Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • t7U
  • 04 Aug 2010

"We are approaching the end of this painful product transition at the high end of our product portfolio", says Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo. He continues with a prediction "delivering the N8, with a high-quality user experience, will mark the beginning of our renewal. We will achieve our potential and regain high-end leadership in our industry."

We absolutely want to give Nokia the benefit of the doubt, but at the moment, this seems like a very optimistic prediction from Nokia's CEO. Although the N8 looks very interesting, it has not generated "envy" and "desire" as other recent handsets did – although there are N8 clones already. More importantly, it is powered by Symbian 3, which we consider to be out of the smartphone operating system race at this point (the N8 is the last N-Series Symbian phone). The early N8 previews were not positive.

And for sure, Nokia can move a lot of handsets around the world, but the question is: can Nokia make enough profits to stay in the race (Nokia’s smartphone profit is tiny, or non-existent)? So, far Nokia is trying to do the "right thing" by investing in handsets, OS and platform. However, this has not paid off in the past few years. At this point in time, it's hard to believe that the Nokia N8 can truly be the savior - but we are anxious to see it in action. Nokia's CEO is certainly betting big by making such a statement. More Nokia N8 news, Nokia N8 video editing in action

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • YTL
    • 04 Aug 2010

    The Finns and South Koreans must be really proud of Nokia and Samsung respectively. Ah....where are you all from?

      • A
      • AMANITA
      • upg
      • 04 Aug 2010

      [deleted post]There is a separate forum for samsung,so kindly leave this place and advertise there !

        • P
        • Pppppc
        • N7D
        • 04 Aug 2010

        [deleted post]Jet; those are the pros. What about the cons. The battery dies really fast & Its made of some wel polished cheap plastic.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • YTL
          • 04 Aug 2010

          I simply don't understand the pricing of this phone N8. Why do Nokia make the price so low. It's many many times better than iphone4. And still cost less than half the price of iphone4. And unlike samsung Nokia will support this phone for many years.

            • M
            • MeeGo OS
            • 0U@
            • 04 Aug 2010

            New video

              • B
              • Better suggestion
              • Ia6
              • 04 Aug 2010

              Blob, 04 Aug 2010is someone suggesting you to buy this expensive device? you... moreNo. 2100 is easier to find nowadays.

                • T
                • TipsCafe
                • ib7
                • 04 Aug 2010

                AMANITA, 03 Aug 2010N8 680mhz+brodcom GPUBased on your info.
                Its GPU should be Broadcom BCM2727 High Definition 720p Mobile Multimedia Processor. :)

                  • S
                  • Sejar
                  • uRI
                  • 04 Aug 2010

                  Nokia: Symbian^3 is ready

                  Symbian^3, the latest version of Nokia’s smartphone operating system, was officially completed on June 17th. The next stage before we actually get the phones involves tweaking and testing its settings to make sure it works optimally with the hardware on the forthcoming Nokia N8 and the family of Symbian^3 devices that will follow it. The Symbian Foundation has announced that there are more than 250 new features in this latest release. But which ones are going to make the most difference to you? Read on to find out more.

                  All the new features are documented at the Forum Nokia Library, but unless you’re technically inclined, it doesn’t make for a light read. We’ve pulled out some of the top-line features here.

                  Better graphics

                  Symbian’s graphics have been turbo-charged with a new graphics architecture, incorporating hardware acceleration and faster software. This means that the interface will be quick and responsive, and also incorporates the stylistic flourishes – like kinetic scrolling – that make a big difference when you’re showing your phone to other people. The whole interface is programmable, too, so we can expect a wealth of third-party themes and applications allowing everyone to make their phone unique.

                  Multiple Touch

                  The Symbian^3 UI now scrolls with a swipe, you can pinch to zoom and tap to select. The interface also supports multitouch, which typically means that you can type faster on a virtual keyboard, or perform more complex actions such as holding a virtual ’shift’ key and then typing a letter. It should spell some interesting new options for games developers as well.

                  Meatier Multimedia

                  If you’ve been following the blog, you’ll already know that Symbian^3 supports output to HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) for showing photos or videos on televisions. If your video is suitably encoded, then you can also takes advantage of Dolby Digital Audio. More modestly, but no less importantly, the music player includes a home page widget for faster control of your current song list. The new Fusion Player replaces the old Media Player and Video Center applications and controls both stored and streaming video.

                  Better Multitasking

                  Symbian has always allowed for true multitasking. In Symbian^3, this gets better than ever. Memory management has been improved to allow more apps to run without running out of space and there is an ‘Alt-Tab’ style task switcher to move between the applications you’ve got open.

                  Location Location Location

                  Symbian^3 introduces a host of new technical protocols for making better use of location information. In particular, a service called ‘Here and Now’ offers easy to use web services related to the user’s current location. This could allow the development of advanced applications that will provide information relevant to where you are without you needing to supply extra information.

                  Nicer Networking

                  The Symbian OS has a new networking architecture that “significantly improves data flow performance” and makes it easier for service providers to create networking extras such as firewalls and hotspot login apps. One-Click Connectivity makes selecting and connecting to access points a lot smoother.

                  Developments for Developers

                  Symbian^3 comes with Qt installed and will be a standard development environment for Symbian releases going forward. This makes it easier to write apps that will work across all the devices in the family and the smart installer feature will load any necessary libraries onto users’ phones, reducing file sizes and support headaches. In addition, the Symbian Web runtime allows developers to create Web 2.0 style applications that interact with your device’s core functions, such as the camera and address book.

                  [Via] -

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • q{A
                    • 04 Aug 2010

                    this shows how much ram is left on the nokia n8

                    imo...not very impressed, we'll see how it functions when the retail unit shows up.

                      • n
                      • nokia users
                      • u73
                      • 04 Aug 2010


                      support bluetooth mouse and keyboard

                      support external harddisk, many nokia other phones via usb on the go

                      removable battery, but you are advised to take it to nokia service center

                      support divx xvid

                      a small cinema in your hand with hdmi and dolby tec


                        • j
                        • johnny
                        • 4Va
                        • 04 Aug 2010

                        Hi, does anyone know how fast the GPU, if it has its own dedicated mem? Thx

                          • M
                          • Maka1
                          • j{k
                          • 04 Aug 2010

                          [deleted post]My brother from Nigeria when you get it try contact me but sure would be available at the end of the month at i-cell centers

                            • B
                            • Blob
                            • vGu
                            • 04 Aug 2010

                            Anonymous, 03 Aug 2010what the hell its gonna be so expensive and i bet its realy... moreis someone suggesting you to buy this expensive device? you better buy Nokia 3310 (if available in the market).

                              • B
                              • Bee
                              • vGu
                              • 04 Aug 2010

                              DaRk MaDnEsS, 03 Aug 2010the guys who ask about the prossecor it's 750 clocked dow... morecomparing symbion^3 with windows xp. r u a microsoft geek?

                                • K
                                • Khan
                                • vGu
                                • 04 Aug 2010

                                salma, 04 Aug 2010i like this phone..i advicd every one to have it...i had no... morealong with your advice pls do send enough money to buy nokia n8.

                                  • j
                                  • j
                                  • v3$
                                  • 04 Aug 2010

                                  when is this phone going to be available in the philippines and how much is it going to be?

                                    • W
                                    • Wave Rocks
                                    • uNV
                                    • 04 Aug 2010

                                    Anonymous, 03 Aug 2010I was getting impatient and thought of trying out the Wave ... moreThat was the prototype fw of a prototype wave in the store that you tried. Now 6 fw has been realised and there is no memory issue.

                                      • m
                                      • manu
                                      • PY5
                                      • 04 Aug 2010

                                      I have a Satio, is a greta phone. camera interface is good too but WAAAAAAY TOOOOOO SLOOOOOOW i mean ui and time-to-shoot even if you change focus from auto to infinity. better music player also..
                                      U might forgive all that i mention above, but batt life SUX, and thats the one reason i gave this phone to my wife.

                                        • M
                                        • Marwa
                                        • fvC
                                        • 04 Aug 2010

                                        is it better or sonny ericsson satio (idio) ????? does it deserve waiting ??? or sonny ericson is better ????