Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • vx7
  • 11 Aug 2010

dhen you really sure LOSER!?

samsung jet. it has 800 mhz. but it even hangs sometimes. why is that so? out of 1000 people. if ull ask who needs projector. maybe ull get a 20 or less. samsung beam is for '' instant projecor" gets?

there are many reports about galaxy s that the music player stops even if there is a sufficient battery.
captivates was said to have a terrible gps. samoled was said to save bat but no its even hungry!

i have installed some apps from android market that running background(Around Me, Movies, etc...) After using those apps, i have to find the way to turn them all off, otherwise those apps will suck the battery in a couple of hours.

i had an android phone.

    • R
    • RAGHU
    • YQA
    • 11 Aug 2010

    GALAXY S HAVE 1ghz cpu but this smartphone not support a single highdefination game. shame on Galaxy S. N8 so rich in multimedia department, N8 support mkv format videos, HD games, 12MP camera and much more.

      • a
      • ankit
      • vw6
      • 11 Aug 2010

      what is the price of N8 in india?

        • R
        • RONALD
        • vGx
        • 11 Aug 2010

        Readthis, 10 Aug 2010There are moments when people need to shoot a video in the ... moreYes u r right we well diffenetly miss LED flash as tourch.

          • N
          • Naz
          • nC6
          • 11 Aug 2010

          Can someone tell me when N8 will be available in UAE or India

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • ii6
            • 11 Aug 2010

            nokia haters, please go and buy HTC or samsung galaxy ,wave and dont trash here by promoting samsung wave..of course samsung wave needs so much promotion as there is no apps for BADA kindly promote wave in samsung one is forcing anyone to buy nokia n8..its a feature phone ..if its not your category then dont trash about the phone before even it released..there r n number of handsets with 1ghz and more go over and buy it..because all the phones are different in its own..

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • uSS
              • 11 Aug 2010

              haters vote it 10 10 10!


                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • uSS
                • 11 Aug 2010

                i pre-ordered n8 here in Berlin! i will get the silver white!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • uSS
                  • 11 Aug 2010

                  too may comments here. already had almost 11k comments. its note even released yet then many are saying its laggy and buggy. too many votes! wow. so famous. n8 is really a star.

                  these comments and voted would even increase after the released of n8.!

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • uSS
                    • 11 Aug 2010

                    n8 has mutliple home screens and all of them are customizble. the menu was refreshed. The messaging department got even better looks. the AMOLED capacitive 3.5" touchscreen display. the virtual landscape qwerty keyboard and appears fast when you put n8 in landscpae mode. It even got new looks. I like the web TV so much. N8 has a really rich multimedia. N8 has the fabulous 12mp and the powerful xenon flash. it even got hd video recording! wow. N8's dictionary was even added words to be worthy.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • t7X
                      • 11 Aug 2010

                      Why so many people go gaga over 1GHz phones?

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • uSS
                        • 11 Aug 2010

                        haha. Too many insecure wavers here. I know why. your jealous of N8's reach multimedia features. 680 mhz is not a draw back. even a led flash. This mighty N8 is very famous because of us N8 LOVERS and n8 haters MUCH!
                        N8 is the best phone so far. I have watched videos and the n8 is very responsive and runs smooth.

                          • N
                          • Nuwan
                          • tev
                          • 11 Aug 2010

                          Engneer Man, 10 Aug 2010Phones haven't been just phones for ages. Yes "You thi... moreDear Engineer Man,

                          You're being very very helpful here brother... I try to read each and every post of yours...
                          Thanks a lot..

                            • t
                            • toteu000
                            • LaL
                            • 11 Aug 2010

                            WTF? I don't get it why all you Samsung fanboys are bragging about the Wave. True, it has good specs, but it's the most boring dumbPhone ever made. It would make more sense to bring the Galaxy S in the discussion. BadaOS is boring, and resource hungry, it even lags using that powerful 1GHz processor, and it runs out of memory leaving you to customize the home screen widgets over and over again if you dare browse the web. Heck, i would even consider buying the iPhone 4 instead of that cheap piece of....

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • upb
                              • 11 Aug 2010

                              Its true nokia is the most trusted brand in india.but it also true that nokia is far far behind fm other brands like sam,sony,htc

                                • B
                                • BaByDoLL
                                • 4xh
                                • 11 Aug 2010

                                I really think N8 is a really good phone. I would choose Nokia over Iphone!!!

                                  • b
                                  • bamy
                                  • p@K
                                  • 11 Aug 2010

                                  i Love this Phone is Full Phone i think,...i buy it following days

                                    • E
                                    • Engneer Man
                                    • n5Q
                                    • 10 Aug 2010

                                    Phones haven't been just phones for ages. Yes "You think I don't know that" YOU are saying. Ok. But ...they are portable computers in main principality, & soon to be Tablet spec.

                                    Very soon newer Symbians & Meegos will be following Meamo & Android which were built exclusivley for tablet computing form factor, higher spec OS that can run on anything small to anything larger in the form factor of computing.

                                    So these OS will allow more variet of hardware technoloy to be incorporated into a smaller device & will excel the capability for smaller devices to have higher specs in a smaller device. Tablet OS will allow larger resolution displays than on Apples Ipad but within a much smaller screen device or larger device.

                                    I don't see any beneficial reason for having so many pixels upto 1280x720 pixels within a screen the size of a 4" or 4.5" display size. This simply isn' needed but does demonstrate the technical breakthrough innovations & limits we can go to within the consumer Electronics devices computer market. These OS's will be probably be part of the cloud computing, or always connected to the web, web based device.

                                    But the OS will be just as fully functional as your Home desktop for instance. This is what Symbian are doing with S^3. Integrating support for more varied g
                                    technologies with inclusion of a HAL for the first time like Windows based home desktop.

                                    There are probably loads of other possibilities which these Tablet OS's will bring in the form of more functioal & capaable OS's in such a small device. But the functions will be obviously limite by manufactuer or operator based on the capabilties of the device, the manufacturers needs, aims for the device.

                                    Times will get exciting. Things like S-LCD, SAMOLED, larger capacity internal storage, 1280x720P (although I said not beneficial - still cool tho!)on 4" or 4.5" smartphone Tablet Computer. Gyroscopes, magnetometres, accelerometers, PICO Projectors. Probably Holograms next. Who know's how capable your phone will be.

                                    I am really looking forward though to the Nokia N8. On the Nokia Site there is mention of capacitive Stylus with Handwriting recognition for Chinese Market. Time ticking away 16 days to go. I hope phone is released on rumoured or official date of 26th.

                                    In this digital age - it's nice for Nokia to start making colouful phones to appeal to wider variety of people - style or fashion concious & usually will attract colourful people showing your imagination, creativity, personality. The N8 with it's perfect fusion of form & function is the best way yet to communicate in the Digital age. What will you do with it?

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • vIb
                                      • 10 Aug 2010

                                      Anonymous, 10 Aug 2010This thing would be the new N97 if only it were running And... moreIf you dont hate nokia, then pray that it turns out nothing like the N97.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • G2G
                                        • 10 Aug 2010

                                        [deleted post]You are right about one thing... Nokia may still the world's leader, but not in terms of mobiles in general! Nokia USED to be the leader in high-end phones also, but not anymore! Nokia has the largest market share due to their sale of cheap affordable phones. But they've fallen behind in producing state-of-the-art, high-end popular and hot-selling phones such as iphone4, Galaxy S or even Moto's Droid X and HTC's Evo 4G... This phone is the closest they've come so far...