Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • T
  • Tony
  • ibq
  • 31 Jul 2010

I am a NOKIA addict. I have owned 7 Nokia phones till now from initial days when I started using Nokia. Now I have almost lost trust in Nokia.My Nokia N82 had White Screen of death last week. This is my second Nokia phone with WSOD.My friends Nokia also faced the same 2 Months Back. Tried to contact Nokia no real support. My phone just completed 1 year. What is the use of buying expensive phones which lasts only 1 year.Now I regret buying Nokia.No support and No solution for White Screen of Death. Iam Totally Frustrated.This has been happening for quite some time. I googled and found that lot of people having same problem.But the sad part of it is NOKIA DIDN'T ADDRESS THIS ISSUE TILL DATE. Higher end Models have this problem.Planning to buy some other make other than Nokia.Now using my old Nokia as my backup phone.Any help regrading this is Welcome.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • t7P
    • 31 Jul 2010

    goodluck see what happen after u buy nokia N8.

    rankng smartphone
    1.) samsung
    2.) HTC
    3.) iphone
    4.) Motorola
    5.) Nokia very low smartphone goodluck N8.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 2x5
      • 31 Jul 2010

      Anonymous, 31 Jul 2010Can you name one thing that IOS and Android can do but Symb... moreI can name many. But do you know multitasking and many notification drain your Battery.

      I no care is Nokia or iPhone and Android. i am not too much pro Multitasking since i prefer have longer battery life than have all my applications open and updating when I no need. N900 is worst in Battery life because of multitasking. I no need do so many function same time. I hate iPhone coming with multitasking and I wish knew how to off it.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • u4k
        • 31 Jul 2010

        Anonymous, 31 Jul 2010OS Android and iPhone both has been revolutionary for past ... moreCan you name one thing that IOS and Android can do but Symbian cannot?

        I can name a few things where Symbian can do but IOS and Android cannot do.
        E.g: Real multitasking.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • u4k
          • 31 Jul 2010

          Anonymous, 31 Jul 2010i think the wave you have used is having an old firmware .y... moreI trust my own personal hands on experience than what is shown in the videos.
          Same goes to N8. I will give it a hands on test in the Nokia flagship store before purchasing it.

          Please note that im testing it at Samsung Flagship store. Do you think they are "unwise" enough to put an outdated firmware device as promotion device?

          I'd better wait for N8.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 2x5
            • 31 Jul 2010

            Goodbye to Symb. for past two years and Hello to Android / iPhone.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 2x5
              • 31 Jul 2010

              Nuwan, 31 Jul 2010Dear all friends, What is this unnecessary argument betw... moreOS Android and iPhone both has been revolutionary for past few years. It is replacing what was called smart phone symbol. N70. Android and Apple software almost same since initially was developed all by Google. It is coming strong even against Blackberry.

              It is nothing possible that can not do with Applications inside iPhone or Android from Weather, verity of News, Stock, Car Renal, Hotel Booking, Airline reservation and status, 10,000 of games, verity of address Books, instant Breaking news from many News Media, iBooks, verity of Social networking, quick office & Editing, worldwide tom-tom, google map. contacts documents sync, find the nearest point of interest, sports, tracking you packages by UPS or others, can keep naming.

              So, Symb. does not even come 10% close to what iPhone, Android, or even Blackberry Bold or Storm. Even Samsung start having problem with their new OS and moor successful with Galaxy S, and HTC start being more successful too with Android. WinMo is also going down. HP did not even commit to WinMo 7.

              Nokia now successful in low end phones and Symb. S40 since lower price.

                • S
                • Shubh
                • upe
                • 31 Jul 2010

                N8 RELEASE NEWS, INDIA, by 31st Oct :

                Guys...its confirmd N8 z coming in october in india. Watch da latest Priyanka Chopra TV ad fr Nokia's 15th anniv, it asks fr indivisual nokia-moments as entries in da contest..n promises to give 10 N8s as prize..then I chckd da states (in fineprint) dat..da prize (N8) would b given to da winners on or before October 21st! :) ..means da product z almst ready at Nokia.
                U can check all these urself.

                  • M
                  • Mohamed Rizwan
                  • tew
                  • 31 Jul 2010

                  like a laptop very nice slim very useable phone

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • tu6
                    • 31 Jul 2010

                    I hope they release it by january.

                      • W
                      • Wilito
                      • 47F
                      • 31 Jul 2010

                      I have to said the best nokia device ever or I should say symbian because n900 it's a beast but beside that very good phone and hardware I hope the phone fill all our expectatives ., & my opinon I think it's gonna be a good seller the videos that I had seen looks very promissing and cool , the usability and the speed shows that the phone does it's job pretty well and now with open source the apps are gonna be awesome,like games,and there is a lot web sites were you can download mp3,mp4,themes,movies,games and more., so for me it's just one tingh that's killing me the wait time, please nokia release it now and one point that I want to mention about android #%€¥> people please it's so boring dumb apps just like the fruity cell phone some of them are cool the rest it's crap the best thing on google os it's htc sence and flash 10.1 and still working only only on nexus one I have try many android device and trust me guys nothing so wonderful about it the only diference with symbian was speed because the CPU of some nokia device but now with the new and fresh S'3 that belongs to the past and symbian 4 it's gonna be even better with stringers CPU,gpu,new amoleds higher resolution screen eye candy devices and since nokia has java support we don't need to hack our device to download something and flash player 10 it's coming to symbian so were's the big diference and I'm sorry if coment it's to long but sone blinde people needs to read these., bye people long live to the nokia and the new symbian 3,4 and all those who has to come

                        • N
                        • Nuwan
                        • tev
                        • 31 Jul 2010

                        r 3 b 3 l, 30 Jul 2010I doubt you've ever used a nokia symbian smartphone before.... moreDear all friends,

                        What is this unnecessary argument between Symbian lovers and Android lovers...? There could be people who like Symbian OS over Android and there could be people who like Android over Symbian... We can argue forever which is better... But that wouldn't produce a winner...

                        Just look at PC Operating Systems... Some people like Windows, Some like Mac and Some others like Linux... and each category can argue that their preference is reasonable over others... How can it be possible...? We all got our own desires, thoughts and preferences... When a person likes Symbian that's not for the same reasons that another person likes Android...! So there can't be any comparison what so ever... (That's really unfair...!)

                        Symbian was, has been the most popular smart Mobile OS so far... and It still is... And Android is getting popular over recent two, three years... We never know... May be people will change their preference from Symbian to Android or vice versa... But we have to understand... It's just what they want... Not the Best... If we ever think, what we want is the best and all others should also go for that... That's ridiculous...

                        However if we are going to start a conversation, comparing the features of both OS, just for the sole ambition of improving them.. Then that's very good thing.. Why don't we just start something like that...? (Just in case if Nokia would ever listen to what we say, then they will try their best to improve Symbian 3 as per our needs...!)

                        Am I correct brothers/sisters...?

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • uH%
                          • 31 Jul 2010

                          nokia staff in spore said it b out mid august in spore..let see how true!!!:)

                          i cant wait no more!!!!:P

                            • M
                            • MightyMow
                            • RK3
                            • 31 Jul 2010

                            I've been waiting for so long for this Nokia N8 to be release but i just need to be patient. hopefully, October 2010, it will be out here in the PHils...

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 9xe
                              • 31 Jul 2010

                              Anonymous, 30 Jul 2010I think the N8 performing great in the video. Have you per... morei think the wave you have used is having an old firmware .you can check gsmarena review and youtube videos .the wave can multitask easily even it multitasks java applications,with no memory issues,and for the video recording it looks so real with awsome sound quality,you should check another device to be a fair man

                                • T
                                • Trent
                                • wdJ
                                • 30 Jul 2010

                                Macky, 30 Jul 2010Hi trent. Just wondering where you saw/read about the check... moreHey sure enuf yeeah. There you go..


                                Watch the video.. In around the 4th or 5th minute I suppose you would find that when he scrolls through the webpage, zooms in and the out.. thats when u will see it. The CHECKERBOARD EFFECT .. Black and white boxes.. U wont find thsi happenin in Samsung Galaxy or wave..
                                By the way.. I am a Nokia Addict and just hate other brands.

                                  • J
                                  • John
                                  • Mfx
                                  • 30 Jul 2010

                                  It's really a great one and people can see very longing for i think i will be on great demand..............john

                                    • r
                                    • r 3 b 3 l
                                    • 0g%
                                    • 30 Jul 2010

                                    Anonymous, 30 Jul 2010Yes i agree with you the symbian 3 is not a fast os it tend... moreI doubt you've ever used a nokia symbian smartphone before. You android people seen to be getting too settled on the argument that symbian is slow and stuff like that. So hear now and once.

                                    Symbian is by no standards slow. Not compared to android, ios or any other. There is a difference between not as fast and slow. A bud of mind uses a htc hero. Its not much faster than my n95 8gb when i use the default theme. The less speed is even not as a result of processor or anything but rather os design. Transition effects and animations on symbian^1 are slower than on android. Not because symbian devices are underpowered but because they are meant to be. I'm sure it was really cool when it was first implemented.

                                    And yes, symbian doesn't need a 1ghz processor. The places you could possibly notice a higher processor than the one it was designed to use optimally in a mobile are in its battery life, radiated heat and just maybe when carrying out certain very few processor whacking operations for example when saving a recorded video or zipping very large files.

                                      • A
                                      • AMANITA
                                      • up6
                                      • 30 Jul 2010

                                      pooper, 30 Jul 2010I watched symbian^3 demos on youtube and it looks a lot slo... moreDidnt u read the note in those youtube videos ?
                                      "Note-software and os shown isnt yet finalized"

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • tjF
                                        • 30 Jul 2010

                                        Anonymous, 30 Jul 2010Yes i agree with you the symbian 3 is not a fast os it tend... moreI think the N8 performing great in the video.
                                        Have you personally hands on tested N8 yet?
                                        Else how can you be so sure that N8 is slow?
                                        I personally tested WAVE at the Samsung flagship shop. The multi-task is so unstable that it give "out of memory" error with just 6 apps. Then it can't even allowed me to close the apps through the multi-tasker.
                                        I tested the video recording function. The recorded sound quality was total disaster.
                                        LED light is not helping at all.
                                        Galaxy S don't even have a single LED flash.
                                        What is it for to have so many home screens when the widget are mostly big in size and one home screen can only accommodate not more than 3 widgets?????
                                        I don't even want to talk about IOS simply because it is not even worth to mention here.
                                        So what if Bada, Android and IOS is SUPER FAST???
                                        With all these flaws..... one word USELESS.

                                        I still will give N8 and Symbian 3 a chance.
                                        Since it is the most matured compared to all the lousy crappy so called OS mentioned by you.