying anticipated ship date is 24th september. Behold, i go tho the Nokia web site today and..... the release date has been shifted to end October!!!! i think there is something wrong somewhere and it all smells fishy to me. i am gonna cancel my preorder.
                                      NB: someone better tell nokia to overhaul the people at customer care. they dont know whats going on in the company they work for. they just kepp repeating the same thing to yo no matter the question you ask ' machines!!!

                                        • A
                                        • AT
                                        • 01u
                                        • 22 Sep 2010

                                        What the F***


                                        the launch date on USA website is changed to End of October... crap and shame Nokia...