Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 9xH
  • 26 Aug 2010

I couldn't help but throw some more light on the most anticipated device on the galaxy-- the iphone 6

"Some of the ground-breaking features of iphone 6 (like FACE TIME did in 2010)"

Hydra thrall -The true muti-tasking capability that will enable you to run apps in the background (not by pausing)

iConnection- I tunes are no more… you can simply connect your phone to your pc

Sand castle- Customize the interface as you like…. (Pls download the necessary app that will tell you which customization you MUST use)

Eagle eye: A whooping 8 MP camera + HDMI out

directDrives: now you can separately see your drives and configure the os files

Ear Drum: now the audio output also covers infrasonic and ultrasonic range… (It will give you a crisp sound feeling like retina display)

QWERTY whirl: a physical qwerty keypad is added to this version. And more revolutionary- it also supports Bluetooth keypad.

More features are on the way. Pls download the update app that will inform you about the latest updates of iphone 6

    • E
    • Engineer Man
    • n5Q
    • 26 Aug 2010

    I'm sure Nokia might enable an Internal core clock increase to 720MHz. So it is underclocked. I'm sure Nokia will keep working at improving the speed of Kinetic/ horizontal/vertical scrolling & one tap to transition through homescreen & the Menu structure.

    With this being the first GPU accelerated Symbian OS. Nokia will probably be working at resolving the speed of the graphical user interface subsystem. Then transitioning through menu/homescreen should be snappier. They'll have to keep working at improvements. I hope so. Who knows they might be working on optimizations right now. If they aren't they certainly will have to do at some point/stage.

    Given the wait that everyone is having to endure through. I would expect Nokia to really nail this one & Absolutely have the OS's GPU accelerated UI tweaked, optimized & stable. Whatever happens I'm not really much concerned like some people for having slight delays as long as it's not too bad. I'm sure it'll be fine.

    I can't understand why Nokia will not have the colour scheme organized for production. I won't buy this phone until I see the review & am sure that the phone is good which is 99% at the mo & also until they release the Blue colour one in the UK.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • qVw
      • 26 Aug 2010

      the FACTS, 26 Aug 2010say all you want you iphone hater and let me ask u somethin... moreWho hates the iPhone?

      I'm just contending thats it's not the best or most capable phone on the market. I've owned an iPhone so I know.

      Nobody is disputing that it outsells most other phones.

      The Ford Pinto outsold alot of cars during it's day as well.

      What did that prove?

        • T
        • THe FACTS
        • j4P
        • 26 Aug 2010

        [deleted post]sorrie bro but you seen to be lost ... let me reroute you ... if mcdonal make the alot of $$$ by selling alot of hamburgers then yess i agree they are the best tasting hamburgers you'll ever eat in ur life before. BaKa These days...

          • t
          • the FACTS
          • j4P
          • 26 Aug 2010

          Anonymous, 26 Aug 2010The world is full of sheepies, what can you say. Just ca... moresay all you want you iphone hater and let me ask u something if you were a mobile company wouldn't you wanna create a phone everyone love some u can make alot of $$$? and make peoples in this world yell out your company's name "THE BEST." Thats all you need to know and hopely that solve ur issue with hating on iphone .

            • D
            • Dwane
            • pTC
            • 26 Aug 2010

            Sorry Wheez my last post was meant to be a reply to you

              • T
              • The Facts
              • j4P
              • 26 Aug 2010

              Wheez, 25 Aug 2010Without commenting much on what you said about the other th... morei respect that you wrote so much pal and yess everything you said is true ... im not saying Nokia N8 is bad.. or a bad money that cant make money .. im just saying ITS NOT ENOUGH TO Put the win against the Iphone 4 .. and guess wat the Iphone 4 White will be release when that Nokia N8 be release too .. so its gonna be tuff and plus im saying As of now the IPHONE 4 is the smartphone king .. look at all over the world mobile news.. its all about IPHONE right .. and theres soo many people against the IPHONE right just cause they cant accept the fact that Apple make soo much money off from iphone. Like i said Iphone 4 is the legend for now.. im saying for now .. untill One SUPER smartphone in the future will take its title. Also remember that Iphone will always upgrade so see.. still tuff but i believe one day there will be a warrior to hold iphone throne just not now and not by a long shot ;)

                • D
                • Dwane
                • pTC
                • 26 Aug 2010

                Anonymous, 25 Aug 2010Go back to your Samsung & HTC Crapjams.....LOLThanks for your long post man thats just what i was asking for.

                Now i'm even more jealous that you will def be getting it before me because of where you live!

                My N95 8gb will have to do me for now -its very old (but still good and good enough for me to view and write these post's)

                I'll just keep reading and waiting....

                  • t
                  • the FACTS
                  • j4P
                  • 26 Aug 2010

                  Anonymous, 26 Aug 2010The world is full of sheepies, what can you say. Just ca... morewhich smartphone make the most $$$ = the KING OF all Smartphones .. hate it or love it ... your just a IPHONE hater so even if the FACTS is there you'll still disagree with it .. am i right? .. yeah thats wat i thought

                    • W
                    • Wheez
                    • niB
                    • 26 Aug 2010

                    Comparing phones is OK i guess, if you actually compare the phones in a constructive manner. Simply "IPHONE 4 IS THE BEST SMARTPHONE IN THE WORLD THATS THE FACT, TRUTH HURTS RIGHT?!" is nothing like comparing phones or constructive either.

                    Stuff like that is OK if you go on the iphone page, but this is the N8 page, not the iPhone page.

                    If you wanna actually start breaking down objectively in what is iphone 4 actually better in, then it's ok. But that one sided apple fanboyism doesn't belong here unless it really starts having something to do with the N8.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • qVw
                      • 26 Aug 2010

                      The Facts, 25 Aug 2010I dont know wat you mean by that.. but all i know is that i... moreThe world is full of sheepies, what can you say.

                      Just cause iPhone sells more doesn't means i'ts better. It has sold more than the Nexus One or EVO I'm sure, but those phones will kick iPhones ASS to Kingdom Come in EVERY phase of performance AND capability

                      iPhone may be the best selling smart phone, but it isn't the best.

                      Not by a long shot

                      The truth hurts, doesn't it.

                      But keep drinking Job's Kool Aid....LOL

                        • r
                        • r 3 b 3 l
                        • Mty
                        • 26 Aug 2010

                        The Facts, 25 Aug 2010I dont know wat you mean by that.. but all i know is that i... moreHow many times does it have to be said that the iphone isn't a smartphone?

                          • t
                          • the FACTS
                          • j4P
                          • 26 Aug 2010

                          blah blah, 25 Aug 2010aahaa let's see Iphone6, but will everyone be able to make ... moreSeen like ur a iPhone Hater its okay if you hate on people who like iphone or hate the iphone.. because the fact is that you cant accept the Truth because it hurts... Like i said Earlier to everyone Iphone 4 is the best SmartPhone in the world as of NOW ... this doesnt mean it will hold its title forever.. it just mean as OF NOWW untill someone Takes Iphone 4's throne. Steves Jobs here and there thats all i here from iphone haters ... cant you at least studies and see the FACTS before u start hating on a phone. I swear i dont know why people are so against Iphone N their only and always reason for Hating on Iphone is Drop calls, Bad recep, Bad antenna issue.

                            • A
                            • Ali Abdulla
                            • 0ZU
                            • 25 Aug 2010

                            p.kanagaraj, 25 Aug 2010guys, why are you fighting for this outdated,low resolution... moreyour talking as if speeds is what a phone better than another?

                            its a mobile not a pc, there is alot to compare apart from the processor..

                            -Body, looks, quality, colors, uniqueness
                            - Speakers
                            -Call clarity
                            -GPS performance, GPS program
                            -quality of apps
                            -Functions the operating system offers
                            - UI, looks? simplicity(for new noobs)
                            -Battery life
                            -features, + free features
                            and so on
                            the list goes on, yes N8 is defeated at "few" of the prevoius points, but it still tops all of the "new" mobiles in "most" of the points mentioned above... and so, people would buy...

                            8ghz processor is worthless on dos..
                            also a 200mhz processor can be as fast as a 8ghz on dos...

                              • W
                              • Wheez
                              • niB
                              • 25 Aug 2010

                              The Facts, 25 Aug 2010this phone is good in its specs and its UI but as of now Ip... moreWithout commenting much on what you said about the other things, I think it's a worthwhile thing to notice that the N8 here has close to 4,2 mil hits and theres still easily a month to the phones release.

                              iPhone 3GS seemed to have like 4,9 mil hits and it's like 1 year and few months old. The iPhone 4 had less than 3 million hits and it's been out 3-4 months soon.

                              So obviously the hits on this site are sort of favoring the N8. However it's not that black and white, I agree. I could figure more tech oriented people sort of going for the N8, while the iphone appeals to lots of people who would never come to a site like this. Also I think the N8 has been in "announced" state longer than the iphone 3GS and 4 were combined, so might be that after release the amount of hits will drastically fall.

                              Either way, the numbers show huge interest towards the N8, in relation alot bigger than the iPhone seems to have here. Although personally I think OVI store will not match iTunes in apps and all that other useless junk, but time will tell and the numbers are really looking good for the N8. It may never grow as big as the iTunes, but I think we have certainly the ingredients to make it huge.

                              As for the speed and smoothness of the iPhone, certainly! I briefly used an iPhone 3GS some weeks back and man, it really was smooth and felt fast. However I think the "slowness" of the N8 comes mainly from one factor. Although I could probably agree that the iphones REALLY are faster (they are also alot more stripped down of features and what not), but one huge thing that makes it seem like this, is the lack of transition animation on the N8.

                              I mean, which one feels faster. Staring at still screen and then the application or whatever pops up on the screen, or giving a command to open an app, watch a smooth transition animation of some sort and then the app is there. The time spent waiting might be the same, but it just felt faster cos you actually saw something being done. It also feels more natural like "naturally that screen has to get out of the way for the other to go in there!" rather than the "wait and pop" nature of the Symbian.

                              Also one thing in the youtube videos what makes the N8 feel slow-responding is the way they made the homescreen changing for some reason. Instead of being "real time" and following the finger like seen for example on Android phones, in N8 it doesn't do that. When it recognizes the horizontal swipe as a command to change home screens, it does it all nice and smooth. But it seems to appear with a slight delay, unlike with said android phones where the movement starts instantly and real time with your finger.

                              However this is not due to the N8 not being capable of doing that. You can find that same real time, finger following movement/swapping in ie. picture gallery where you can do the exact same thing and it's all smooth and fast. I'm not saying this is a good feature or a right way to do it with the homescreens and IMO the same "real time" action would've been better, but I just wanted to correct so people don't think the phone responds slowly. It's just the way it has been designed.. for whatever reason. This MAY change before the retail build, I hope it would, but certainly not the end of the world if it wont. And if you don't like the delay, theres a button in the bottom middle of the homescreen with 3 dots. That instantly (and certainly responds fast) changes the homescreen if you dislike the "delay" with the swipe action.

                              Another thing that makes this phone look bad in same videos in terms of responsiveness is the pinch to zoom while not holding the phone. It's a common sight in videos when the person is trying hold a camera in their hand and then single handedly operate the phone. I can't confirm this, but I was told that all smartphones somewhat have this same issue and it has something to do with the phone not being grounded, so the multitouch has troubles working. However, when the phone is held in hand, it works with like 100% accuracy and reliability. Naturally I can come up with uses where I wanna pinch to zoom with just one hand, but most of the time I'd end up using it with two hands anyway.

                              In the earlier long write-up I did, you might notice I didn't mention games or "fun" applications, it's cos especially games hold very little to no value for me on mobile phones. I love gaming on a computer, but not on a mobile phone. If I have the spare time, I rather browse the forums of the games I play than play some crappy (i classify em crappy as long as it's a handset :D) game that is more or less awkward to play on a phone.

                                • T
                                • The Facts
                                • j4P
                                • 25 Aug 2010

                                Anonymous, 25 Aug 2010iPhone is king and the only good thing you see on this phon... moreI dont know wat you mean by that.. but all i know is that im located in wisconsin madison and my iphone 4 never drop a call and the bar only drop two at most .. and no i dont use a case to cover up my iphone i just think thats bulky and lame. Don't know wat your trying to say brother but my iphone make calls anyday anytime and anywhere ... Oh and did you know the specs inside the iphone 4 is also better then the Nokia N8 sorry if i offened u by saying Iphone 4 is the best smartphone in the world... its the FACTS no need to argue dude. Incase u dont know 1.7 million iphone 4 is sold on the first 3 days Iphone 4 is release... YESS FACTS HURTS DOESN't IT.

                                  • b
                                  • blah blah
                                  • tEe
                                  • 25 Aug 2010

                                  [deleted post]aahaa let's see Iphone6, but will everyone be able to make a call? or does steve jobs is already making up videos to show other's can and they can not. Dude how about if I give you a powerful(core i7+8gbram+any kind of graphics card you want) without a battery and a I will tell you to stick with a 56kb Internet connection for the rest of your life, would you use it, of course you will if and only if you are an APPLE Ifan...

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • srr
                                    • 25 Aug 2010

                                    its abvious that the more ram and the bigger the processor the better.but the thing with simbyan is that it works with a 600 mghz and 256 ram as fast as a android with a 800 mghz and 512 ram.and if you want to talk about windos mobile its event worst.for example i have a phone with 256 ram and 500 and something processor with windows 6.1 and it takes 2 minutes to start the works a lot slower then a nokia N73 wich has a 282 processor and 64 ram.use simbyan first and then talk about wich is better.i have use LG,SAMSUNG,SONYERRICSON, NOKIA, ALCATEL, ACER and the best were nokia phones.its a matter of taste 2 but before sayng wich one is better try using at least 4 brands and then make a decision.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • qVw
                                      • 25 Aug 2010

                                      The Facts, 25 Aug 2010this phone is good in its specs and its UI but as of now Ip... moreiPhone is king and the only good thing you see on this phone is the camera?

                                      What about the ability to make a phone call?


                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • qVw
                                        • 25 Aug 2010

                                        Wheez, 25 Aug 2010I don't directly work for Nokia, but I've worked the past f... moreThanks for the synopsis....Good read.

                                        I'm jealous cause you were able to order a Blue one!

                                        Nokia is not initially offering all of the colors for the U.S!

                                        What's up with that Nokia!