Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • T
  • The Facts
  • j4P
  • 25 Aug 2010

this phone is good in its specs and its UI but as of now Iphone 4 still is the best smartphone in the world and it still holding its golden belt. It's all about apps, software user friendly, and smoothness in Speed that catches the heart of peoples. The ONLY thing i see good in this N8 is its Camera .. but im sorrie i rather pick 30FPS 5MP Iphone 4 over 25FPS 12MP Nokia N8... plus Apple got many apps n better UI then Nokia .. sorrie but this is the FACTS.

    • W
    • Wheez
    • niB
    • 25 Aug 2010

    Dwane, 25 Aug 2010Yo man you support Nokia harder than a die hard football fa... moreI don't directly work for Nokia, but I've worked the past few years as security at a Nokia factor (same one that is manufacturing N8s), so while I am sort of biased (also being finnish and from the same city Nokias mobile phone business started from), I'm definitely not getting paid to talk good about Nokia here :D

    I'm doing it cos I was so totally sold after trying this phone myself. I had no intentions of buying any smart phones, cos I have quite little use for one and my old E65 is still working nicely (does most of the basic functions awesomely, looks nice and can even browse the internet pretty well when needed).

    The weight seemed very nice and sort of comforting in hand. Not too heavy, but just right to make it feel sturdy. The aluminium cases are a very nice thing both for durability and for looks if you ask me. That build of the phone worked very smoothly with no slowness or hanging to be seen. I think the shape and size is very nice, it's subtle but not too boring (like I find some of the newer android phones completely dull, iPhone looks pretty dull too) as well as the colour options are awesome. Personally I preordered a blue one.

    Having only used Nokia phones (but no real high end smartphones (last two phones being 6111 and E65), the UI felt natural and I guess I'm just too used to the menu full Nokia and Windows products to get no feeling of any complicated bloated menus that some people seem to be complaining about.

    The touch screen didn't give me any "misses" when I was using it, everything worked just the way I wanted it to, the screen looked crisp and nice.

    I didn't try the HDMI thing personally, but a rep was showing on the other table how it works. The N8 was connected to a big ass HD TV and he was browsing a local tabloid magazines pages that are very full of pics and all kinds of flash ads etc ( and he wasn't using it in the mobile edition although it offers one, but the same view that you get when you access it with a computer, so a lot heavier. When the page had loaded, everything worked nice and smooth, pinch to zooms etc included.

    I think the homescreens are genious, while certainly not a new invention (like familiar from Androids too), but as you can see in that pic in the upper left corner of this page. Basically anything there is clickable. Like the date, not only it shows you the date, but when you open it, you get a calendar. Same for the clock, it opens you the alarm clock etc. Changing from general to silent/offline/etc modes is also just a touch away in that basic screen. Sure, some android devices have like 7 home screens, personally I wouldn't find use for just that many, but when you have the middle one in active use in the N8, you can have some sort of different themes to the left and right. Like if u change to the left homescreen, you could have emails and internet browsing related stuff and to the right you could have.. I don't know, media related stuff?

    This combined with a 12mpix camera with real optics and a big sensor, I certainly won't be needing a digital camera apart from my phone as well as I can use it in the university by taking a pic of the memos on the wall and save my hand from typing it all down manually :D On the way home (train), I can crop the images so that I cut out the surroundings and I can have a image that is ready to be printed if I feel like it, cos I probably wouldn't wanna study from a 3½" screen :D

    Then little clever decisions (that are IMO the reason why Nokia is the market leader, maybe not in smartphones, but overall) like finally getting a 3,5mm audio jack, something I wouldve wanted in my E65, cos those special handsfree plugs were so damn expensive and only used in like few models, that's why I havn't been even listening to music anymore cos I didn't have headphones for my phone and I didn't wanna buy a new MP3 player either. Another thing being the low'ish specs. While it doesn't look good on paper, I know it's sufficient. That all adds up to battery life, the MOST important feature for me in a mobile PHONE is that I can contact and I can be contacted. I don't need a mobile phone that has as much power as my computer but a 4h battery life instead. Another thing being is simple things like reliability in calls and messages and all that. Allthough they arn't talked about alot, even by me, they are still by far the most important feature for me. No matter how cool menu a phone has, it can never compensate for lost/cut calls (O hello iPhone 4).

    Only downside I can figure out for it is the top and bottom caps being plastic, but it's a "sacrifice" they have to make for better reception, cos they arn't going to do "iPhone 4"s :D Another one being that it still isn't exactly cheap, which normally wouldn't be a problem, but I basically quit working there full hours cos I'm heading to university next monday.

    I just love simply just about everything in the N8. From the looks to the function. I hope this long (but sort of obvious too) reply answers to your question :D

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • qVw
      • 25 Aug 2010

      p.kanagaraj, 25 Aug 2010guys, why are you fighting for this outdated,low resolution... moreGo back to your Samsung & HTC Crapjams.....LOL

        • d
        • dude11-
        • Lix
        • 25 Aug 2010

        n8 is a awsome phone it is the best compare to iphone
        the main highlight of the phone is its camera and
        symbian 3 os if if there was symbian three on everyone
        would have buyed iphone or other but iphone 4 is


          • p
          • p.kanagaraj
          • 2SN
          • 25 Aug 2010

          guys, why are you fighting for this outdated,low resolution,under power n8.this model for the year 2008..!but now all other company release thier models with 1ghz.i think n8 release at the time when others go to 2ghz and above.n8 is equal to a truck with motorcycle engine. i am sure it will be great flop. so don't get any fight here.we will wait for this flop still two more months that is ex nokia holder kanagaraj

            • I
            • Izzy G.
            • iZw
            • 25 Aug 2010

            I gots to have dis here fone! I cants wait no mo! Bring it to me big daddy

              • A
              • Ali Adel
              • fvy
              • 25 Aug 2010

              ali, 24 Aug 2010which phone is really good n 97, n 900 or n 8 Sure N8 will better than them :) ,, Ali Adel

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • qVw
                • 25 Aug 2010

                Wheez, 25 Aug 2010It's a Nokia. Nokia solved reception related problems some ... moreNo doubt.

                Nokia Devices may lack in other areaS but when it comes to call quality and reception, they are rock solid.

                I've used all the major brands over the years including the mighty iPhone and NOTHING comes close to Nokia Devices when it comes to actual phone calls.

                Nokia's problem is that nowadays alot of people buy phones for reasons other than making phone calls.....LOL

                  • B
                  • Ben
                  • svI
                  • 25 Aug 2010

                  @Engenier man or someone else who know something.
                  To witch phone you can take the best posibly audio quality with the bluetooth headset Nokia BH 905, to nokia n8 or to nokia n95 8 gb(witch i actualy have)? And what would be the price of the "bluetooth headset Nokia BH 905" to the Italy or in Grece? Please help

                    • D
                    • Dwane
                    • pTC
                    • 25 Aug 2010

                    Wheez, 25 Aug 2010It's a Nokia. Nokia solved reception related problems some ... moreYo man you support Nokia harder than a die hard football fan supports his football team. What's the deal -do you work for nokia? I love nokia phones but can still see when they dont deliver and get pi55ed with them (and they STILL haven't delivered this f'in phone) i'm finding it hard to stay positive about nokia at the min when vodaphone are ringing me begging me to upgrade my phone but i have to patiently wait until gods know when for the N8. This phone better be better than all the phones i am turning down. Help me stay strong man tell me how it impressed you when u played on it. How did it make you feel? Is it loads better or just better than what u have now? (what is that by the way?) how easy is it to use with one hand? We all need this right now as we have nothing else apart from old youtube vids.

                      • W
                      • Wheez
                      • niB
                      • 25 Aug 2010

                      Phantom, 25 Aug 2010Whats the reception like on this phone, or doesn't that mat... moreIt's a Nokia. Nokia solved reception related problems some 20 years ago :D

                        • P
                        • Phantom
                        • b$L
                        • 25 Aug 2010

                        Whats the reception like on this phone, or doesn't that matter anymore? since everyone seems to be concerned about the camera etc and not what the phone is actually meant to do[make and receive calls]

                          • r
                          • rukwl
                          • fwg
                          • 25 Aug 2010

                          woooow i want this phone!!!!!

                            • n
                            • nikhilesh
                            • s8c
                            • 25 Aug 2010

                            my friend owing and apple and nokia is totally india its nokia every miser has an nokia even if n8 it wil be in all hands after 2 mnths but iphon the segment is different o use an nokia e72 and i am lookin forwrd for my white iphone 4،i wil xchange it for my iphone no doubt

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • inE
                              • 25 Aug 2010

                              This phone totally is outdated.......

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • inE
                                • 25 Aug 2010

                                Anonymous, 25 Aug 2010Apple & Blacberry make solid, well built phones. Sam... moreyou think the HTC Desire or lets say Legend is Plastic? Go take a look before you make this kind of comments.

                                  • F
                                  • Faisel Gani
                                  • f4g
                                  • 25 Aug 2010

                                  r 3 b 3 l, 25 Aug 2010Dude, the phone ain't even released yet. Go shoot yourself ... moreYo man, wats your email, i'l show you the phone.. its called pre-released stock.. im in SA and we like way behind you guys but yet i got it.. willing to prove it to u!!

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • u4k
                                    • 25 Aug 2010

                                    Anonymous, 25 Aug 2010Nokia stills far away from apple and the Iphone 4g, this ph... moreLess mhz processor doesn't mean slower.
                                    btw is iphone 4 not 4G.
                                    N8 have 12mp camera .. iphone4 only 5
                                    N8 have xenon.. iphone4 only have led
                                    N8 have bigger sensor
                                    N8 have USB OTG.. iphone4 depends on itunes
                                    N8 have Bluetooth 3 .. iphone4 also depends on itunes
                                    N8 have external memory card slot.. iphone have none.
                                    N8 have dual mic .. iphone4 only have one.
                                    N8 have great loudspeaker.. iphone4 have a feeble lousy loudspeaker.
                                    N8 have strong build with aluminum body.. Iphone have glass body only. 3 drops shattered.
                                    N8 is the most popular phone even b4 its released .. iphone4 still no. 3 after like n months released..

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • R18
                                      • 25 Aug 2010

                                      Nokia stills far away from apple and the Iphone 4g, this phone record less frames per second, it doesn't have the external noice reduction for calls, it does not have compass for the maps, it displays less pixeles than the iphone, it has almost the half of processor and Ram than the iphone 4g an almost all the companies creates aplications for Iphone like travel personal information, espn games and tv live games. and Iphone looks much more better than this phone.

                                        • l
                                        • lai_050511
                                        • t7X
                                        • 25 Aug 2010

                                        Wow very nice nokia phone 12 mega pixel and nice vivid high resolution display but i still want the nokia n900 because of the design and full qwerty keyboard i like the design plus the combination of touch and quwerty.