Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • R
  • Ryan
  • 9yP
  • 21 Sep 2010

NOKIA are really a laughing stock right now the fact this phone should have been released in april this year.

I wanted this phone but will not be touching it until at least January/Feb because guaranteed it will have lots of faults mainly software on initial release.

Nokia must try remember Sony Ericsson had a 12megapixel camera with HD out 10 months ago so nothing is new here, that being said the Sony Vivaz was shocking poor in video quality and pictures so hopefully this will be better and also having HDMI connections.

I currently has the Galaxy S and really like it but no flash for pictures is very annoying and having no dedicated button for camera/video is also very annoying so I am still very temped in the N8.

Its a tough call for me to make as I think when I get bored with N8's main feature pics/videos then I will struggle as dont have high expectations of Symbian and think it will be very very boring.

I used to have the N900 which was a good phone in terms of hardware but NOKIA done there usual and stopped supporting it after 7 months so I dont have much confidence in them anymore as a company.

    • M
    • Mike
    • n5}
    • 21 Sep 2010

    true, 21 Sep 2010the fact is over all samsung galaxy i9000 is the best among... moreJust a shame it's battery won't even last the day with average use, and the disgusting build quality.

      • t
      • true
      • 2S{
      • 21 Sep 2010

      the fact is over all samsung galaxy i9000 is the best among all the present availabled modles in market.

        • D
        • Dwane
        • pTC
        • 21 Sep 2010

        Wheez, 21 Sep 2010A preview from MySymbian (which means two things 1) They ar... moreI hit you back on you tube thingy

        But the gist of what I said is yes I can now see it was an unfair test but I can how it could people off. I am standing by the N8 howerver

          • N
          • New waver
          • vIb
          • 21 Sep 2010

          Dwane, 21 Sep 2010Sorry this link moreAnd heres the second video dwayne.

            • W
            • Wheez
            • nS$
            • 21 Sep 2010

            A preview from MySymbian (which means two things 1) They are alot more familiar with Symbians features and functionality than your everyday iPhone fanboy 2) They might be slightly biased, too)


              • S
              • Sunny
              • Kht
              • 21 Sep 2010

              Anjanu Sonkar, 21 Sep 2010It's available for Rs. 25,000( confirmed )…actually It’s av... moreWhat is the source ?

                • N
                • New waver
                • vIb
                • 21 Sep 2010

                Dwane, 21 Sep 2010Sorry this link moreThe video is shocking indeed. Though you can clearly see that it was an unfair comparison in all aspects.

                iOS 4.1 Vs Pre-release Symbian^3.

                Having all those apps running in the background on N8 through half of the comparison. Loading flash pages (Iphone doesn't load flash and hence opens the page quickly)

                Opening everything first on iPhone and then on N8, hence giving it the headstart and the entire bandwidth to work with.

                I wouldn't make too much of that video.

                  • W
                  • Wheez
                  • nS$
                  • 21 Sep 2010

                  Dwane, 21 Sep 2010I don't have a youtube account thoWell, I can send it to you via email too if you give it to me.

                  Tried rewording it twice but it still got caught, dunno what's up with that :D

                    • d
                    • dhp
                    • xpV
                    • 21 Sep 2010

                    Have anyone seen the theme effect on N8?

                      • D
                      • Dwane
                      • pTC
                      • 21 Sep 2010

                      Wheez, 21 Sep 2010Optionally, if you have a youtube account, you can contact ... moreI don't have a youtube account tho

                        • h
                        • hamed
                        • 3be
                        • 21 Sep 2010

                        i cant wait for this
                        nokia has waked up finaly.
                        i gonna bye it when it comes.

                          • W
                          • Wheez
                          • nS$
                          • 21 Sep 2010

                          Dwane, 21 Sep 2010Sorry this link moreOptionally, if you have a youtube account, you can contact "otso56" and I'll reply you there.

                            • W
                            • Wheez
                            • nS$
                            • 21 Sep 2010

                            Dwane, 21 Sep 2010YO WHEEZ!!! ....WHEEZ!!!! I need your support again. Ev... moreThe link doesnt seem to work but I think I know the video you mean. There's this finnish mobile phone forum who laughed at that video.

                            Here's some translations of what other people said about the video:

                            "The N8 seemed to have all kinds of shit running on the background, he should've done the comparison from a clean table. Also, unless I saw wrong, he seemed to be trying to scroll the N8 down even if it was scrolled to the bottom"

                            "Makes total sense to compare a product that has gotten several firmware updates to a product that is still a prototype. The N8 seemed to be connected to EDGE network while the iPhone was on wifi. Also it left quite a lame taste that the iPhone had the site loaded while he tried showing the N8 while the site was being loaded"

                            "Dear God what a damn retard has been given an N8 prototype to test"

                            "I'm greatly annoyed by these "prototype reviews" as you can tell absolutely nothing from them"

                            In reply to the above comment:

                            "Yeah, and especially the iPhone vs , where the user is very familiar with the iPhone UI and not so much with the thing he's comparing it to"

                            Somebody commented how it seemed slow like you did:
                            "Hardly, the iPhone OS has effects that make it seem faster than it really is. Like showing a picture of the application before it has actually opened"

                            Same goes for transition effects, it feels faster when you watch something happening on the screen rather than looking at still screen, while in reality you probably wait just about the same time.

                            The N8 probably is abit slower than the iPhone, or at least it feels like it cos of some of the things I brought up there. However, that's the only thing the iPhone is good in. The N8 is not the fastest or Symbian the prettiest, but featurewise I don't think any current phone can rival it. Also, as said, the N8 had NFS:Shift running in the background while showing half of the features like the maps and the browsers, even if the iPhone would've had too, it would've been frozen as it does not have real multitasking in this case. The N8 was actually RUNNING the game in the background. He also had many of the programs already started on the iPhone, although in the background, making it alot faster to open compared to the N8 who was booting the programs from the scratch

                            Also, the reason why iPhones browser is so fast and fluid is mainly about the flash it doesnt have. So in reality, the speed is gained by having one feature less. Personally I'm gonna disable flash on my N8 too cos I don't go to any site that uses flash for anything but ads I don't wanna see in the first place. It's a nice feature to have available IF you need it, but at least I rarely do.

                            Just read the comments in those videos, lots of people have realized how retarded that comparison is on many sources.

                            I've said it before and I've said it again. If you want a fast and flashy phone, get the iPhone. It IS (or at least feels) fast, but it has nothing on the N8 (or just about any other smartphone) when it comes to real features. Then it just depends if you need the features.

                            I don't think the N8 is slow in that video all things considered, unless you have a need to run NFS:Shift in the background always while navigating and browsing the web ;)

                              • s
                              • sam
                              • 4{7
                              • 21 Sep 2010

                              i bought cheap i theater video glasses 50 inch when i put this video glasses on the screen not look good to me its oled screen its not clear i cant read the words because the screen pixel big not make screen clear and there is another video glasses that glasses made with tft 16 million color u think this one better or not?

                                • D
                                • Dwane
                                • pTC
                                • 21 Sep 2010

                                Dwane, 21 Sep 2010YO WHEEZ!!! ....WHEEZ!!!! I need your support again. Ev... moreSorry this link

                                  • N
                                  • New waver
                                  • vIb
                                  • 21 Sep 2010

                                  Dwane, 21 Sep 2010YO WHEEZ!!! ....WHEEZ!!!! I need your support again. Ev... moreThe link doesn't work mate.

                                    • S
                                    • SHAZ
                                    • PxW
                                    • 21 Sep 2010

                                    IN REPLY TO sam:
                                    Well i would also say OLED is a better screen coz it only consumes less power as compared with the other screens and as a result u vl get a gud battery back up too...And OLED also gives u a more brighter and clarity image quality as compared with other screens...its because of the special OLED technology..the black shaded pixels are actualy offed to give the correct output.Im presently using n85 which also does hav an OLED screen and it simply rocks..but d phone lacks in built quality,so im planning to get an N8.I think N8 was the phone for which i was waiting for.Im glad that N8 also comes with the OLED screen.Just waiting 4 it to get released.

                                      • D
                                      • Dwane
                                      • pTC
                                      • 21 Sep 2010

                                      YO WHEEZ!!! ....WHEEZ!!!!

                                      I need your support again. Everyone who reads this forum regularly knows I'm an N8 fan and have one on order.... BUT this video of the N8 v Iphone4 does not make me feel good


                                      Please tell me the ones you tested were not this slow..???

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • uH$
                                        • 21 Sep 2010

                                        Becool, 21 Sep 2010Bro all these r rumors...these dealers r just scaring ppl s... morehi,dude,
                                        may i know which country are you from?
                                        And yr supplier said it will reach by 25th as in n8 will
                                        b in yr country for sale by 25th?