Nokia N8
- ?
- Anonymous
- 04V
- 28 Aug 2010
awesome phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2Ex
- 28 Aug 2010
ali, 27 Aug 2010dear nokia please produce n8phone in market i likit It really look like the Nokia fan are drugged and do not know what they reading or buying from outdated Nokia products with all their quality and design problems.?
- X
- X
- j0c
- 28 Aug 2010
Anonymous, 27 Aug 2010thats not really true , both android and iphones are readil... moreWha wha whaaatt 2133$ just for one ipone 4, meh i prefer buy seven c6 for my family.
aplle is really sick (green eye monster) and their fans too really stupid
- W
- Wheez
- nxQ
- 27 Aug 2010
Dwane, 27 Aug 2010This)forum is just not satisfying me and prob most of you a... moreI won't be here once I get the phone so I'm sorta like you here :D I'm here cos it's an interesting topic to discuss while I still don't have it, as well as to defend Nokia from clueless people.
Or more like proving clueless people wrong so they don't effect other clueless peoples will to buy the phone.
I've been on a holiday most of this time I've been writing here, starting university on monday so not like I had time to that much, either :D
And after it's release, the need to "defend" the phone gets less too when people can find real user reviews and videos, not just old prototype videos and people who just claim shit without knowing.
- a
- ali
- 3Yi
- 27 Aug 2010
dear nokia please produce n8phone in market i likit
- D
- Dwane
- pTC
- 27 Aug 2010
This)forum is just not satisfying me and prob most of you anymore, it literally is just recycled query's about the spec i.e low processor or operating system etc or comparing and defending it against other phones and brands.
This use to help me with the agonizing wait for the N8 but now i know everything there is to know about this phone so now its just boring and is just reminding me that i'm 'still' just waiting for it.
Yes people could just say well stop going on the forum then but that's the thing, this is all we've got so i feel addicted to it until i get the phone -like watching crappy soaps on tv everyday -we know its boring most of the time but we still watch.
How many of us will still be on here everyday when we finally get the phone? Wheez? Engineer man? Probably as they are die hard but the rest of us are just here because we have to be here.
- A
- Andy Burgin
- 3pH
- 27 Aug 2010
Just Read on Nokia N8 Blog that the final Firmare is ready so the N8 will be made available soon,so i think an hope that at the Nokia Event in London on the 14th -15th September, Nokia will be showing off the N8 finally ready an release the N8 at Last
- P
- Philip Anderson
- IaH
- 27 Aug 2010
Andy Satria Gunawan, 27 Aug 2010Does it have security lock phone code when we have locked i... moreBoth the N97 & X6 have a lock code (see user guide) With touch screens you can 'lock the keys and touch screen' to prevent activation of function. THERE IS ALSO THE LOCK CODE 12345 (changeable) WHICH CAN BE SET FROM 1 TO 99 MINS(6680) This is a security feature and prevent unauthorised use.
So you would enter this to unlock the phone.
As I had a 6680 with a lock code. I would assume the N8 would have this feature also
- h
- husi
- 2Zj
- 27 Aug 2010
omg omg omgggg! feels likes its an eternal wait, never ending :(( hating this restless feeling.. why do they have to delay it x(
I jus hope the taste of all this waiting turns out to be sweet :]
- ?
- Anonymous
- MVg
- 27 Aug 2010
Irritated.., 27 Aug 2010Can't GSM Arena split this post about N8 into 3 different o... moreSpot on m8
- I
- Irritated..
- SiL
- 27 Aug 2010
Can't GSM Arena split this post about N8 into 3 different ones.
1. One for people that must complaint about the price of the N8.
2. Another one for people that think that IPhone is something that makes them come.
3. And a last one for people that are interessed about the N8!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- u73
- 27 Aug 2010
if only nokia add tv receiver to n8 and meego phone,
hope there is meego tablet from nokia,half the size of ipad
- s
- saman
- Tr8
- 27 Aug 2010
Andy Satria Gunawan, 27 Aug 2010Does it have security lock phone code when we have locked i... moreyes all nokias have it
- R
- Ratnakant Shinde
- uty
- 27 Aug 2010
Nokia N8 Crystal Case ---------
- P
- PC
- 2S%
- 27 Aug 2010
JYOTI BHATIYA, 27 Aug 2010waste of time money totally waste . then y r u wasting ur time here.. go live to ur leisure
- M
- Matt
- 27 Aug 2010
Wheez, 27 Aug 2010Hmh, here in finland we have the online store, but we have ... moreWheez, I have but none of the stores seems to know anything about the N8. There are even cell phone stores that have never heard of it...
The ones that do know the N8 say preordering is not possible :(
- ?
- Anonymous
- 27 Aug 2010
My friend said N8 booking started in india, hurry!
- J
- Jay
- n7}
- 27 Aug 2010
JYOTI BHATIYA, 27 Aug 2010waste of time money totally waste . I guess you like the Iphone 4?