Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • fn8
  • 17 Sep 2010

voting results are going to low
some one is voting 1,1,1 !!!!
-you don't like the phone
-don't buy it
and stop voting like this
why voting fake votes????????????

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • MVg
    • 17 Sep 2010

    im sick of this, 17 Sep 2010again you wroted very good stuff. For example i really c... morei agree but think yuo should get a n8

      • B
      • Becool
      • 3sE
      • 17 Sep 2010

      Guys nokia is on launching spree...tom in india C3 is getting launched...week ago they launched X2...hope N8 is nxt week or so....

        • i
        • im sick of this
        • niD
        • 17 Sep 2010

        Wheez, 17 Sep 2010Thank you for your kind words! :D Yeah, it's a real sham... moreagain you wroted very good stuff.

        For example i really cant recommend iphone to no-one, i can say you should check out it and take it one option. still i think its the best phone for me. but it's so different to use than for example nokia. I still hear things from nokia users which i cant do with my iphone.

        Last nigh it was A4 paper full of them :D most of the things was things what i have never needed and still dont need :)

        but it was again eye opener, that people has so many different expectations what phone can do

        for me i wanted simple phone to use web/messaging msn/facebook/listening music and it does those excellent

        still everyday i have to hear your phone cant do that and not and not that...

        also here someones list those A4 long specslist what iphone cant do.

        its all about what you need from phone N8 is definately better for heavy user. Iphone is more like normal people (nokia fans says people without brain or simple people in a bad way) who dont need so much things, but want device what does very good things what it promised.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • Kec
          • 17 Sep 2010

          What thesymbian 3 lacks at this moment are the

 internet radio
          2.realplayer to play higher resolution rmvb
          3.angry birds is available but still need more decent games

          my wish for symbian4
 more option and back bottom bar
          2.always try to save screen real estate
          3.can we have webos icon and theme similar design? Let take anexample, ovi maps icon look good, it is greater if nokia make it have 3d effect and every icons are in isometric view(viewed at an angle.) can symbian have on/off button in setting/menu?
          4.more effort in homescreen, where is the first impression the customers have of the os

            • W
            • Wheez
            • nSR
            • 17 Sep 2010

            im sick of this, 17 Sep 2010"I guess I'll be staying with my iPhone 4. I am not an... moreThank you for your kind words! :D

            Yeah, it's a real shame see people act like idiots. Sure there are iPhone owners who come here as well to say stupid stuff, but it most certainly happens both ways.

            I still think iPhone has made huge success cos out of the things it can do, it does them very, very, very well. The catch is though that it does have quite limited features compared to other smartphones. However, if you don't need those features, the iPhone can well be worth the money.

            It's like buying a 300 euro laptop and then complaining that it can't run the latest games with max graphics :D

            People need to realize that all these smartphones have their pros and cons and there isn't such thing as a best smartphone, cos at least still now, it's alot about tradeoffs cos there isnt so much you can put in one case without making it huge or have nonexistant battery life.

            So, at best the "best smartphones" are only opinions and personal preferences and you can't tell other people what they want or need, that's why I always try to tell people who ask here like "N8 or iPhone, which one to buy" to think what they need and want first, cos they are so very different devices.

            Also, hail from Finland as well :D

              • i
              • im sick of this
              • niD
              • 17 Sep 2010

              Christian, 17 Sep 2010I really loved Nokia in the past and really am wishing to l... more"I guess I'll be staying with my iPhone 4. I am not an Apple fanboy (this is my first iphone) but Nokia should have gone with MeeGo on N8."

              what i learned you are fanboy and gay also

              I also bought one year ago my first iphone (still have it) and the same day i was called fanboy and gay and that kind of stuff and the same has been the whole year (not in real life only forums)

              Thats why i really has started to hate nokia, its weird i really dont have anything bad to say their phone when i used them. But now i really *censored* hate the whole nokia and all because applehaters made that.

              I think so many apple users think like me. I think nokiafans even dont know how much hurt they make to nokia brand.

              By the way i'm from finland where's nokia came and now i *censored* hate everything what they do and i can say for sure i'm not only one, and its not phones i hate, i hate nokiausers, i know all of them arent samekind

              i'v seen here this guy called "wheez", i see he is those good nokia fans, which can see also something else than nokia.

              By they what is the difference with applehater and nokia hater?

              Nokia haters says bad things about nokia's phone

              Apple haters says bad things about apple users

              you nokiafans really should read what i wrote and think it

                • a
                • andy burgin
                • 3pH
                • 17 Sep 2010

                The N8 as not be delayed at all in the u.k,as Nokia as emailed me about the delivery an ask me for some credit checks,so i called them an said the N8 should be with me by the 29th September,an just can"t wait to see an use the N8

                  • W
                  • Wheez
                  • nSR
                  • 17 Sep 2010

                  mr adrian fr techjam, 17 Sep 2010since nokia delay once again n8 put a lens cover on the fla... moreAnd even if they did, it would be like the first delay, cos the current release dates are the first ones Nokia has officially ever given.

                    • W
                    • Wheez
                    • nSR
                    • 17 Sep 2010

                    mr adrian fr techjam, 17 Sep 2010since nokia delay once again n8 put a lens cover on the fla... moreNokia has not confirmed a delay, so don't believe that automatically.

                    Damian Dinning explains why didnt they put a lens cover. Open the article from the left. "Nokia N8 in focus: An interview with Damian Dinning".

                      • m
                      • mr adrian fr techjam
                      • Re2
                      • 17 Sep 2010

                      since nokia delay once again n8 put a lens cover on the flagship phone

                        • A
                        • AMANITA
                        • upf
                        • 17 Sep 2010

                        Christian, 17 Sep 2010I really loved Nokia in the past and really am wishing to l... moreSymbian is ok ! Every1 is blaming symbian because nokia always used slow processors ! They should start using new faster processors ! They should avoid Arm11 !

                          • A
                          • AMANITA
                          • upf
                          • 17 Sep 2010

                          Christian, 17 Sep 2010I really loved Nokia in the past and really am wishing to l... moreSymbian is ok ! Every1 is blaming symbian because nokia always used slow processors ! They should start using new faster processors ! They should avoid Arm11 !

                            • W
                            • Wheez
                            • nSR
                            • 17 Sep 2010

                            Christian, 17 Sep 2010I really loved Nokia in the past and really am wishing to l... moreHave you actually tried the Symbian^3 or you just guessing due to earlier Symbians?

                            I can't figure really anything I'd wanna change in Symbian^3, it's by far the best Symbian till now and by a big jump.

                            I would not take Android or iOS instead, myself. I don't really like Maemo either on the N900.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • txj
                              • 17 Sep 2010

                              Announced date: 27 April 2010
                              Pre order date: 14 September 2010
                              Release date: xx ------ber 2010 (may vary for each countries)

                                • C
                                • Christian
                                • kAx
                                • 17 Sep 2010

                                I really loved Nokia in the past and really am wishing to love this phone. The specs are great and having a camera of such magnitude would be a blessing but the OS just doesn't live up to today's competition. I wish this phone would have been bundled with the MeeGo OS. Symbian is not the future of Nokia and they have stated that MeeGo will be the choose for top smart phones. Buying a symbian phone will only hurt consumers when no one is willing to create top quality apps for it. Until Nokia gets it right I guess I'll be staying with my iPhone 4. I am not an Apple fanboy (this is my first iphone) but Nokia should have gone with MeeGo on N8.

                                  • W
                                  • Wheez
                                  • nSR
                                  • 17 Sep 2010

                                  non-anonymous, 17 Sep 2010to anyone got the phone earlier by pre-order this 23rd, ple... moreThey said shipping stats on the last week (around 30th sept) of september, so very unlikely for people to get it on 23rd by preordering..

                                    • n
                                    • non-anonymous
                                    • ib7
                                    • 17 Sep 2010

                                    to anyone got the phone earlier by pre-order this 23rd, please share ur opinion about this phone,, about the speed, battery life, resolution, camera, video, and others...THANK YOU..

                                      • W
                                      • Wheez
                                      • nSR
                                      • 17 Sep 2010

                                      friday, 17 Sep 2010I think its something to do with that very old ARM11 model ... moreThat's well possible. But it's still not necessarily about ARM 11 being bad. It could be that the games have not been optimized for ARM 11, but possibly for that ARM Cortex 8 or whatever it is.

                                      I've seen the same thing on games I've beta tested. Specswise as good components, be it gfx card or CPU, run the game very differently, just cos it was optimized better for the other. All Points Bulletin-game for example ran shitloads better with systems that had nVidia than systems that had ATI.

                                        • W
                                        • Wheez
                                        • nSR
                                        • 17 Sep 2010

                                        anonymous VIII, 17 Sep 2010Does any one know whether the keyboard is shown in both por... moreUgh, now I just realized I wrote wrong in my earlier comment, mixed up portrait and landscape mode.

                                        N8 at does not have qwerty on portraid mode by default. I'm not sure if u can turn it on somehow, but at least its off then by default. Probably when Swype comes, this can be resolved at least.