Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • W
  • Wheez
  • nSS
  • 10 Sep 2010

Anonymous, 10 Sep 2010ARM 11 NOT have 720mhz cpu-s! Vivaz have same 720 OVER-clo... more

Press Compare Processors and scroll down, there
s this "excel" sheet. I'm not sure if it has all ARM 11 family processors, but at least 4 of em. These 4 have the following frequencies.

Frequency * (MHz)





So, there's no "default 600Mhz", but they range from 427 Mhz to 990 Mhz. N8 probably has the one with 770 Mhz and is then underclocked down to 680Mhz.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • sr3
    • 10 Sep 2010

    AMANITA, 10 Sep 2010U r ryt ,default clock rate is 720mhz !ARM 11 NOT have 720mhz cpu-s!
    Vivaz have same 720 OVER-clocked (default is 600)

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 2Z9
      • 10 Sep 2010

      Lulzim, 09 Sep 2010NOKIA is 1 year after SE . do u remember SATIO ? maybe NOKI... moreNokia symbian three will def userfriendly OS thats all...There is a lot of software problem is there for Android and Windows os....Generally u need to confirm that any kind of social networks should support and more impt is software can upgaradable without any pbm

        • W
        • Wheez
        • nSS
        • 10 Sep 2010

        Naresh, 10 Sep 2010 Nice model very good performanse its really very nice when... moreLast week of september in some places, 1st of October for the rest :D

          • R
          • RONALD
          • vG5
          • 10 Sep 2010

          The first 100 Buyers in each priority store will get free gifts from Nokia. :-)

            • N
            • Naresh
            • vIw
            • 10 Sep 2010

            Nice model very good performanse its really very nice when launch ?

              • A
              • AMANITA
              • upe
              • 10 Sep 2010

              Wheez, 10 Sep 2010I tried googling about the Mhz again, but when searching fo... moreU r ryt ,default clock rate is 720mhz !

                • W
                • Wheez
                • nSS
                • 10 Sep 2010

                Wheez, 10 Sep 2010I won't bet my head on it, I tried doing the research mysel... moreI tried googling about the Mhz again, but when searching for Arm 11 you find that it's a family of processors, not just one. And for example this is said: It delivers extreme low power and a range of performance from 350 MHz in small area designs up to 1 GHz in speed optimized designs in 45 and 65 nm.

                So that makes me think that it's available in different "native mhz", and I think somewhere I heard that the Arm 11 in N8 would be like 800mhz or something, underclocked to 680Mhz.

                  • W
                  • Wheez
                  • nSS
                  • 10 Sep 2010

                  Anonymous, 10 Sep 2010... is NOT underclocked! N8 have 600mhz proc default speed... moreI won't bet my head on it, I tried doing the research myself, but I couldn't really find anything, however, that's what I've been told by alot more credible commenters than for example yourself.

                  No offense, but it's easier to believe someone with halfly sophisticated way of typing.

                  But you could still be right, I've seen ppl say it's overclocked, I've seen people say it's underclocked. Most people seem to agree though it's underclocked.

                    • W
                    • Wheez
                    • nSS
                    • 10 Sep 2010

                    Art, 10 Sep 2010Does this phone got live widgets?What exactly do you mean with live widgets?

                    I know theres for example a music player widget, from what you can play music without actually opening the music player "the hard way". I've also seen different apps there as widgets from ie. different newspapers that automatically update with the latest news or whatever its feeding.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • sr3
                      • 10 Sep 2010

                      Wheez, 10 Sep 2010Hardware specs and OS have very little to do with each othe... more... is NOT underclocked!
                      N8 have 600mhz proc default speed!
                      Nokia made OVER-clock for N8 to 680mhz, because, nokia is cheep, slow, ugly, monopolistic and crappy company!

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • YTc
                        • 10 Sep 2010

                        Lulzim, 09 Sep 2010NOKIA is 1 year after SE . do u remember SATIO ? maybe NOKI... morei lyk ths

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • mtD
                          • 10 Sep 2010

                          Don´t mind him Wheez, he doesn´t seem to be able to understand... We just got rid of "the facts" to get another clown of this forum...

                          Please ignore or report him! Thanks!

                            • A
                            • Art
                            • Mf7
                            • 10 Sep 2010

                            Does this phone got live widgets?

                              • W
                              • Wheez
                              • nSS
                              • 10 Sep 2010

                              People need to stop bashing other OSs just for the sake of it.

                              Anyone who really claims Symbian sucks is ignorant and stupid, anyone who claims Android would suck would be the same. Both OS have their pros and cons. At least for now, Symbian still has by far the bigger market share than Android.

                              I myself would prefer Symbian for the following reasons: Nokia uses it (im Finnish so Nokia holds sentimental value to me cos of that), it's been developed for longer and further, meaning they have managed to fix most "rookie problems" of the OS, it's lighter than the Android (not necessarily a good thing, but a good tradeoff FOR ME), these to name a few.

                              I personally wouldn't "touch Android" cos if it wasnt for the N8, I wouldn't even be buying a smartphone at the moment. Either way, I have my reasons to stick with Symbian that is a very fine OS, especially Symbian^3, although it looks boring, but it works. I personally don't buy phones to go "wow" at the menus.

                              So if you want an Android or the Windows stuff, get one by all means. Nokia will most likely never implement either, at least not android. I'm abit afraid for the Windows thing seeing that Nokias new CEO is ex-Microsoft, but most likely/hopefully they will stick with Symbian/Meego combination and develop those OSs to the best they can be :)

                                • p
                                • phones fan
                                • fwM
                                • 10 Sep 2010

                                T, 10 Sep 2010Windows does not have copy paste. Even earlier versions of ... moreI think andriod froyo supports installing the apps in the memory card.

                                  • W
                                  • Wheez
                                  • nSS
                                  • 10 Sep 2010

                                  [deleted post]Also, screen size is only about user preference, not direct upgrades. I for one wouldn't probably even buy a phone with 4"+ screen. It's just too big for a mobile phone for me. I don't want a big ass PDA, I want a phone that has decent capabilities in other aspects like browsing the web etc.

                                  I'll rather have my 3,5" screen than 4,3" ever.

                                    • W
                                    • Wheez
                                    • nSS
                                    • 10 Sep 2010

                                    [deleted post]Hardware specs and OS have very little to do with each other.

                                    You forget that N8 has dedicated GPU that the phones u list will most likely lack. USB on the go is something I wouldn't trade for few pixels either, for example.

                                    But you really arn't worth discussing cos you don't understand the difference between phones, operating systems and hardware. Android has nothing to do with Mhz/Ghz for example. N8s CPU is underclocked to 680Mhz cos it doesn't need more, cos it's SHITLOADS lighter than android.

                                      • L
                                      • Loyd
                                      • 0I$
                                      • 10 Sep 2010

                                      Its brilliant, everything is much better...

                                      they have stepped up their game


                                        • T
                                        • T
                                        • N7D
                                        • 10 Sep 2010

                                        Lulzim, 09 Sep 2010NOKIA is 1 year after SE . do u remember SATIO ? maybe NOKI... moreWindows does not have copy paste. Even earlier versions of did not have it either.
                                        Android in not a phone, its an os, and a very heavy os which does not support apps in memory card, yet
                                        and n8 has dedicated gpu