Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • h
  • hayato
  • t7X
  • 12 Sep 2010

Christi, 12 Sep 2010NOKIA rulz....blackbit$% i$it ericcrap and motogay are all ... moreI have to agree with you referring nokia as the 'true phone manufacturer' they don't just innovate, they also keep the essentials, and try to make them better. They sell phones, with extra features, unlike other company who sell gadgets, processors and screens, with extra phone functionality only if you hold the thing with your right hand. But lets not talk about them, they are happy with their choice and so we are.

    • C
    • Christi
    • 0UY
    • 12 Sep 2010

    NOKIA rulz....blackbit$% i$it ericcrap and motogay are all crapy phones.....NOKIA is the true phone manufacturer.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • utu
      • 12 Sep 2010

      Xenon flash trouble in n82

        • h
        • hayato
        • t7X
        • 12 Sep 2010

        Weeks ago, i read from symbiantweet about the make my app competition. I'm about to join till i realize it's for selected countries only. So i dismissed the idea.

        I visited the site once again, and feel like pulling my hair off because, one of the ideas i'm suppose to submit is chosen. You know the app that can recognize words taken by the camera and can convert it into a document. It could've been me! But then again, the real process of selection of ideas will begin only after the top 90 most popular are filtered. I doubt if ever i'll be able to pass that stage. However, they could've given me/us a chance. :(

        sorry to be off topic.

          • A
          • AMANITA
          • s8f
          • 12 Sep 2010

          [deleted post]U r right ! N8 is the multimedia monster,itz unfair to compare it with Iphone which is nt even a smartphone :)

            • P
            • Peter
            • iFs
            • 12 Sep 2010

            Anonymous, 12 Sep 2010I want to buy this phone how many days left 4 release?about 2~3 weeks depends on your location.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 44r
              • 12 Sep 2010

              I want to buy this phone
              how many days left 4 release?

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • t7U
                • 12 Sep 2010

                Everyone assumes how widgets will affect battery, memory, etc, but have no point of reference to compare it to. Remember, S^3 offloads all the formerly heavy graphics issues to the GPU, and only a small efficient part of the work gets left for the proc.

                So the amount of free RAM will be greater even without the physical RAM increase. Widgets should operate much better with a more optimized OS. They weren't that much of an issue with the N97 after some updates, and should only get better with a more efficient OS and added RAM.

                The supposed overhead for Qt apps is theoretical, but doesn't exist. The Mozilla developer team and various Qt devs will attest to the fact that virtually no latency occurs from Qt.

                Qt apps use LESS resources than Avkon. In fact, Avkon was part of the bottleneck with Symbian past. Qt solves that issue. And keep in mind, the Avkon parts were mostly graphical in nature, and have been offloaded to the GPU, not the app proc.

                So your thoughts on Qt being a resource liabillity are unfounded as far as my limited knowledge goes. I may be wrong, but doubt it. There are already Qt apps on older devices, and they ran fine before, both on Symbian and Maemo/MeeGo. What makes you think otherwise?

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • t7U
                  • 12 Sep 2010

                  n8 has 256 mb of RAM + virtual memory (like in N900)

                  In computing, virtual memory is a memory management technique developed for multitasking kernels; this technique virtualizes a computer architecture's various hardware memory devices (such as RAM modules and disk storage drives), allowing a program to be designed as though:
                  there is only one hardware memory device and this "virtual" device acts like a RAM module.
                  the program has, by default, sole access to this virtual RAM module as the basis for a contiguous working memory (an address space).
                  Systems that employ virtual memory:
                  use hardware memory more efficiently than systems without virtual memory.
                  make the programming of applications easier by:
                  hiding fragmentation.
                  delegating to the kernel the burden of managing the memory hierarchy; there is no need for the program to handle overlays explicitly.
                  obviating the need to relocate program code or to access memory with relative addressing.
                  Memory virtualization is a generalization of the concept of virtual memory.
                  Virtual memory is an integral part of a computer architecture; all implementations (excluding[dubious – discuss] emulators and virtual machines) require hardware support, typically in the form of a memory management unit built into the CPU. Consequently, older operating systems (such as DOS[1] of the 1980s or those for the mainframes of the 1960s) generally have no virtual memory functionality, though notable exceptions include the Atlas, B5000, IBM System/360 Model 67, IBM System/370 mainframe systems of the early 1970s, and the Apple Lisa project circa 1980.
                  Embedded systems and other special-purpose computer systems which require very fast and/or very consistent response times may opt not to use virtual memory due to decreased determinism; virtual memory systems trigger unpredictable interrupts that may produce unwanted "jitter" during I/O operations. This is because embedded hardware costs are often kept low by implementing all such operations with software (a technique called bit-banging) rather than with dedicated hardware. In any case, embedded systems usually have little use for multitasking features or complicated memory hierarchies.

                    • W
                    • Wheez
                    • Iak
                    • 12 Sep 2010

                    Wheez, 12 Sep 2010Most of all I'm trying to make people realize that all the ... moreOh and one more thing. I'm not really here either to defend Nokia itself, I just currently have lots of time to write here, and I'm the kind of personality that I just need to know everything about some new cool thing I'm waiting. So first and foremost I came here for the discussion and so on, and cos I had alot of time to read and reply here, I ended up doing the counter-act for those mindless bashers.

                    The chances that I will be gone when I get the device myself are big, cos then I can already just use the device myself instead of discussing about it.

                      • W
                      • Wheez
                      • Iak
                      • 12 Sep 2010

                      Wheez, 12 Sep 2010I'm aware specs don't really make much difference, that's w... moreMost of all I'm trying to make people realize that all the current smartphones have their pros and cons. iPhone for one is fantastic at what it can do, but I avoid calling it a real smartphone, if you comapre it to it's competitors. It's still a very fine gadget that is very well optimized for what it can do.

                      Android is a very good OS, but not perfect either, same goes for Symbians, both have their pros and cons, most people just come here, say that Nokia needs Android and that's it. Also this kind of ppl I try to deflect by, if necessary, digging up some nasty flaws from Android or just highlighting some of the pros in the Symbian, to get people to realize that it's not black and white and that it's more about what you need and what you want.

                        • X
                        • X
                        • tDJ
                        • 12 Sep 2010

                        Great phone
                        Hope will be red or purple color

                          • W
                          • Wheez
                          • Iak
                          • 12 Sep 2010

                          Anonymous, 12 Sep 2010"I don't love or hate any phone. Given, I'm biased tow... moreI'm aware specs don't really make much difference, that's why I believe I wrote "spec/feature list", cos something like USB On the go is something you most phones don't have, no matter how monster specs it has.

                          Most casual people fail to realize that a smartphone is more than just the frequency of the CPU. I don't necessarily defend Nokia or the N8 for it's shortcomings, I just don't want people to write stuff that is simply wrong and then other clueless people come here and read that, thinking that this guy probably knows his stuff and doesnt buy the phone cos of some clueless person going off about CPU frequency and Android.

                          That's why I try to start discussions with people saying this, to see whether they actually have a clue or not. I'm not afraid to say "where I'm coming from". I've said it before and I'll say it again. I've indirectly worked for Nokia, I'm from Finland, thus I have a "patriotic" need to sort of support Nokia. I do not own any smartphones from Nokia or any other company. I would not have bought any smartphone if I had not been totally sold by the N8. So far the reasons I havn't bought smartphones were that I found them sort of ugly and clumsy (still goes for pretty much any smartphone out there but the N8) and I didn't really have the need for one. I started studying in uni (dropped the indirect working for Nokia due to that), so my needs sort of changed. However, I still wouldn't have bought a Samsung or HTC for example.

                          Either way, I've now tried the N8 and many other smartphones too as well as reading alot about them. As said, I know where I'm coming from and I'm not afraid to say that my experience of smartphones are limited. I'm also not afraid to admit that I am/was wrong, as long as the other side is up for the discussion.

                          Most bashers of Nokia/N8/symbian shut up though when you ask them for reasons, cos they can't really give any. Most people just have some built-in need to hate Nokia for whatever reason. And that's why I'm so active here, I wanna support Nokia by "deflecting" the blind bashers who have no facts to do so, so that Nokia would maybe lose less customers just cos of those random bashers :D

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • up7
                            • 12 Sep 2010

                            the best phone i ever seen

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • niD
                              • 12 Sep 2010

                              Wheez, 12 Sep 2010I don't love or hate any phone. Given, I'm biased towards N... more"I don't love or hate any phone. Given, I'm biased towards Nokia, being from the city where Nokias mobile phone industry started from."

                              That was kind a obviously without saying, no one else don't try defend nokia that much anymore.

                              I'm from here too where's nokia mobile industry started and i have to say it doesnt matter anything and don't chance the fact that nokia's hiprice phones are very bad, of course if you just use your nokia and don't know anything else it is good.

                              And like many nokia fans you also speaking specs, but they dont mean shit anymore because all the phones have good specs nowdays

                                • h
                                • husi
                                • 2Zj
                                • 12 Sep 2010

                                Sold my N85 today to sum up money. So m definite m gonna get a new phone, m 90% sure its gonna be N8!
                                Hope they release it soon and price trims down very fast ^_^
                                Will have to use n70 till then :)

                                  • W
                                  • Wheez
                                  • nS%
                                  • 12 Sep 2010

                                  [deleted post]I don't love or hate any phone. Given, I'm biased towards Nokia, being from the city where Nokias mobile phone industry started from.

                                  I try to be objective towards every phone. If it wasn't for the N8, I wouldn't be getting any smartphone now. Nokia or not, the N8s spec and feature list still beats many phones out there. Not to mention that in my eyes it looks very, very good. I personally hate the HTC/Samgsung/iPhone kind looks.

                                  If Nokia sucks, why does this phone have more hits here on GSMArena than iPhone 4 for example. If Nokia sucks, why are the Nokia smartphones on top of some of the rankings here on GSMARena.

                                  You obviously hate Nokia, Nokia obviously does not suck, neither does Samsung, HTC, SE, or anything else. It's about what you want, what you need and what you like.

                                  I like this, but I still try to remain as objective as possible. I do get back at people pretty hard if they just blindly bash Nokia/N8, just so they realize it works both ways. But I definitely don't say any phone sucks.

                                    • W
                                    • Wheez
                                    • nS%
                                    • 12 Sep 2010

                                    [deleted post]Either way, that generalisation is so wide that it's just lame. SE and HTC certainly have some things really good that Nokia might not have, it's also about personal preference.

                                    I personally don't find a 4½" screen an upgrade to 3½" screen, cos I find it too big and I don't want/need it. You might want a bigger screened one, so instead you see Nokias lacking in that department.

                                    You may prefer Android to Symbian, thus you may see Nokias lacking again. I for one will not use an Android phone at this time, maybe when it goes through quite abit more development, currently I'm finding Symbian^3 simply frigging amazing, it's hands down the best Symbian out there.

                                    There are good Nokias, there are good HTCs, there are good SEs. Mobile tech is still about tradeoffs. I for one think the N8 is maybe the best overall balanced smartphone currently out there/coming soon.

                                    If you don't like the N8, don't buy it, buy a HTC or an SE. What you are saying is an opinion, you don't seem to have facts to back it up either, not to mention that Nokia still leads the markets over both SE and HTC.

                                      • W
                                      • Wheez
                                      • nS%
                                      • 12 Sep 2010

                                      [deleted post]So you can't really elaborate, you are just saying it cos you somewhy dislike Nokia.

                                      Right, so SEs and HTCs are better cos they don't have USB On The Go? Also having a free navigation is a downside for Nokias?

                                      That's already two aspects the N8 beats afaik just about any HTC or SE.

                                      Now gimme something, cos you are just making a fool out of yourself.