Nokia N8
- B
- Becool
- sUw
- 29 Aug 2010
Ajay, 29 Aug 2010Where in India has pre - order started, if it has started t...
- k
- karthik
- vGu
- 29 Aug 2010
I bought X6 8GB last week and its works fine but I guess I'm gonna regreat not to buy N8. Will see.
If anyone looking for free pdf reader for S60 V5 mobiles, search "alternatedjvu". It works very well in my X6.
- E
- Engineer Man
- n5Q
- 29 Aug 2010
As smooth as Creamrola Rice is the Nokia N8. At last S^3 brings single clicks touch controls when navigating through the Menu. So it's much quicker to find & open applications over S60 5th Edition.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGt
- 29 Aug 2010
[deleted post]Dude..
r u in any other planet??
agreed that iPhone UI is better that symbian,
touchscreen and ease of use is its greatest advantage ;).
But saying Bada UI is better than symbian UI is bit ridiculous.
That too you are commenting that you used this phone for a year ;)
Try grounding your feet to earth.
And for heavens sake dont comment anything if you had not used
- S
- SymbianWorld
- skQ
- 29 Aug 2010
Here a nice app for the N8 allowing u to edit videos and pictures
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4Eu
- 29 Aug 2010
[deleted post]Who cares what Murtazin has to say. He raved about the Samsung Vibrant which I own and can tell you is the biggest piece of crapola out there.
- h
- husi
- 2Zj
- 29 Aug 2010
[deleted post]Even Im from New Delhi. Desperately waiting for it! Will be out by mid of September! Maximum 3 more weeks to go, well I hope so! *fingers crossed*
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2S{
- 29 Aug 2010
The Nokia N8 release date was pushed to Q3 2010 and the device will become the first with Symbian ^3. Although we had high hopes about the OS, the Finnish-based company doesn’t seem to understand that Symbian is not on our tastes anymore. Sure, it’s functional, but the UI is not at the same level as Android, iPhone, or not even Samsung’s Bada OS. Personally, I believe that Maemo 5 UI is better than on Symbian ^3.
Nokia is going down and this is happening because the company cannot drop Symbian apps. It’s a profitable business as Symbian users download millions of apps daily. Murtazin says that Symbian ^3 is not as good as Android or iPhone, but this wouldn’t be enough as Nokia has to come up with something revolutionary in order to catch up with Apple, Google and Microsoft.
The chief limiting factor of the N8 is its operating system. Symbian^3 offers very little new functionality. Even worse, most of the new functionality is simply stuff that is already available on other platforms.
Nokia N8 will not ship until the third quarter of this year. Nokia still has some time to refine the user experience. However, that may not be sufficient to save yet another possibly doomed Nokia handset.
Nokia was once my favourite mobile phone choice, but due to their several last high-end failures, I have now moved away from Nokia to others. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have any killer feature that can make it stand out from the crowd.
According to me, it could be another disappointment for Nokia fans. It’s got 12 megapixels camera, which take great photos – a bit better than the Sony Ericsson Satio, but what’s most disappointing is the new Symbian^3 OS.
- h
- husi
- 2Zj
- 29 Aug 2010
[deleted post]Symbian isn't getting worse, its the Android which is growing faster. And its true, kinda working on me as well. Want to get an Android phone. Galaxy would have been my perfect choice only if it had a 12 MP camera with Xenon and better GPU and maybe flash lite 4 and better looking from back side. Too bad neither of them (n8 or galaxy) is THE perfect one! =/
- h
- husi
- 2Zj
- 29 Aug 2010
Daily hits from 70,000 have gone down to 30,000. People are staring to lose interest and patience. So Am I =/
- k
- kaustav
- up7
- 29 Aug 2010
this phone have new symbian ^3 os,and its very good,fast,reliable..
Its comes with lots of new features,now u can connect your flashdrive directly to your phone,just like a is good.full aluminium body.only bad thing is u cant remove the battery like iphone,thats why simslot and memorycard slot is out of the phone.overall phone is good and reliable
- ?
- Anonymous
- YQ5
- 29 Aug 2010
its a good phone but will be very expensive to buy i will wait till the price will down
- ?
- Anonymous
- Lix
- 29 Aug 2010
Flafla Sibley, 29 Aug 2010Nokia N8 camera features:
Auto Exposure, Auto Focus, Car... moreno smile detection if u dont know then n8 on youtube
the video shows that it has face and smile detection
- P
- Pawan Nandal
- Y}5
- 29 Aug 2010
nice phone
- W
- Wheez
- nSR
- 29 Aug 2010
Andy Satria Gunawan, 29 Aug 2010Would you like to give me that link, please?
- F
- Flafla Sibley
- txj
- 29 Aug 2010
Sukrsa, 29 Aug 2010As per GSMARENA "smile detection" feature is avai... moreNokia N8 camera features:
Auto Exposure, Auto Focus, Carl
Zeiss Optics, Exposure
Compensation, Face Detection,
Full Screen Viewfinder,
Geotagging, Red-Eye Reduction,
Self Timer, Xenon Flash
h t t p : //w w w .f o r u m . nokia . c o m/Devices/Device_specifications/N8/
. . .no smile detection.
- ?
- Anonymous
- u4k
- 29 Aug 2010
h t t p ://
N8 low light and noisy environment video recording.
Simply amazing! :)
- f
- farhan
- uWB
- 29 Aug 2010
its a great phone, probably the best ever. but the processor is very weak for a phone with so many features.
- S
- Sukrsa
- pu2
- 29 Aug 2010
As per GSMARENA "smile detection" feature is available in N8. But I have read in many review it is not available. Which one is correct?
- h
- hayato
- t7X
- 29 Aug 2010
I hope its price would be below 22,000 by the end of december here on the phillippines. And below 20,000 come summer vacation. I could wait, since i never purchased a phone after initial release. I want user opinions, expert reviews and of course, price meltdown. XD