Nokia N8
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7P
- 03 Aug 2010
what kind of phone this?
which one better nokia N8 or smartphone samsung galaxy beam projector?
why nokia N8 very low processor?symbian os not smartphone....
pls help me what phone i buy smartphone samsung galaxy beam projector or N8?im confused about the processor of N8...
- ?
- Anonymous
- wdJ
- 03 Aug 2010
We hav to admit the fact that Samsung Galaxy and Wave have a better Screen and OS than the Nokia N8. Though the N8 beats the Samsung in other hardware specs, The Samsung Galaxy and Wave feel and look just awesome with those SuperAmoled Screens. They look futuristic.
- l
- lans
- t7X
- 03 Aug 2010
680MHz + GPU = 1.3GHz = more than enough for the 1200mAh..
if the main procesor is higher it would be a disaster for the battery.. Like what happen to the N82..
- m
- mk
- Y}x
- 03 Aug 2010
Out of this world, 03 Aug 2010Galaxy S beats N8 upside down anytime :) Hey Out Of This World, n8 ll kick ur galaxyS out of this world.......
- m
- mk
- Y}x
- 03 Aug 2010
Out of this world, 03 Aug 2010Galaxy S beats N8 upside down anytime :)n8 beats Galaxy S inside out anytime anywhere :)
- m
- mk
- Y}x
- 03 Aug 2010
Out of this world, 03 Aug 2010Galaxy S beats N8 upside down anytime :)galaxy s is noting but a piece of cheap plastic material. U barking animal Shoo sho sho... Go go go...
- O
- Out of this world
- uNV
- 03 Aug 2010
Anonymous, 02 Aug 2010Samsung Galaxy's camera is a big let down . . . Can't be co... moreGalaxy S beats N8 upside down anytime :)
- b
- bobby
- wu4
- 03 Aug 2010
Anonymous, 03 Aug 2010The Geek This looks like a tuned version of android that Is... morehey you are in a wrong forum. n8 is running symbian3 not meego... n900 is meego so maybe you want to double check the things
- b
- bobby
- wu4
- 03 Aug 2010
Anonymous, 03 Aug 2010If Nokia N8 is not upgradable to Symbian^4 no purchase then... moreof course not symbian4 is totally a different platform
- o
- offroadies
- 03 Aug 2010
Wow a wonderful phone
If any 1 trying to beatdown N8 comparing wid other set
He/she wud b a fool
N8 is awesome......
- A
- Adam
- ibH
- 03 Aug 2010
Nokia best and useful application
Plus so many application from iphone and android with QT come to your nokia phone...and this surely a great application from Nokia
And see this UI preview video from great Nokia N8
Nokia speaker test -smarts/
Hope this useful
- ?
- Anonymous
- 39y
- 03 Aug 2010
If Nokia N8 is not upgradable to Symbian^4 no purchase then!
What's the point to get this in Sept when Symbian^4 is coming out early 2011?!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7U
- 03 Aug 2010
As said a couple of times here in the comments already, the nice thing is, since it's so closely aligned to "traditional" GNU/Linux you it will be easy to "port" over Apps to MeeGo. So if Adobe really thinks 10$ is reasonable you can just use one of the dozens of free and open-source PDF viewers instead.
In fact there is already Evince (the default PDF viewer in GNOME) for Maemo devices, so a MeeGo version is quite probable then: I don't know of any apps that are actually must-haves and aren't already built-in. Web browser, email reader, picture viewer, music/video player: That's probably 60% of what people use on their smartphone (the rest: 20% phone calls and 20% games). A fully functional web browser can replace countless apps. (How many essential desktop apps do you regularly use nowadays on your PC?)
Yeah, sheer number of apps is nice but overrated.
Pdexter Posted Aug 2nd 2010 2:36PM
Highest Ranked
harmattan was announced 2008....
I don't hear people complaining about Android 1.5, 1.6, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2.
That's what S^3, S^4, S^5 are(S^5 already on the roadmap and Symbian will get these updates every 6 months).
HTC that's about fraction of Nokia's size will be using WP7 and Android. Samsung uses 5 OS's.
Nokia got S40 for the super low end, Symbian for mid end and MeeGo for high end and rather than WP7 and Android, MeeGo and Symbian got same application base because Qt framework.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0Yv
- 03 Aug 2010
I see a lot of ignorant comments about the pricing.
Nokia said that the price will be 370 euro before taxes. In the EU VAT is from 15 to 20 %. 20% on 370 is 74 = 444 euro. Add to that the profit that Amazon or any other retailer will be making and you got your self the right price. It is really easy..
The price in the US will be, as always, cheaper than in the EU simply because of different taxation systems and currency exchange rates
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7U
- 03 Aug 2010
was just considering getting an Android device to replace my Nokia N95 but after seeing this, I think I'll wait for the next Nokia Nseries phone to come out with this UI. This UI is everything Nokia is about. Open-ness and functionality. Now with good looks too, Nokia, leader of the mobile market, should have no trouble staying on top. BRING IT TO CANADA SOON NOKIA!You probably didn't read the article. Heck, you've probably never even touched an iPhone or an Android handset. Go crawl back into your fanboy corner and stop trying to defend things which you obviously have no idea about. No, aside from Sense, social networking isn't integrated much into Android. Did you see how they went through the contacts and just commented on a status w/o EEEVEN having to bring up a FB app?? THATS integration! I'd also like to be able to see if a person is online in Yahoo, GTalk, AIM, FB chat, etc from my contacts, and can message them accordingly. COMMON GINGERBREAD and MR. DUARTE! Put ANOTHER nail in the coffin for iOS! * Sorry, EVO owner, first Android device coming from webOS.. LOVEEEE them both, and this is a DREAM OS for me.... CARDS!!!!!!!! Actually, android does have social app integration. Facebook contacts link to existing contacts, their status show in the vanilla droid contacts lists, twitter updates show as well. Profile pics sync too.
I admire your tenacity, but perhaps it's a little misguided or under-informed. Of course I am talking about native apps that are designed for the device.
I mean you can call all Symbian phones as smart phone and claim to be the king of smart phone.
But reality is reality; Lack of quality titles is lack of quality titles. You know all those good utilities and games.
This applies to Android too but of course in much less extent.
You guys can vote me down, I don't care. I am looking at the fact.
I am no brand fanboy. I buy phones that are attractive and useful to me.
Many of my friends switched from Nokia N97 or X6 to either iPhone 4 or Droid X or Vibrant. Only thing they regret is they didn't do so earlier.
More important, it is very hard for Nokia to get them back.
One reason is the bad experience they had before; they think they were wasting time and money for being loyal to Nokia. Second, once people have invested hundreds of dollars of apps in one platform, unless that platform really sucks in the future, they will not switch.
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7U
- 03 Aug 2010
The Geek This looks like a tuned version of android that Is actually really good, the incredible and EVO aren't bad, they're the best android phones, but android is bad, those 2 are just hardware and software tuned to be usable, this smartphone meego looks like a copy of android that is made better, hope this takes a little steam off android, as in just enough that android isn't every engadget post anymore
The Geek, well, I don't think Nokia will be releasing a high-end CDMA phone, so I don't think that you'll be able to get Nokia's MeeGo device for Sprint. However, MeeGo is probably the most open-source and open-development mobile OS out there (it's hosted by the Linux Foundation - ) so, if there are enough people interested, porting MeeGo for your next device will be a breeze. Don't know, tho, whether you'll be able to get Nokia's UI/UX or you'll have to use MeeGo's stock UI or some third party (given the openness of MeeGo, chances are that somebody will produce possibly even more compelling UI/UX) - Nokia didn't release plans on what they'll open-source and what will they not.
Either way, MeeGo is as close as a mobile hardware can get to a desktop OS without sacrificing the performance, and with strong players like Intel and Nokia behind it, it has good chances to seriously kick the crap out of any other mobile OS and redefine the way we use our mobile devices - Nokia is calling Maemo/MeeGo devices not smartphones but mobile computers - for a good reason!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2@c
- 02 Aug 2010
whats up with the lame pricing NOKIA
you lost here am getting the samsung wave million times better than the nokia n8 at its price point and not to forget the supperamoled screen :)
see ya again in 2 years nokia hope you have some sense by then and a good os you were my fav mobile brand
- r
- rumeo
- n26
- 02 Aug 2010
Currently you can preorder it in Switzerland at Sunrise at 0.- with a specific monthly 2 years contract. Incredible, hurry before they check the bug in the pricelist