Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • J
  • vGP
  • 27 Aug 2010

waste of time
totally waste .

    • J
    • Jay
    • n7}
    • 27 Aug 2010

    De Arm 11 processor in the N8 is under-clocked to 680Mhz, because it can run 1Ghz+
    It delivers extreme low power and a range of performance from 350 MHz in small area designs up to 1 GHz in speed optimized designs in 45 and 65 nm.
    800MHz to 1 GHz+ in 65 nm at under 2 mm2
    1 to 4 cores in an SMP cluster with ARM11 MPCore™

    But Symbian is a light OS so 680 Mhz should be enough otherwise maybe overclock it, but then it will result in battery power loss.

      • b
      • balo
      • nHH
      • 27 Aug 2010

      takchuk, 26 Aug 2010why it dos not have a WIFI for N8. Any reason?????????????... more

      WLAN IEEE802.11 b/g/n (N!!!)

        • J
        • Jay
        • n7}
        • 27 Aug 2010

        Andy Satria Gunawan, 27 Aug 2010Does it have security lock phone code when we have locked i... moreYes it has it so enjoy :)

          • D
          • Deep
          • Y}x
          • 27 Aug 2010

          Superb..........mind blowing..

            • W
            • Wheez
            • nSS
            • 27 Aug 2010

            Matt, 27 Aug 2010Has anyone got an idea how I will be able to preorder from ... moreHmh, here in finland we have the online store, but we have also many tech stores already taking pre-orders too. Naturally those will probably get it few days later or something, but shouldn't be too much later.

            Have you tried checking local tech retailers?

              • M
              • Matt
              • MAV
              • 27 Aug 2010

              Has anyone got an idea how I will be able to preorder from Belgium? Since Nokia doesn't have the online store here...

              I just wanna get one as soon as it is out but I'm afraid that's not going to work since I cannot pre-order. And I highly doubt it that I will be able to go to a Nokia store (France, UK or Netherlands then) and simply buy one... Even if it was possible, I can't seem to find any Nokia store locations online. The nokia website only shows the retailer stores :s...???

                • n
                • nishin qs
                • 9x2
                • 27 Aug 2010

                gud fone wid high price
                wud rathr go for x8

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • uSS
                  • 27 Aug 2010

                  It's indeed absurd how the dominating voice about Nokia in the Internet and media is the one that blames Nokia of constant failure... because it doesn't drop all other efforts and concentrate *only* on competing top Android models, and of course, the magical iPhone.

                  These commentators forget the fact that Nokia is primarily a global player, and that global markets are primarily below the midrange smartphone segment. If the company would depart from those markets, *that* would make them lose buouancy *really* quick.

                  This is one of the devices that are both targeted towards market where volumes are much larger than in higher-end smartphones and per-device profits are not as thin as in dumber segments. Combine global market realities with correct combination of device price, functionality (good battery life is one of the most important) and framework support (which means increasingly Qt in the case of Nokia), it's a good future-proofing company strategy. This model, if any, is not an iPhone or Android "killer", but guess what? Most of the global phone market couldn't care less.

                  To counter my optimism, I fear effects of Android on smartphone marketshare of Nokia if it doesn't get finally get Qt and stuff on the market big time. Then again, Android is actually bigger contender to iPhone than midrange volume Nokia phones, in my opinion.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • uSS
                    • 27 Aug 2010

                    Nokia symbian still come with one the highest start up packages for example free built-in offline navigation. Yes, you might have that very catchy iOS transition or that very fancy looking homescreen on Android but when you need for example GPS nav anywhere, Nokia has it right out of the box.

                      • A
                      • Andy Satria Gunawan
                      • PAq
                      • 27 Aug 2010

                      Does it have security lock phone code when we have locked its touchscreen?
                      I really need it ..
                      Somebody please answer me :)

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • uSS
                        • 27 Aug 2010

                        And as an aside...

                        "Those who are accustomed to Symbian and know this OS will find the model attractive."

                        Yeah... that would be over 40% of the smartphone buying public. So basically Nokia maintain share with their mid range and then use MeeGo and higher end Symbian handsets to start chomping into the iPhone's and Android's premium market share.

                        Total win. Simples.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • uSS
                          • 27 Aug 2010

                          No. Nokia does dominate a lot of markets(like China for example), even though iPhone/Android is available there. It is just that Nokia competes on a lot more tiers, while iPhone and Android variants restrict themselves to to the top tier only. That's because Nokia is smart.

                          According to this ZDNet article, ***Morgan noted that lower-priced smartphone models are also growing fast in regions previously resistant to expensive, high-end smartphones.

                          He pointed to Nokia's example--the Finnish phonemaker has in the past few years struggled to compete with high-end offerings from competitors, but had an "explosive" fourth quarter last year with its lower-cost C- and X-model smartphones, which helped grow its smartphone shipments by 25 percent.

                          "Nokia has a history of success in lower-cost feature phone markets. But until recently, [its] smartphone line-up was exclusively high-end," said Morgan.***

                          As you can see, Nokia is adapting. Nokia's smartphones , like iPhone and Androids, use to compete on the high-end (N-series) tier only. But realising that Symbian, while being a solid OS, was not catering to the new high end market, has decided to replace it with MeeGo.

                          But that doesn't mean Symbian has totally irrelevant. Nokia, thankfully realises that there do exist people, who would like smartphone, but can't shell €600+ for the top-of-the-range models (remember, even if they wanted to, not all countries have carrier subsidies for them to avail). Enter the C and X series. Going from €100+, they are trying to tap this market, and as stated above, they seem to succeeding immensely.

                          The device above is a C-series device. Comparing it with an iPhone is foolish, that's like comparing it with the Nokia 1100. The flagship device will be N9 (Which has the MeeGo that Chris is moaning about :D). Now that, is an apt comparison on whether it will be a "Market-leader" or not.

                          Just my $0.02. Carry on!

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • uSS
                            • 27 Aug 2010

                            thats not really true , both android and iphones are readily available in countries where nokia phones outsell them by large numbers

                            also that review is by Eldar, who is anything but a nokia fan , and loves talking about lack of flashiness in interface but talks little about functionality,build and call quality ,battery life , etc.

                            One of the reason why Nokia sells more in my part of the world is because these devices are not telecom subsidized and Nokia is most of the time affordable. The iPhone 4 in one of the retail store is US$ 2133 (converted) and he said he has already sold 5 of them

                            haha, thanks for the link, i didn't know that. but I think nokia is right, i mean if you possess something, which you shouldn't and you damage the company's image through your blog, you have to pay for it. i mean apple wanted to have their iphone 4 back and they were really pissed off, although gizmodo didn't say a word about the antenna problem. well maybe apple would have rather been happy about that, but that's not the issue here. i just think any company would react like nokia. (there are comments on that link, which say that the guy works as a consultant to samsung. who knows if that's right.)

                              • W
                              • Wheez
                              • nSS
                              • 27 Aug 2010

                              Releasing a product with almost illegaly bad software (like N97 had lots of trouble with it's hardware software combination) is probably gonna lose more customers than delaying a product ever.

                              They said they won't release it until they are happy with the software, which they probably decided after N97.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 9xH
                                • 27 Aug 2010

                                lekim, 27 Aug 2010Wow! i got my N8 yesterday....and i'm so satisfied with all... moreNice choice dude... Dialing a number with rotary dials in the back of spica and satio was really a pain..

                                  • O
                                  • Oncom
                                  • wrr
                                  • 27 Aug 2010

                                  andy burgin, 27 Aug 2010Loads of people will have been looking for a alternative mo... moreon contrary, count how many people who wanted to buy NON Nokia phone but willingly to wait for N8

                                    • c
                                    • cheery
                                    • P@T
                                    • 27 Aug 2010

                                    so cool N8!!!!anyway, why it take so long to release?

                                      • l
                                      • lekim
                                      • vx2
                                      • 27 Aug 2010

                                      Wow! i got my N8 yesterday....and i'm so satisfied with all the cool features it has...this is the best phone compared to my old phone which is Satio and Galaxy spica... this phone has everything you need in a has bluetooth!!!amazing!!!...and did you know that it also have the digital ALARM CLOCK!!!oh men!!!it always wake me up early in the midnight!!! PLs. buy this's so cool...not to mention it's torch light!!!

                                        • a
                                        • andy burgin
                                        • 3pH
                                        • 27 Aug 2010

                                        Loads of people will have been looking for a alternative mobile to buy instead of waiting for the N8,but Nokia do not seem to realise they are losing buyers who are getting feed up waiting as they think people will keep loyal to them,if Nokia could tell the official release date then it would make people more Happier an be Prepared to Purchase or Order the N8,an hope at the London Event on September 14th-15th we do get some news from Nokia or loads of Questions will be Targeted at them an might not like the Hasseling they get,but its there own Fault