Nokia N8
- A
- Alee
- srY
- 17 Aug 2010
well, this phone here is my baby, just confused between colors, Blue/silver and Dark Grey.
- j
- jinsumaden
- R9q
- 17 Aug 2010
I've been using nokia for years (currently i'm using 5800 express) and never seize to amaze me. they are always able to start new trends in technology BUT, there's always a limit which I can bear anyway. the best they have done so far is the offline GPS,which I was able to prove it when I was lost in singapore and I dont have network connection. I'm looking forward in getting the N8. they only thing that makes me worder is the price. sure Iphone 4 is still in the midst of its so publicised "success" and I think once N8 is released,iphone 4's days are over.
- d
- dell
- NMv
- 16 Aug 2010
Anonymous, 16 Aug 2010It's appear NokiaUSA will release Nokia N8 in late Septembe... moreas long as you get's all good my colours were
orange/black(dark grey) and blue but if the blue was alittle darker then it would look really nice but it's a metallic blue so it's gonna be lighter blue
so dark grey it is for sure
- E
- Engineer
- Iaj
- 16 Aug 2010
karthik, 16 Aug 2010People easily fell in love with screen resolutions.
Its tr... moreI could tell you many stories about terrible Nokia support, especially with their buggy software and how it will never be fixed. New version of Symnian brings new bugs while it fixes some old ones. E66 was good example. Gallery wasn't working, firmware was updated. After that, WLAN started work weirdly. Even if it was turned off, it sucked battery empty, if there was WLAN AP near the phone. Just one example. Nokia support is nothing to write home.
I use Nokia phones only at work, because that's what our company buys. Phones I spend my own money is never going to be Nokia. I use rugged Motorolas and have used lot of Samsung, they are both great!
- R
- Robert
- fuf
- 16 Aug 2010
sea-breeze, 15 Aug 2010Hey ppl why the fuss ? there is no phone yet ! why r u vo... moreAt least we know the specifications in comparison to existing phones!
- Q
- qFL
- 16 Aug 2010
Yeah I seen that they posted the N8 on the US site. That's a really good price since I paid $529 for my nexus. And my color choices where between silver or I don't have to decied : )
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4TH
- 16 Aug 2010
It's appear NokiaUSA will release Nokia N8 in late September for the price of $549. Only Dark Grey available for preorder
- k
- karthik
- vGQ
- 16 Aug 2010
People easily fell in love with screen resolutions.
Its true that Galaxy and Wave's resolutions are better than Nokia but no one can argue with Sybmian's reliability and Nokia's support for their phones.
What if you just got the eyes but not the brain???
- r
- richard
- x%u
- 16 Aug 2010
Nokia should had release this phone before Iphone 4 release, is a bit of mistake they release so late, $550 is not a bad price for this good unlock phone but consider most people rather buy carrier one (data plan) to save money then go spend 2-3 times for a unlock phone.
- k
- karthik
- vGQ
- 16 Aug 2010
I wish I would buy this one. But little bit pricy for me! I'm going to buy Nokia 5230 (just 7.4K INR) this month and wait for N801 OR will buy N8 this year end.
Did any one knows that the GPS navigation costs over 10K in India! But its free with this phone (in 5230 also, 5230 package has car kit too!)
Nokia is not trying to make some existing smartphones, but its trying to make mini computers.
It started with N900, now N8 with HDMI out, it can easily replace your Home Theater, and your netbook / notebook.
Imagine that having N8 connected with 20" screen, bluetooth keyboard, mouse. I could connect with my office vpn (Symbian has the best vpn software).
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3Tt
- 16 Aug 2010
Anonymous, 16 Aug 2010I am with you Jimmy. Samsung phone is really a crap. Pr... more"The European Smartphone 2010-2011 award goes to the Samsung I9000 Galaxy S" But if Saying that Samsung is crap makes you feel better, whatever...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3Tt
- 16 Aug 2010
Anonymous, 16 Aug 2010I am with you Jimmy. Samsung phone is really a crap. Pr... more"The European Smartphone 2010-2011 award goes to the Samsung I9000 Galaxy S" But if Saying that Samsung is crap makes you feel better, whatever...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3EV
- 16 Aug 2010
I guess that there isn't better than samsung wave s8500
i love N8 but i think the wave is better
- ?
- Anonymous
- Lix
- 16 Aug 2010
amazing phone symbian 3 rules
- ?
- Anonymous
- YQx
- 16 Aug 2010
Amazing device
Really a nokias next star product
- r
- r
- MVg
- 16 Aug 2010
Engineer Man, 16 Aug 2010@r Hi r. Official release date should be the 25th Aug, .... morethank you. Cant wait!
- a
- andy burgin
- 3pH
- 16 Aug 2010
Engineer Man, 16 Aug 2010The phone is more than powerful enough for the improved mem... moreIts All right Promoting the N8 but people are very anxious an want to know the official release date of the N8,as we get Mobile Fun releasing it on the 26th August an had the same date but now put it back to October,an why is it taking Nokia that long to finally release the N8,as we first saw the N8 in April an a very long time for Nokia to get the Software up to date an N8 released,why is it taking this long for Nokia seems odd
- E
- Engineer Man
- n5Q
- 16 Aug 2010
Hi r. Official release date should be the 25th Aug, ..which is next wed. But you know whatwith the delays an all, this seems a bit too close to moving it bac further. So I think this is the real one! All being well. Let's hope... (:~)
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGP
- 16 Aug 2010
Jimmy, 16 Aug 2010SAMSUNG PHONES SUCK!!!!
Tried them with an open mind but... moreI am with you Jimmy.
Samsung phone is really a crap.
Probably kids who wants to replace the phone for every three months can go for it..
cheap quality , crashes every now and then , hangs often and their service and upgrades really sucks..
- N
- Niraj
- 16 Aug 2010
Engineer Man, 16 Aug 2010The phone is more than powerful enough for the improved mem... moreI have been reading your comments since your first post.. Keep it going man! Your posts are full of helpful knowledge.. :)