Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • vGt
  • 15 Aug 2010

[deleted post]it will be priced between 22k to 25k.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 0Yv
    • 15 Aug 2010

    more new pictures here:

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 0Yv
      • 15 Aug 2010

      Amazing photo

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • fnJ
        • 15 Aug 2010

        shabi, 15 Aug 2010i totally agree with u,,. battery life will be pooor...Eih eih , it won't be poor at all.
        The Symbian ^3 OS is optimized to use as low as possible of battery.
        U see this in optimized S60 in Nokia C5 . So great.

          • T
          • TC
          • n4x
          • 15 Aug 2010

          POGI AKO WLANG KOKON, 15 Aug 2010latest video from n8 it is smoth flawless moreIt looks really slow, it takes forever before it reacts on swiping finger across the screen, Desire and Galaxy S is much faster!
          You can not remove the battery, and that is a BIG problem becaus every OS, especially Symbian, crashes sometimes and the only problem is then to remove the battery to be able to restart the phone, so N8 will be unusable already after uts first inevitable crash.
          I am not impressed at all.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 0Yv
            • 15 Aug 2010

            More photos taken with the N8. Looks amazing...and I am sure this isn't final firmware


              • p
              • phones fan
              • fwM
              • 15 Aug 2010

              Anonymous, 15 Aug 2010Check this. it be very helpful! -the speaker music test ... moreI don't think it is smart to compare still not released late 2010 phone to early 2009 and mid 2009 phones.

                • P
                • POGI AKO WLANG KOKON
                • v0q
                • 15 Aug 2010

                latest video from n8
                it is smoth flawless

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • t7U
                  • 15 Aug 2010

                  Check this. it be very helpful!

                  -the speaker music test


                  In the Speedy Go! tests, the N8 clearly outpaced the Omnia HD and the N97; it is 54% and 180% faster than the other 2.

                    • Q
                    • QWERTY
                    • qFL
                    • 15 Aug 2010

                    Anonymous, 15 Aug 2010let me know wahat better hardware u see in htc desire,samsu... moreFirst, the Nexus and the Desire are basically the same in Hardware, you just need to choose the OS. I prefer the Nexus since you get updated first on the firmwares and you can customize the OS to get similar results to the Sense UI. If you root your Nexus, you can switch between Sense UI and just Regular 2.2.

                    I have the nexus and just purchased the Samsung Vibrant so I'm excited to see the difference.

                    But overall, when the N8 is released I will switch to this device full time. I love Symbian only because I don't use much apps, its simple, and I love the battery life on Nokia devices. My Nexus might last a full day on heavy usage. Lets just hope we don't have a disappointment like the Nokia N97, THE WORST PHONE EVER!!!!

                      • C
                      • Cedd
                      • t7U
                      • 15 Aug 2010

                      STVN& ill be getting the silver white. Ill buy it in Greenhills. The price 46k PHP of n8 is quite different from the 370 euros which is anout 22-26k PHP.

                      WENG please stop telling the lie. OKAY?!

                      Please stop bragging other brans here.

                      This is is a DECENT ENGLISH forum!

                        • b
                        • buying_n8
                        • PxF
                        • 15 Aug 2010

                        if iphone4 has tap focus,

                        how can i use n8 similar to that? thats my final question b4 buying

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • ii6
                          • 15 Aug 2010

                          Anonymous, 15 Aug 2010Though I hate to admit it, I have to agree with you. With ... morelet me know wahat better hardware u see in htc desire,samsung galaxy anf google nexus one?htc battery life is horrible,camera is not good,audio is bad,but i like htc sensr ui ..its very eye candy..same goes to samsung and nexus one..except they r android devices hardware is always has a better hardware but because of no eye candy OS it laggs behind..but i bet symbian is a very good OS..

                            • a
                            • andy burgin
                            • 3pH
                            • 15 Aug 2010

                            Nokia are annoying loads of people waiting for the N8 to be Released,it just shows that they know the N8 is not as good as Expecting are worried about releasing the N8,an the name of Nokia getting Slagged down again an Out Beaten by the other manufactors,it seems so odd that a Top Mobile Producer can still not Compete in the Top Smartphone market an can only produce good Budget Mobiles,they have used Symbian for ages an never improved the software until the Apple an Android software as become available,they have got to shake up the strategy at Nokia,as they always take ages to compete in the different mobile markets nowdays an always everything so Slow at Nokia

                              • A
                              • Auseklis.
                              • 3R4
                              • 15 Aug 2010

                              its kinda similar to lg gd510 pop

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • wc6
                                • 15 Aug 2010

                                Kierann, 15 Aug 2010I think the problem, from what we've seen in preview videos... moreThough I hate to admit it, I have to agree with you. With the price tag of EURO 450-500, it will have a hard time against the likes of HTC Desire, Samsung Galaxy S and Google's Nexus One.

                                For the same price tag or maybe less, we can get better overall hardware along with more intuitive and exciting UI. The only thing we will be compromising is the camera. But to be honest, if you want to get this phone for shooting purpose, why not go for DSLR instead. For the same price tag (EURO 450-500), we can get a Nikon D5000 or Canon 550D which features better sensor plus better HD video formats. Plus you still have all those interchangeable lenses.

                                Seriously, Nokia needs to revise it's price tag if they really want to make N8 a big hit. They should really control the price of N8 and maintain it under EURO 400. That way it will definitely be a huge hit as it is more affordable and it will definitely stand out when compared to the other smartphones from the same price range.

                                Just my two cents.

                                  • K
                                  • Kierann
                                  • nxq
                                  • 15 Aug 2010

                                  I think the problem, from what we've seen in preview videos of the N8, is the new version of Symbian doesn't actually add anything brand new and exciting. Android OS had the both the app market and the Open Source at launch programming. This meant that many phone manufacturers could make an excellent overlay UI on top of it (Such as Sense and Later Touchwiz) which is what makes it stand out.

                                  iPhone OS, while I hate it royally, had a ridiculously easy to use system thats both intuitive, smooth and very very pretty. It also has the advantages of a massive app market.

                                  Personally, from previews, this new version of symbian is what Symbian S60.v5 SHOULD have been. They are playing catch up to Android, iPhone and Blackberry systems without adding anything new. Now that would be fine if this phone were something like £300 because it would undercut the rivals, give a reason to buy it. Don't get me wrong, I love symbian but its outdated and feature devoid. This new version makes it more usable, and maybe prettier but doesnt really change the lack of features. Since this phone is set to be £450-£500 by some accounts, I really think this is going to struggle when pitted against the likes of the HTC Desire, Samsung Galaxy S etc.

                                    • J
                                    • Jett
                                    • sxt
                                    • 15 Aug 2010

                                    Yeah those are great key features but it's still better to wait for users opinion before you decide. :)

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • t7U
                                      • 15 Aug 2010

                                      the only main disadvantages of n8 are:

                                      -poor battery life
                                      -non removable battery
                                      -no camera lens cover
                                      -no video light

                                      I'm from Philippines too. I currently own X6. really waiting for N8. I believe this is not like the n97. I assure you. 46kprice is horrible. Its very different from the promised 370 eus!

                                        • g
                                        • gregg003
                                        • vj1
                                        • 15 Aug 2010


                                        trust me, the phone will only cost you PhP22-23Thou when it comes out in the Philippines and not PhP46Thou.

                                        where did you get that hilarious price info? by the way it will available by the last week of Sept of October 1st week, though some stores with backdoor contacts with Nokia China might start selling the phone as early as Sept 2nd week. Braise yourself! ;)