Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • T
  • 2Z1
  • 03 Sep 2010

AMANITA, 03 Sep 20101.It has document viewer ! 2.theres a video on utube showi... moreHay !!! Thanks Amanita for that information.

    • T
    • 2Z1
    • 03 Sep 2010

    sea-breeze, 03 Sep 2010u'd better get urself a laptop !I hav one.....But cant make calls through it, which is a basic need to have a phone!!!!!

    Just to inform U , I was looking for all E72 features in N8.

      • p
      • pate-a
      • utu
      • 03 Sep 2010

      heloo all, my problem is why are they using 1200 batery instead of 1500, why, is there any advantage in using it ?????

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • RKk
        • 03 Sep 2010

        [deleted post]thats a good work amanita. A very good comparison for iphone users as well as non users. I hope now these iphone fans will keep away from this page after reading ur argumentts.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • RKk
          • 03 Sep 2010

          Wheez, 02 Sep 2010In devices like these, it's mainly about tradeoffs. Sure, y... moreso wheez u feel that n8's battery is gonna last long. I've been using nokia e71which has a 1500 mah battery and is not touch screen too its battery lasting is superb but in comparison to this n8 has more features even touch and only a 1200 mah battery. I feel the battery can be an issue here.

            • A
            • AMANITA
            • s8f
            • 03 Sep 2010

            TPNOCPUNE, 03 Sep 2010Hi Becool Sice u own a Shop ur self, U mus be knowing th... more1.It has document viewer !
            2.theres a video on utube showing skype on N8
  's every symbian phn has adobe pdf reader
            4.can read doc. Files
            5.multiple pages browsing in possible via opera
            6.if it wont support divX natively then therez 3rd party app. Is available.smartmovie !

              • U
              • Umar
              • JAB
              • 03 Sep 2010

              i really like it.its really amaizing cell phone.em waiting when it it is come in market .....its gr888888

                • S
                • Sweet Girl
                • uCr
                • 03 Sep 2010

                [deleted post]hey dude, i like my phone.. and i dnt talk about the thing which is nt yet available.. did u see here, people rating th performance of a phone which is not available in market.. what a joke..

                  • S
                  • Sweet Girl
                  • uCr
                  • 03 Sep 2010

                  Hey Guys Check Nokia N900.. O My Goddddddddd.. N900 is a Amazing Set...I m using it from past two months.. I m in love with my N900... Love...

                    • s
                    • sea-breeze
                    • NhR
                    • 03 Sep 2010

                    TPNOCPUNE, 03 Sep 2010Hi Becool Sice u own a Shop ur self, U mus be knowing th... moreu'd better get urself a laptop !

                      • T
                      • TPNOCPUNE
                      • 5F{
                      • 03 Sep 2010

                      [deleted post]Hi Becool

                      Sice u own a Shop ur self, U mus be knowing the Price for N8? & its rlease date in India?

                      Does it hav Office Document editor?
                      PDF Editor?
                      Office Communicator?
                      Skype Vdo calling?
                      Multiple browsing Sites is possible?
                      can it read .docx files?
                      can it read .avi, .dvix vdo file format?
                      Does it have scanner for scaning Cards?
                      does it have compatibality to directly print from printer?

                        • s
                        • sea-breeze
                        • NhR
                        • 03 Sep 2010

                        am dieing from waiting ....... too much time ....

                          • A
                          • Asad
                          • ITV
                          • 03 Sep 2010

                          Love it.
                          but rom, ram and processor cud be better.
                          I mean 512 MB RAM, 1 or 2 GB ROM and ARM 1GHz processor.
                          super amoled instead of amoled wud be great (thanks God its not resistive :)
                          love everything else though.
                          Not sure if symbian 3 will play the magic until its mature and think of it if the phone is hanged due to this, you can not just open the rear to pull the battery which sounds horrible (Nokia, are u gonna make symbian 3 really bug free?)
                          Gorilla glass is good and i wish this is not like other brands offering 30 times stronger than plastic glass and still scratched and broken easily.
                          all type of connectivity (IR is kinda obsolete in phones so doesn't count) v3.0 blutooth and especially USB On-the-go support is kool.
                          Camera: simply the best and good part is its with 1/1.83'' sensor and xenon which i love :>
                          FM transmitter+ HDMI + Anodized aluminum casing and guys much more make this phone a great deal.
                          ITS VALUE FOR MONEY.
                          Ahmm btw i wud wait for a better processor+rom+ram

                            • D
                            • Dwane
                            • pTL
                            • 03 Sep 2010

                            Wheez, 02 Sep 2010Being from Finland myself and having preordered it early fr... moreBe sure to put your name on it so I def watch it.

                            Nice one

                              • T
                              • Taz
                              • LhU
                              • 02 Sep 2010

                              Why Do People Rate The Performance Of This Phone, When Its Not Even Available To Anyone Yet :S

                                • C
                                • Christi
                                • 0UY
                                • 02 Sep 2010

                                [deleted post]very good are absolutely wright!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  • M
                                  • Mobile-Xpert
                                  • 8Dx
                                  • 02 Sep 2010

                                  [deleted post]Iphone could be the best selling phone but nokia phones will still be more reliable, you cant even use the bluetooth properly like you do with other cant transfer stuff from your pc without itunes...there are many things you cant do with it...Iphones were made for cocky peolpe dont really know about phones..and in my opinion N8 is better because is much more reliable and there are a lot more things you could do with it not just apps

                                    • X
                                    • X
                                    • 9B7
                                    • 02 Sep 2010

                                    Hahaha, 02 Sep 2010The phone is superb,but the only thing I dont like is the p... moreThey dont want to fight just wanna selling phones
                                    If you want fight go watch boxing or wwe

                                      • W
                                      • Wheez
                                      • nS%
                                      • 02 Sep 2010

                                      Wheez, 02 Sep 2010In devices like these, it's mainly about tradeoffs. Sure, y... moreAlso, another point for using lesser hardware, the price!

                                      This is supposed to be their mid-range smart phone or something price-wise.

                                      As for the super amoleds, I've understood only Samsung makes those and so far they've kept them to theirselves, which is smart cos it's one selling point. They got the best screens, better get a fair share of the markets themselves first before selling the tech to their competitors.

                                      I've also understood that pretty much ALL smartphone touchscreens come from Samsung.

                                        • W
                                        • Wheez
                                        • nS%
                                        • 02 Sep 2010

                                        Wheez, 02 Sep 2010Have you tried it personally to know those are actually wea... moreIn devices like these, it's mainly about tradeoffs. Sure, you can make a specmonster like the HTC EVO 4G for example. For me, personally, that thing is worth very little to nothing, cos those specs and the OS suck the battery dry in, sometimes, in matter of hours.

                                        So if you are looking for that phone that will top the ranks when it comes to specs, you most likely will never found a phone of your taste from Nokia models, as Nokia realizes that first and foremost these are mobile phones. You can't really make tradeoffs when it comes to antenna and call reception and signal (like Apple did) or to give it such a hardware/software-combination that it will struggle staying on for more than 12 hours without charging on average use.

                                        And that's why I use Nokia mobile PHONES, till now they've seemed to realize that the phone part comes first, the smart after that. Also, they've been in the business longer than like all their current competitors together (ok ok, SE and Samsung probably make that impossible :D), so they've gone through the rookie mistakes either the hard or the easy way by now. Sure, they still arn't perfect, but definitely is no other manufacturer either.