Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • Delhidude
  • tUp
  • 02 Aug 2010

a great phone packed with great features... it's not just a phone it's a computer, a camera and looks stunning......
best ever phone not only made by nokia but by any other company....... it will beat all smsng, SE or seb(apple) lol...... nokia rocks n N8 is best........

    • w
    • wilek
    • 0B5
    • 02 Aug 2010

    Usb host - nice !
    3MPx in the same sensor size and DVB receiver -and we have the phone of dreams !

      • u
      • uhoh
      • KxW
      • 02 Aug 2010

      lala land, 01 Aug 2010Hmmmm....Who Thinks The Nokia N8 is going to kill the iphone 4?i dont think n8 is iphone killer. i think any phone in the market is better than iphone. when u pay such a high price u should have a very good spec, but i phone is low spec n outdated. i rather buy a simple phone like htc smart, nokia 5800xm or samsung , at least they wont drop call.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • YT5
        • 02 Aug 2010

        i wish to have apps and games in n8

        yahoo flickr let me browser and search photos

        youtube video download app,

        skype video call and all apps on n97

        qt games

          • M
          • Mark
          • mby
          • 02 Aug 2010

          New Waver, 02 Aug 2010To everyone. I have used many many symbian devices (from... moreHi New Waver.

          Back in the day, new wave stood for people who were trying to be different. Unfortunately, you are just trying to be stupid.

          You see, Symbian, as an OS, is not slow. It is faster and more capable than Bada actually. What makes a device fast or slow is a combination of hardware, firmware, software, etc. So, you might say the N97 is not as fast as the Wave, and then I will say the N8 is much faster than the Wave.

          You see, all you really do on the wave is go through a list of icons. Its the most dumb way to lay out your interface. But its a cheap Iphone copy, so hey, you dont care right? You get to flick left to right, to more squircles, leading you to that vast ocean of apps that exist for Bada. Oh wait, there are not many apps for Bada? Why is that? Oh I see, only Samsung uses it, for 1 or 2 phones, so developers could care less.

          The only good thing about the Wave is its screen. Outside of that, it is just an effort of a Bullshit company (Samsung) that rips off its customers (no service) through shoddy products (bad build quality, although the wave is metal which is ok) to try and sell some smartphones and finally, the brand Samsung stands for cheap rubbish, and over here in Europe nobody really cares for the brand. At least not in Smartphones. Where Samsung has virtually zero presence.

          Anywho, the N8 is about even with Samsungs strongest device the Galaxy S, in graphics. However, the Sammy device gets smoked badly by the superior build quality, better camera, awesome flash, etc, etc. HDMI, Dolby, the works.

          Sammy should stick to making tv's.

            • A
            • AMANITA
            • upe
            • 02 Aug 2010

            N8 isnt produced to kill any1 but it has raped many phones including iphone b4 itz launch, iphone is the waste of money,it doesnt deserve or worth itz prize ! Heard that iphone cant even connect to other devices except other iphns lol

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • vGc
              • 02 Aug 2010

              New Waver, 02 Aug 2010No. What Apple thrives on is not actually a very robust pro... moreI meant "excel".

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • Pxx
                • 02 Aug 2010

                better ever by nokia

                  • N
                  • New Waver
                  • vGc
                  • 02 Aug 2010

                  Anonymous, 02 Aug 2010I think N8 gonna kill iPhone 4... With superb Camera...Fas... moreNo. What Apple thrives on is not actually a very robust product (when you talk about the Iphone), but very effective marketing and that ever growing app store (which resulted from marketing itself). Have you seen an apple keynote conference ? Google em. They make such big hoopla of everything they do and they have the CEO of the company up on the stage explaining everything (or making pseudo scientific terms like the retina display). They have their partners, they not only tell you the features, but they tell you how important they are and they dedicate time in explaining to you about how you will use them (even if you wont). And that is where I think they accel.

                  I mean to make a product as lacking as the Iphone and still make hundreds of millions off it, you just have to be a marketing genius.

                  So N8 sure looks way better a product than Iphone 4. It wont be able to kill it, if you have ever seen Nokia presenting their products.

                    • A
                    • AMANITA
                    • upe
                    • 02 Aug 2010

                    N8 is the fastest symbian phone ! :)

                      • k
                      • kiran
                      • PF3
                      • 02 Aug 2010

                      but nokia phones are great than all others.......

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • ibX
                        • 02 Aug 2010

                        lala land, 01 Aug 2010Hmmmm....Who Thinks The Nokia N8 is going to kill the iphone 4?I think N8 gonna kill iPhone 4...
                        With superb Camera...Fast internet connection...
               can be connected with other mass storage...

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • PA8
                          • 02 Aug 2010

                          Anonymous , 02 Aug 2010Its true there are better phones out there than the Nokia N... moreNo phone is perfect in this world. It purely depends on what consumer is looking for and which phone can satisfied your need.

                            • N
                            • New Waver
                            • vGc
                            • 02 Aug 2010

                            To everyone.

                            I have used many many symbian devices (from nokia that is). So please, do not use the word "fast" when you mention it.

                            Thank you.

                              • A
                              • AMANITA
                              • upf
                              • 02 Aug 2010

                              Anonymous , 02 Aug 2010Its true there are better phones out there than the Nokia N... moreN8 is the perfect smartphone !

                                • A
                                • Anonymous
                                • 4xh
                                • 02 Aug 2010

                                Its true there are better phones out there than the Nokia N8. Also you got to realize the "new phones" are only spur of the moment. Nokia is very well known around the world. No matter how bad Nokia is its more likely to be sold or wanted by people.But for Nokia N8 is the best phone so far. What you think?

                                  • n
                                  • nomorese
                                  • wdD
                                  • 02 Aug 2010

                                  X_is^3, 02 Aug 2010Now that the C7-00 is confirmed and E7 with 4 inch screen i... moreDon't be afraid, I think that's a good thing. Nokia has always that possibility because they have a very cost-effective infrastructure. They have already slashed their prices and they are still making money, I think only Nokia can do that and that keeps them competitive.

                                    • X
                                    • X_is^3
                                    • YT8
                                    • 02 Aug 2010

                                    Now that the C7-00 is confirmed and E7 with 4 inch screen in the pipeline. I'm afraid the cost of N8 will not drop as quickly as i expected.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • PA8
                                      • 02 Aug 2010

                                      To all non nokia fan out there. Do you know how many nokia care center in your country compare to HTC,samsung and even apple care center? To be honest, nokia has the most service center for every country. You can easy just walk in to any nokia service center and get your problematic phone get fixed within weeks depend on the phone severity. Not like Iphone where the service center is located at regional and not every country which require 3 months to get back your beloved iphone. Please think twice before you comment on nokia is not caring their customer and product :)

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • YT8
                                        • 02 Aug 2010

                                        lala land, 01 Aug 2010Hmmmm....Who Thinks The Nokia N8 is going to kill the iphone 4?This talk about a phone killing another phone is stupid. N8 is so much better than iphone4 but killing is not going to happen.