Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • EYb
  • 05 Aug 2010

I have been Using Nokia smartphone all the while.
Except for the E series , The N series and other Nokia smartphones tends to hang. As the result either we off the phone or took out the battery to restart again. At times when its hang , even by switching off there is no response , as result we took out the battery.

I hope N8 wont hang frequently. If its hang , there is no way you can take out the battery. Its a built in battery. And we did not want to wait until the battery run out to restart the phone.

If this really happens , Its a nightmare to all Nokia user.

    • N
    • Nuwan
    • tev
    • 05 Aug 2010

    [deleted post]Dear friends,

    Why so many people talk about 'Samsung' here...? Galaxy this and wave that bla bla...

    We like Nokia and Symbian... We always did and still do... (Don't know about the future..) and most of the friends here are waiting for the release of N8...

    So.. why the hell these Samsung fans are dancing here...? Well.. Galaxy is superb and great and awesome and bla bla... (You name it...) Now satisfied...? Can you please leave this place and dance in Galaxy place for god's sake...?

    THANK YOU...

      • e
      • eigthy-seven
      • E1%
      • 05 Aug 2010

      im havin thoughts in buyin this phone since ive heard(and read) rumors about the nokia N87,that's the problem with buying you let's say i buy it(N8) the next week or a month etc... they come up of something better(N87 if the rumors are true) on the market to top it up the original price(N8) is halved of the price of the better(N87) new model...

      So what im implyin is let's just wait for a while til december or january if the rumors are true or not...
      well if your filhty rich buy it that's what im gonna do buy it nice phone...

        • Z
        • Zulfi
        • RUx
        • 05 Aug 2010

        Its an amzing phone, Its cool more then Iphone4, Iphone4 have many problems, I love it, but I will not work In Japan, Japna is still using old CDMA technology, which is almost finih all around the word Excepting SOuth Korea $ Japan,

          • F
          • Fonts!
          • uRD
          • 05 Aug 2010

          Please include a class stating whether phones comes with built in unicode font support?.. so far i have checked only IPHONE has this features my current model 5530 cannot display unicode fonts.
          Hope will include this specification class in the website and phone search tool.

            • q
            • qwerty
            • Rbq
            • 05 Aug 2010

            O., 05 Aug 2010nokia, this phone is ur last chance, if u guys dont perfect... morehell yeah!!! i agree 100 percent!!! if nokia fails me on this one i will switch to the reliable htc with the stable android os!!!

              • O
              • O.
              • m1{
              • 05 Aug 2010

              nokia, this phone is ur last chance, if u guys dont perfect this, and make it a TRUE competitor to what's out there, i will never ever buy a nokia ever again, and the world will see you for what you've become, a failed, glitchy, unstable, smartphone company....

                • R
                • Roger
                • v{Q
                • 05 Aug 2010

                The Apple fan boys could not win the battle here so the samsung fanboys think that they could give it a shot here.Let me remind all the Samsung fanboys that SAM Sung while Nokia is still singing.I would pay Samsung owners my money to shove their phones up their arses where it rightly belongs.I wouldnt take a samsung phone for free let alone buying it even if it had a 2.9ghz or higher processor.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • t7y
                  • 05 Aug 2010

                  Anonymous, 04 Aug 2010You guys are still believing this is good phone compare it ... more*facepalm*

                    • E
                    • Engineer Man
                    • n5Q
                    • 05 Aug 2010

                    After a long nite of fixing PC hardware goodness I'm shattered. Goodnite! :)

                      • E
                      • Engineer Man
                      • n5Q
                      • 05 Aug 2010

                      You can no longer determine the speed of a CPU by pure cycles insdtructions per second or Mhz, Ghz. This is nonsense. The specification matters a fusion of form & function & how each part within the engine (architecture completes it's processes).How much it can calculate, add, multiplication etc...

                      Samsung has a young App Market for BADA which is also young & very immature. Also just because the clock speed of the CPU wave is one thousand million cycles/instructions per second, this does not neccessarily translate to faster compute performance if you read my latter explanation to learn something good.

                      The wave maybe a good device but the extra CPU performance is required because Android BADA needs it along with the extra I/O resources etc...Android & BADA require more power than S^3, S^3 needs a lot less powerful CPU. It's what type/spec & how the CPU achieves the process.

                      The N8 for instance has a GPU which has scored higher benchmarks than the Samsung Wave, Galaxy S. The N8 won't be just some dissapointing device. It will achieve most multimedia objectives with no sweat & it will do them better than any other phone.

                      800x480 means nothing except a super high resolution on a screen smaller than 4.0" you can discern what you are looking at without zooming in. No you need a 640x360 resolution so you can have true native 16:9 standards & actually see what you are looking at on the web page in orientated widescreen mode. you need a bigger screen to discern the benefits of 800x480 even then it's too small, uses more energy, req more GPU power, CPU power to upscale everything.

                        • 7
                        • 7amam
                        • fvx
                        • 05 Aug 2010

                        Very Very Nice Phone i'll Bought It SooN :D :D

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Ke1
                          • 05 Aug 2010

                          Off topic

                          what does engadget prefer before the first iphone announced?

                          The recent meego ui for nokia is real, the youtube video clip has been ordered to be removed by nokia corporation

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • vIb
                            • 04 Aug 2010

                            chester, 04 Aug 2010the only thing missing on n8 is 3G LTE network,if n8 could ... moreWhich cellphone has that ?? :O

                              • c
                              • chester
                              • f3b
                              • 04 Aug 2010

                              the only thing missing on n8 is 3G LTE network,if n8 could have 3G LTE(DL 100mbps / UL 50mbps) then it would rule the market forever.Otherwise N8 is just perfect,hey what will you do with it if you own it,play next gen game on hd plasma tv,watch on demand web tv,take yourseft high quality pics and vids,surf the web,list is endless and of course show off to other phones what n8 can do.Definately buying n8.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • vjt
                                • 04 Aug 2010



                                new sample photos from n8!!!
                                look at the amasing quality..yet still not the final version..

                                so can yr iphone 4 or galaxy s or wave do that.i doubt so!!!:)

                                nokia rules,well if u r not pleases,dont come to n8 comment box...

                                this is the best phone ever yet from nokia!!!:)

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • P%H
                                  • 04 Aug 2010

                                  to Gautham,

                                  clock speed of the N8 is 680 MHz.

                                  Nokia Tier 3

                                    • S
                                    • Samsung loser
                                    • s86
                                    • 04 Aug 2010

                                    I have samsung wave,it is very boring phone ! Worst camera,bada sux,not user friendly,phone freeze when i open 3-4 applications,build is cheap,no more softwares to download ,i want to sell it,samsung is crap

                                      • A
                                      • Abhijit
                                      • j{k
                                      • 04 Aug 2010

                                      Okay, here is what i found searching more info on net. Cant say if they r genuine or not. Symbian^3 has backward compatibility; means apps from previous version ie s60v5 will work on it! Next, only nseries sets will ditch symbian not the x or c series; means n8 is not at the dead end. Next, both meego n symbian^3 r based on "qt"(??), so bifurcation of platform in nokia won't prove to b a hurdle for apps developers; plus, with symbian^4 due, it means,again, n8 will not be left alone, stranded. And lastly, few of the game developers have reportedly extended their support to n8( n ea for eg); means games will come, (but still keeping my fingers crossed). Hope those info r not hoax coz i m surely getting n8 by the year end.

                                        • a
                                        • andy burgin
                                        • 3pH
                                        • 04 Aug 2010

                                        [deleted post]Hi o.k the camera might be o.k on the N86,but the screens to small an speakers way to low,the n8 really outclasses your mobile,with a 12 mega-pixel camera with xenon flash an dolby speakers,an the screen size alot better for videos an images on the N8