Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • A
  • upe
  • 30 Aug 2010

It is confirmed from nokia and damian that it has gorilla glass and divX support natively but dont know why it isnt added in official specs !

    • X
    • Xeon
    • nbE
    • 30 Aug 2010

    Jeff, 30 Aug 2010I'm sure there will be updates, plug-ins or apps that will ... moreMany people also sais that the N97 will play divx via application...!

    but until now there arent any app for n97 which plays avi or divx smooth that it is watchable!

      • Z
      • Zac
      • CpJ
      • 30 Aug 2010

      I desperately want one of these!!!!!!!!

        • J
        • Jeff
        • 4Eu
        • 30 Aug 2010

        Peter, 30 Aug 2010"this device doesnt support divx so will not play avi ... moreI'm sure there will be updates, plug-ins or apps that will allow playback

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 4Eu
          • 30 Aug 2010

          Anonymous, 30 Aug 2010I think samsung galaxy is the best phone which i have ever ... moreIf The Samsung Galaxy is an iPhone killer than why hasn't the iPhone died.....LOL

          In fact it's just the opposite. The iPhones is as popular as ever LOL

          Every new phone that comes out now is an iPhone killer. Didn't you know that...LOL

          Might as well face it folks. Love it or hate it, the iPhone is here to stay and it's going to keep selling and selling and selling.

          I don't own an iPhone nor do I desire to own one. But I can live with the fact that alot of people do and I can live with the fact that it's the most popular device going.

            • X
            • Xeon
            • nbE
            • 30 Aug 2010

            If its not supporting divx i wont buy it !
            Samsung handys have already divx support also the old samsung jet!

            And why the n8 havent it?

              • P
              • Peter
              • iFq
              • 30 Aug 2010

              [deleted post]"this device doesnt support divx so will not play avi format..will play those videos only thru third part applications.."

              If that's true then it's really a bummer

              why the heck industries doesn't support divx? beginning from STBs to phones that's not cool. almost 90% of the video files shared on the internet are AVIs

              I can't call a device "Multimedia" if it doesn't even support popular video formats.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • upb
                • 30 Aug 2010

                I think samsung galaxy is the best phone which i have ever in my life.its really a iphone4g killer.hats off samsung.u will surely win mobile ph of the year wakeup what u doing,where is ur anoriod

                  • V
                  • V
                  • sUr
                  • 30 Aug 2010

                  N8 will be officially launched during Nokia World in London in mid Sept, along with official announcement of at least 3 upcoming models: C7, E7 and probably N7.

                    • e
                    • ejaypisces
                    • v3x
                    • 30 Aug 2010

                    for student like me,i think i never get this phone..

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • fn8
                      • 30 Aug 2010

                      pls reply!
                      Where to put the SIM card?
                      Where is the cover?
                      I see that it is a stone that can't be opened!
                      I hope that any one can get it review it and tell us how to put/remove SIM card, Battery.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • fn8
                        • 30 Aug 2010

                        pls reply!
                        Where to put the SIM card?
                        Where is the cover?
                        I see that it is a stone that can't be opened!
                        I hope that any one can get it review it and tell us how to put/remove SIM card, Battery.

                          • C
                          • Crazy 8
                          • 4Eu
                          • 30 Aug 2010

                          Anonymous, 30 Aug 2010I will come back and post my comments. I pre-ordered the N... moreThat's cool thanks.

                          Just would be interested in general performance, Software issues, whether or not the device can actually do the things that it advertises it can.

                          General stuff like that.

                            • B
                            • Becool
                            • 9x7
                            • 30 Aug 2010

                            Anonymous, 29 Aug 2010Beecool... You don't know what you are talking about... ... moreBro iam talking abt Nokia dealer in india !! I knw many countries have started pre-booking ! But in india they r launching by mid sept !

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 4b0
                              • 30 Aug 2010

                              I will come back and post my comments. I pre-ordered the N8 and I got the 1-2 day shipping so I should get it quick. Are there any specifics you are looking for?

                                • B
                                • Becool
                                • sUw
                                • 30 Aug 2010

                                [deleted post]

                                  • C
                                  • Crazy 8
                                  • 4Eu
                                  • 29 Aug 2010

                                  For those of you who are pre-ordering this phone or getting it as soon as it's releaaed, I hope you will be kind and come back her and tell everyone your impressions and thoughts on using it.

                                  I'm really interested in this device, but I don't want to buy it sight-unseen. I'd love to read some reviews from ACTUAL users. Not website reviews from so-called experts.

                                  I'm inyerested in how this device performs in real life!

                                    • j
                                    • jai rocks
                                    • vIb
                                    • 29 Aug 2010

                                    hi frends,
                                    there is an important information for all of you..
                                    i don"t think that people from nokia have actually discussed the problems that they are facing with nokia n8..
                                    my uncle is on higher post at Nokia India Head Office
                                    which is in SP Infocity,
                                    Industrial Plot no. 243
                                    Udyog Vihar, Phase 1,
                                    Dundahera, Gurgaon,
                                    Haryana -122016.
                                    i don"t wana disclose his name out here..
                                    so today i have got the hands on nokia n8..
                                    so lemme share my experience with u..

                                    things which i liked the most..
                                    screen display is really impressive..
                                    has velvet touch..
                                    phone ui is pretty fast when compared with previous nokia phones..
                                    camera is something which i should say unbeatable..
                                    looks pretty handy and attractive..
                                    scrolling and other features are excellent..
                                    please don"t compare its speed or ui to android or iphone doesnt lag anywhere but cant be compared to other os..
                                    casing is smthing for which we all should appreciate need to put in covers as dey are transfer speed is pretty fast..

                                    things which are hided by nokia..
                                    for users in india (will not get all colours)
                                    only black and silver are available till now..
                                    hopefully green will be available too..
                                    but orange and blue will not be available..
                                    this device doesnt support divx so will not play avi format..will play those videos only thru third part applications..
                                    will get only a basic kit..
                                    no bluetooth headphones..
                                    european countries will get those..
                                    if u try to change sim card while phone is on,
                                    will not show network signals for the inserted one..
                                    if u put the one which was in earlier will detect..
                                    dis is the main reason for delay..
                                    if u want to use different carrier u will have to reset ur phone..and dats the only option..
                                    it can detect portable hard disks upto 500 gb and
                                    usb sticks upto 16gb(not more den dat) when using usb on the go support..
                                    colours are not dat vibrant as was in samsung i8910 omnia hd..
                                    doesnt support live wallpapers..
                                    spb mobile shell doesnt work on symbian 3..
                                    there are so many applications dat doesnt work on this platform..
                                    themes of s60 v5 can be installed but will show up as they usually show up in s60 v5 versions(so not of use as doesnt look nice)..

                                    new homescreen is something which u will like and there are certain new features(like pinch to zoom) which will make u feel good but if somebody has used omnia hd with hyperx vx roms..for those guys i feel pity as we have seen most of the features in andy"s roms..anyways at last nokia has put a step forward towards evolution not revolution..

                                    im definitely gonna buy this phone as soon as it steps in the market..
                                    for guys who dont wana buy this media monster and wants to wait till nokia n9 comes in,
                                    guys who love clicking pix should go for this phone as we dnt know wheather nokia will ever be able to produce any phone with such a lovely camera..
                                    for me its a usefull phone, as i think of present..
                                    y to wait wen we r not sure wts gonna come in future..
                                    ui will be better for sure in future phones but the kinda hardware it has or it supports may not be available in future nokia phones..
                                    somebody has truly said: hit the rod when its hot..

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 4b0
                                      • 29 Aug 2010


                                      You don't know what you are talking about... I pre-ordered the N8 in the email confirmation from Nokia.

                                        • Z
                                        • Z-Man
                                        • 4Eu
                                        • 29 Aug 2010

                                        This is how all phones should be made! A worldwide phone usable everywhere. Being from the states, I can use this phone to its fullest advantage on either T-Mobile or AT&T. It will be ME who decides how I use my phone and not the carrier.

                                        Nokia gets a bad rap in the states and the reason is that they don't play ball the way the carriers want them to. They don't load their phones with crapware. They don't skin it death. They don't take away features that the carriers don't want their customers to have because they can't make money off it.

                                        Samsung, HTC etc.... don't have the guts to stand up to the American Carriers. You get what the carriers want you to have.

                                        You can talk about your iphone, android, bada BLAH...BLAH...BLAH

                                        Nokia Devices give you freedom!

                                        Nokia FTW!