Nokia N8
- n
- nurt
- uta
- 24 Aug 2010
i am willing to wait for another max 15 to 20 days more for this, otherwise will go for Galaxy, Nokia taking too much time to release this.
- A
- Art Student
- fX6
- 24 Aug 2010
Such a disappointing display. If only it had a higher resolution, like 640*960....
- s
- shady nigga'
- Mf5
- 24 Aug 2010
wow....guyz....think about the USB ON THE hurt is jumping.......waiting for the moment when N8 will in my hands.....i'm a big nokia lover
- a
- andy burgin
- 3pH
- 24 Aug 2010
Nokia are putting themselves in a Bad Situation with the N8,as its seems to get Delayed all the time,an will get asked loads of Questions Why? an What as caused the N8 so long to Produce an Finally Release,we first saw the N8 in April an got loads of people excited about getting the N8 two months after but still no Official release date from Nokia,an with competition about Nokia are way behind the others an have got alot of work to do to Challenge the Rest
- M
- Matt
- 24 Aug 2010
Ali Abdulla, 24 Aug 2010"its wat you can do with it"
Epic Fail..
you ... moreLOL, I don't think he gets it :D
anyway, yesterday I played a litte with my gf's C5, only to realise that even this "cheap" Symbian phone with "outdated" OS offers many many more options, settings and tweaks than my iPhone. Sure there's a program for the iPhone for everything, but if you look at the OS itsself, the iOS is actually a shamefully plain OS.
The iOS is without a doubt the OS that least resembles a computer, you can't even browse the drive, come on!
S60^1 has all the features you need on a phone but sadly the interface is poor. It looks bad and it's slow
The iPhone has nearly no features but it has the interface you need. Fast and sleek
Put these two together and you get the N8 :D
sorry for my iPhone bashing here. I don't hate the iPhone. I have enjoyed it for over a year now and I'm still very happy with it. It's only the coming of the N8 that made me realise how much I have missed Symbian and its options.
- s
- siddhartha mishra
- TL5
- 24 Aug 2010
this is mindblowing fone nice camera attractive look its too good
- T
- Tim2Party
- 4Eu
- 24 Aug 2010
I want this phone!
I want a Blue one though and I'm in the U.S
Whatever shall I do!
- P
- PK.
- 4cx
- 24 Aug 2010
It has been a while I did not post an opinion.
1. Alot of people as why take nokia so long to release N8. Maybe they want to perfect their software. But I think it is timing, and this have to do with investor side. They already losing money since Q1,Q2, maybe Q3 of 2010. They are having a new hope this N8 device will gain some profit to report in the financial state of Q4. Hopefully they have a good sales.
Many of you said CPU and GPU does not matter with Symbian. It may be true, b/c Symbian lighter than other OS.
But let me ask you guys this, will this device able to run PSX emulation like N900? Then you determine is Ram and CPU matter or not
- s
- smith
- 4v%
- 24 Aug 2010
john, 23 Aug 2010hey guys there are new spcifications leaked about the n9 i... morePls provide your source for the spec of the new n9?
- s
- smith
- 4v%
- 24 Aug 2010
john, 23 Aug 2010hey guys there are new spcifications leaked about the n9 i... moreThe leaked pics of the new n9 (mac-book look alike) also shows camera with led flash=lame
- A
- AbdAlrahman
- fqe
- 24 Aug 2010
Very good And Smart N8 Specifications...More progress
- A
- Ali Abdulla
- nCM
- 24 Aug 2010
Act COOL, 24 Aug 2010VERY VERY nice Spec compare to Iphone and Samsung galaxy S,... more"its wat you can do with it"
Epic Fail..
you probably have no idea how much u failed XD, but u horribly did
- A
- Act COOL
- j4P
- 24 Aug 2010
VERY VERY nice Spec compare to Iphone and Samsung galaxy S, but heres the deal ... its not how good are u in the inside... its wat you can do with it .. and this score goes to IPHONE .. sorrie im not a i-fan, no-fan, or sam-fan but im just saying basing on which phone make the most profit, apps, & winning peoples heart is the best phone .. that goes to IPHONE 4G ... sorrie the truth HURTS get over it .. maybe one day IPHONE will be defeated but as of now it still the Champion its still have the GOLDEN BELT (^-^)
- E
- Engineer Man
- n5Q
- 24 Aug 2010
Geniuses must be counting down the clock to launch at Nokia HQ. As the Mobile World & community braces itself for a new Mobile sensation. I have been happy too & wasn't expecting an upgrade from my 5800. This is going to be like my 5800 with steroids & modifications & hopefully fix all the issues that I had with my 5800. I hope it will sell well for Nokia's sake. Can' wait for GSMarena's review, with much anticipation. If this is indeed a good phone with the reviews in mind, I will be happy with this phone.
- W
- Wheez
- niB
- 23 Aug 2010
Fallen in love, 23 Aug 2010I just tried N8 last weekend, and I can tell you that the p... moreExactly my feelings too. Had no intentions of buying the Nokia N8 or any other smartphone cos my old E65 still works fine, but when I personally got to used one, I instantly decided to get one ASAP.
- a
- afzal
- 3sE
- 23 Aug 2010
This phone is very expensive.I like it very much.When the price goes down,inshallah I will purchase it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGc
- 23 Aug 2010
Anonymous, 23 Aug 2010I'm with you on that one Dwayne. Been waiting for ever it a... moreWell since they have started the pre orders in certain parts, it seems it will be rolled out everywhere by sometime in october. With august almost gone, its just 1 more month.
If you cant wait 1 more month, then please get anything but Iphone4. Not because of any I sheep stuff or anything. Just research a bit over its dependency on iTunes and may be you will realize.